[00:01] isn't that mostly kernel plus mesa? [00:02] yes [00:02] or is it only? [00:03] It does not bring in newer docker, there is only 20.10 now, IIRC [00:04] as I want to rather stay on the older stack, I would rather avoid hwe ;) [00:19] hey folks! i had developed this device that i need to send an I²C message as soon as possible... how do i set a service to acomplish that? [00:20] luizfrds: check systemd.special(7) for a list of important systemd targets === genii is now known as genii-core [00:27] sarnold, thanks for the docs! [00:27] *reading up [00:27] woot :) === Jimmy_H_ is now known as Jimmy_H|reboot [01:16] is there a way to run the lts kernel on 21.04? I have a regression in my ability to suspend/resume that I would rather avoid [01:17] jjbuggle, basicly; no. [01:17] hmmm, ok, o well [01:24] jjbuggle, fyi: 20.04.3 will be using the 5.11 or 21.04 kernel where users are using HWE (and not GA) [01:24] it'd be worth filing a bug report [01:26] fwiw, I did file a report: bug 1935785 [01:26] Bug 1935785 in linux (Ubuntu) "Failed resume: radeon" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1935785 [01:26] thanks [01:28] guiverc: gotcha, I think. I was using just whatever the default was, so I'm guessing I was on the GA track. [01:28] jjbuggle, if using a server, yes the GA was default (but could be changed at install), if using desktop the default is HWE [01:29] guiverc: huh, ok. I am using the desktop, Xubuntu version [01:30] flavors can vary; lubuntu 20.04 & 20.04.1 media used GA, 20.04.2 used HWE.. but I'm not sure that applies with xubuntu & ubiquity (it uses the ubuntu installer, has extra binary modules, oem kernels & details that defaulted to HWE - but I'm unsure with xubuntu; I forget sorry) [01:30] And I'm certainly not knowledgeable in reading logs for linux, even though I've been using linux for 10+ years. I just noticed a "radeon failed to resume" towards the end of the log, so I assumed it is a kernel bug since that driver is a part of things [01:31] guiverc: np. Thanks for the info. === petris_ is now known as petris === Marco_Polo is now known as Guest9358 === octav1a_bday is now known as octav1a [04:01] how can i set up login via fingerprint and my laptop is a nenovo Ideapad Flex 5 [04:01] *Lenovo [04:03] dustin-ubuntu: firstly ensure libfprint recognises the fingerprint scanner hardware. Then you can use a PAM module libpam-fprintd combined with fprintd - but remember fingerprints are like usernames, not like passwords [04:03] how would i check ? [04:04] https://fprint.freedesktop.org/ [04:04] lsusb/lspci number > https://fprint.freedesktop.org/supported-devices.html [04:05] but a quick search, not for ideapad flex 5 [04:14] sorry if this looks spammy but this is the output of sudo lsusb [04:14] Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub [04:14] Bus 003 Device 003: ID 06cb:00be Synaptics, Inc. [04:14] Bus 003 Device 002: ID 5986:212a Acer, Inc Integrated Camera [04:14] Bus 003 Device 004: ID 8087:0aaa Intel Corp. [04:14] Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub [04:14] Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub [04:14] Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub [04:18] next time, use paste.ubuntu.com please [04:18] and no, it is not in the list. [04:20] ok so for ny hardwhere i can not set it up right [04:22] dustin-ubuntu: the device would be reported regardless of if there is a driver for it [04:22] connected, not managed. [04:22] dustin-ubuntu: in your 'lsusb' output there is no mention of any device that might be the fingerprint reader [04:23] hmmm, unless it is the 8087:0aaa [04:23] 2nd line 06cb:00be Synaptics i guess [04:23] that is apparently an Intel Bluetooth device [04:24] ok [04:24] could be, though usually Synaptics would be a touchpad/touchscreen [04:24] no, the same as in thinkpad C740 [04:24] ahhh yes, that is it 06cb:00be [04:25] ironic list [04:25] https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/wiki/-/wikis/Unsupported-Devices [04:25] my device has both toutch pad and screan [04:25] dustin-ubuntu: see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1214592/fingerprint-reader-lenovo-thinkpad-l13-synaptics-driver#1218840 [04:27] looks like only 06cb is supported by Synaptics themselves, in firmware, for now [04:30] dustin-ubuntu: may be worth watching/following this: https://github.com/nmikhailov/Validity90/issues/73#issuecomment-860737316 [04:30] Issue 73 in nmikhailov/Validity90 "Add support for 06cb:00be" [Open] === shubbu_ is now known as shubbu === shubbu_ is now known as shubbu [05:37] Good morning Linuxers. Just installed Xubuntu 20.04 and I love it! It seems I am shifting from Debian to Ubuntu after all these years. [05:39] The standard Ubuntu was not for me, and Xubuntu was not yet there. Finally everything seems to work like a charm. Thought of sharing the love [05:47] !yay | FailMaster [05:47] FailMaster: Glad you made it! :-) === Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus [07:13] when you disable wifi using the wifi menu (top right corner -> wifi -> turn off), can you enable it again from the CLI? [07:13] I notice that it softblocks wlan with rfkill, but it seems to be doing something more as well [07:16] mort: i think it's 'sudo nmcli radio wifi on' to enable it [07:16] ah, nice, that seems to do it [07:47] Hi all. Those Ubuntu cloud images are password protected and you *must* use cloudinit. Which is very stupid, because then there is no reason to offer a Virtualbox image in the first place. How do I get in? Do I have mount the vmdk and chroot? [08:16] Fuck it, mounted it using qemu-tools and physically pasted a new password hash over the '*' [08:17] I completely don't understand why Ubuntu would want to provided images for VirtualBox while basically making it very hard to actually use them === milosz_ is now known as milosz [09:20] locsmif: one can always change the root password on any linux by booting to single linux (which makes you root) and change the password w konsole. === MasterSc- is now known as MasterScript [09:52] Hm, if I’m understanding correctly not having +x on a directory prevents access to anything below it, correct? Would this include mount points or are those special-cased somehow? [09:58] A mount point upon that exact dir would use the mount point permissions [09:58] Any mount point BELOW that dir would be restricted [09:59] So if /home is mode 700, and you mount /dev/sda2 there, the permissions of the root directory of sda2 apply, not of the underlying /home directory which is "hidden" under the mount [11:34] is it possible to install ubuntu to a raid 1 setup using disk envryption using the Ubuntu installer? [11:42] I assume you are thinking software raid and hardware raid shouldn't matter? [11:42] s/and/as/ [11:43] software raid [11:43] my laptop has two m2 drives and I would like to install ubuntu with raid 1 setup with disk encryption. [11:47] never tried, if possible I would expect you select manual partitioning and go from there. [11:48] don't think I'd bother with raid on a laptop tho, backups with grsync to elsewhere would be my go to. [12:05] <_moep_> hello! how is it possible to install via snap a package and deploy the content from .config/ to /snap/bla/current/.config/? When I don't start the snap, .config doesn't exist. Do you have any suggestions? [12:07] Maybe try #snappy ? I am thinking symlink but I don't use snaps. [12:17] <_moep_> sixwheeledbeast: thx I try [12:17] <_moep_> #snappy [12:17] <_moep_> wups [12:20] Hi, how to allow direct MAC address communication through Linux firewall (gufw, ufw), between, say, Mikrotik Winboc app, running under wine64 , without turning off Firewall? [12:21] It works when I turn off firewall, but would like it to stay on and pass MAC address Ethernet communication (Needed to set up Router , without IP address) [12:27] nikolam: sounds like a question for #netfilter or #networking? [12:30] !ping [12:30] pong! [13:02] Hi all === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [13:30] hi, my 2nd monitor doesn't show up on new ubuntu install [13:30] this is the xrandr report [13:30] https://pastebin.com/raw/8YkYUd2q [13:43] when I try to upgrade ubuntu 19.10 (not supported anymore) to latest LTS with do-release-upgrade it just aborts before starting without stating any error. any ideas? [13:43] ufk_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [13:44] thank you [13:45] ahhhmm it doesn't say much, my sources.list is configured as suggested and do-release-upgrade fails [13:46] ahh ok let see maybe there's something there after all [13:49] nope same results [13:54] ufk_, well, essentially the process is: point your sources.list entries all to old-releases.ubuntu.com, run apt update, apt upgrade, install do-release-upgrade, run do-release-upgrade ... [13:54] ... and make sure to have all PPAs and foreign sources disabled [14:01] why do-release-upgrade doesn't show full output so i can see why it decided to abort ? [14:04] ufk_: a more secure way would be a clean install, as upgrading from eol release could hold security risks [14:06] ufk: maybe it wrote to /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages or apt/dkg logfiles? [14:07] dpkg even === pong is now known as beaver [14:35] uhhh… til: super+tab allows me tabbing through programs accross all workspaces, can I make alt+tab behave like this again too? (20.04) [14:39] nuala: you can check your current hotkeys in systemsettings/hotkeys [14:40] nuala: alternate to tweak more settings, you can tryout dconf-editor [14:42] lotuspsychje: ty, lil bit slow today ~ should have known that. for making it up 'switch applications' and 'switch windows' are the relevant options [14:43] +1 nuala [14:43] out of curiosity how do relate dconf-editor (know of it but dont think i used it) and gsettings relate. I used the latter for assigning multiple keybindings for the same command once. I assume the former is more DE/WM agnostic? [14:44] nuala: i currently use gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock its a very interesting extension that allows you to cycle more easy across workspaces on gnome [14:47] workspace cycling you say? that might be interesting to checkout, i don't know what it is but default behavour feels a lil bit... off [14:48] nuala: my current desktop, workspaces to dock is ontop https://imgur.com/a/YB5fMkx [14:49] you can drag your apps gui from one to the other workspaces and click both on the workspaces and your dock icons [14:50] :0 😍 [14:50] hm... probably have to try out what you mean with dragging but i like it setting on the top, that looks sleek! [14:50] s/setting/sitting [14:52] nuala: dragging meaning drag firefox from workspace1 to workspace2 for example with your mouse [14:52] (( hehe rootbook is also a nice name for a 'main / entrance point system' ;> )) [14:53] yeah, like that works default too, super for exposé (?) view, drag window on the workspace right hand side ? [14:53] nuala: yes, but i dont like hotkeys too much myself [14:54] and neither gnome activities [14:55] oh yes, thats how its called. ... yeah I prefer hotkeys :> [14:55] * nuala +l's back to work ^^/ but still good recommendation, tyvm! [14:58] nuala dconf and gsettings are just 2 user facing programs to interact with the same registry, gnome settings is the same, but not exposing everything [14:59] !! ty for doing my research <3 [14:59] nuala: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:59] (awwww) [15:00] nuala i use gsettings all the time to automate my desktop setup ;) and i don't need a gui === hakumei_ is now known as hakumei [15:00] nifty :> === genii-core is now known as genii [16:37] Any reason to create a fat32 /boot/efi partition these days? [16:38] coconut depends on your uefi implementation [16:38] coconut, no, if you choose 'use whole disk' in UEFI mode, it should be done automaticly [16:40] oerheks, i have partitions which should stay intact, so i really have to avoid the whole disk approach === Walex is now known as Wylex_away [16:41] if you have an EFI partition already, no sweat === Wylex_away is now known as Walex_away [16:41] * at the befinning of the disk [16:48] hey! I just managed to install latex via the texlive package.... sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base however i'm not able to do this sudo apt-get install texlive-lang-swedish , unable to locat package. ANy ideas? [16:49] sybariten: i am a toital noob but you maybe have to add a repo first [16:49] i think you want texlive-lang-european [16:49] i recall commands where i add some repo location first, andthe n i could do the sudo aptget thingy [16:50] .. no 'repo' needed [16:51] !find texlive-lang [16:51] Found: texlive-lang-all, texlive-lang-arabic, texlive-lang-chinese, texlive-lang-cjk, texlive-lang-cyrillic, texlive-lang-czechslovak, texlive-lang-english, texlive-lang-european, texlive-lang-french, texlive-lang-german and 8 others [16:51] TJ-, ping [16:53] oh [16:53] there were some traces online of a package called swedish but maybe that was deprecagted information. Let me try european [16:59] the european package installed and now my file goes through the tex compiler without complaints. THANK you guys, always so helpful, it's so valuable to be able to come here and ask questions [16:59] this was for a CV that i needed to send away today so the last think i wanted was to fight with LaTeX [17:00] syb have fun! [17:06] TJ-, kinda solved the grub issue [17:08] oerheks, has the /boot/efi partition on the first ssd always be used, or can i use the second one for ubuntu too? [17:09] coconut, basicly 1st partition on disk-0 is the efi partition, unless you force to boot from an other fisk. [17:09] c/fisk-disk [17:13] oerheks, well i have the first ssd with windows, and i want the second ssd with all my ubuntu partitions. So can i use the second disk efi partition for ubuntu only? It has a size of 512MiB. [17:14] that would require to change bootdisk everytime you switch to windows<>ubuntu [17:14] no need for that, EFI on sda is enough [17:15] ok, will try that then [17:15] another question [17:16] why can it be that when i put in another ssd in my laptop, that my wifi then does not work anymore? Both ssd's have updated ubuntu 20.04. [17:17] coconut: secureboot enabled? [17:18] lotuspsychje, i have no idea really. I would have to check that in uefi right? [17:18] coconut: dmesg will also show it [17:18] ok, tell me :) [17:18] dmesg [17:24] lotuspsychje, https://termbin.com/1s59 [17:33] if i look myself i see messages of being enabled and disabled === dbristow_ is now known as dbristow === Ard1t is now known as identify === identify is now known as Guest3866 === Guest3866 is now known as Ard1t [18:02] 0.028073] Secure boot disabled [18:03] lotuspsychje, no secureboot disabled [18:05] Probably the driver for your wifi module is just missing [18:18] anybody used ansible-hardening for STIG 20.04? [18:20] anybody used ansible-hardening for STIG 20.04? [18:20] polarpinguin: maybe try asking in #ubuntu-security if there'll be no reply there [18:20] and have some patience ;) === veegee__ is now known as veegee === rifle is now known as rfleming [18:37] coconut: that dmesg is the working one, right? Can you pastebin the one where it's not working? [18:38] alkisg, this is the one when not working [18:38] Strange, as it says [ 30.174111] wlp82s0: associated [18:39] Ah you're right, then it: [ 180.906177] wlp82s0: deauthenticating from 74:83:c2:25:45:a1 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING) [18:39] Try to close the firewall for a while [18:41] i believe my associated wife device is something with wlp82* too when it does work on the other ssd. [18:42] Also try to run `nm-connection-editor`, delete all the stored connections in case they have any invalid settings, then try again to connect [18:48] weird, removing and re-adding the ssid made it work while password was the same === beaver is now known as pong === pasiz5 is now known as pasiz [21:34] hello [21:35] hello [21:36] lenux: Welcome to ubuntu support :D [21:37] lol seemed like it was a lil more lively the other day [21:37] lenux: it's a support channel. If you're looking to chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss [21:38] ok thanks [21:59] My builds are failing today with errors accessing: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease [21:59] has that reached end-of-life or something? [21:59] no [21:59] depends what desktop [22:00] its inside a docker container [22:01] hesco: what error exactly? Does it fail anywhere else for you? [22:01] http .. you might want to add https-transport? not sure about docker [22:04] oerheks: this is build #988 on this jenkins job. https-transport has been a part of this for a couple of years. Pretty sure its baked into my base image. [22:05] I'm seeing name resolution issues, host is not available and I cannot install bind9-host until I have run apt-get update. [22:06] But I was able to find this repo in a browser, so I guess I need to look elsewhere. [22:06] hesco: how about dig or kdig? [22:07] I assume kdig is a kde thing. this is not a desktop but an slimmed down container hosted apache server. [22:07] sarnold: no, dig is not installed. [22:07] systemd-resolve [22:07] I notice that ubuntu keeps the deprecated ipv6 addresses for a very long time. Any particular reason? [22:07] hesco: no, kdig is a dig supplied in knot-dnsutils [22:08] but I guess if you'r eguessing it's a kde thing then you probably don't have it installed, nm :) [22:09] sarnold: E: Unable to locate package knot-dnsutils [22:10] my /etc/resolv.conf has expected content [22:10] hesco: it's in universe [22:13] appears to have been a transient issue, I was just able to install lsof (the failure of which alerted me to the issue. I'm launching this build again to see it #989 fares any better. [22:15] yep! build #989 seems to be successfully applying my Utilities::Network_tools puppet class !!! [22:16] \o/ [22:16] I'm going to mark this issue down as some sort of transient issue with our data center's local resolver. [22:38] Alhamdulillah! Finished: SUCCESS [22:48] hesco: nice :) [23:37] l;' [23:37] 78sorry about that === genii is now known as genii-core