[11:35] o/ [14:11] Shot in the dark - anybody here use laravel forge? [17:18] * daftykins blinks [17:48] crikey, last minute request came in by email last night to attend a full-house WiFi install today, just did 6 hours of cable termination + config [17:49] i was tempted to decline and say they'd have to wait, but it was best i met the electrician to ensure everything i need was done, as these folks have been waiting months for him to do the hard part [17:50] gotta keep my adoring fans happy, too... [18:14] ...6 hours of cable running. worst wifi evar! :-P [18:14] nah just termination, their sparky had to do all the hard graft 8D [18:15] seems i ordered the kit back in March, so it took 'em until now to get him to do the bits i needed, then i dropped by and got it cracked same day for the most part \o/ [23:01] https://twitter.com/Microsoft/status/1415370520888061955?s=20 [23:18] Well, it's already adding 'restricted' to everything I send, why not clippy to :p [23:18] they're determined to make people like clippy [23:18] how can you dislike that face!? [23:19] with the hot hatred hotter than a 1000 suns [23:20] 'it looks like your trying to stab word online in the face after its frozen again, would you like some assistance with that?' [23:21] i like the idea of Clippy popping up beside a WSL terminal and offering to teach Powershell [23:21] Heh [23:22] 'That looks like a Ubuntu iso... Er... Don't do that?' we have wsl now... Why won't you just use that and be happy? [23:23] :D [23:25] I don't even get how they haven't been bonked on the head over the whole aggressively pushing edge if you want to set something non-edge as the default browser [23:27] it's pretty horrific, i have to keep modifying my clean install approach for victims, er i mean clients... to try and spare them from Microsoft Accounts, but they often still get lured in [23:28] the best approach still tries to get you to switch browser back to their 'recommended' D: [23:28] :( [23:30] Cloud windows sounds like fun, although I can see that being an advantage for me personally 'if it's all in a VM, what's the harm of launching that VM from say... A flashed work machine :p' [23:31] hehe [23:32] the minimum spec i just read for Windows 365 doesn't even sound self-sustaining