[17:28] paride: thanks for the review on https://github.com/canonical/pycloudlib/pull/158 for lxd ephemeral shutdown handling I've pushed changes to also capture that ephemeral state at instance launch time [17:28] Pull 158 in canonical/pycloudlib "Lxd shutdown no wait" [Open] [17:29] but I don't think we can drop the full ephemeral logic to check for instance type from "lxc info" because of supporting cloud.get_instance() calls [17:34] rharper: falcojr if either of you get a chance the I've pushed a couple of commits to the hotplug branch to better support rpm builds on centos/rocky. Things look really good on Ubuuntu. But, I still think there is still some work for CentOS/Rocky/RHEL for us to handle in followup PRs: [17:35] 1. Centos/Rocky/RHEL SElinux enforcing systems need a custom policy for the cloud-init-hotplugd.socket|service behavior and FIFOs https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1936229 [17:35] Launchpad bug 1936229 in cloud-init "selinux cloud-init-hotplugd.socket not having permissions to fifo sockets" [Undecided, New] [17:39] 2. Centos/Rocky/RHEL: sysconfig and NetworkManager collisions, cloud-init writes NM_CONTROLLED=no by default to ifcfg-eth1, so our net/activators.py trying to bring_(up|down)_interface will either collide with NetMgr behavior because it didn't reload the ifcfg-eth1 file or "nmcli connection up eth1" will claim no such managed device found. [17:40] 3. *SuSE: might need to instrument a wicked net/activator.py for better support of interface bring up/down during hotplug [17:42] again these issues I feel need to be addressed as separate PRs after the current one https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/936 as that pr is functional in it's own right for netplan-based systems [17:42] Pull 936 in canonical/cloud-init "Initial hotplug support (SC-19)" [Open]