
lotuspsychjegood morning03:27
lordievaderGood morning06:25
ducassegood morning06:55
lotuspsychjehey Guest93 09:29
lotuspsychjeGuest93: ubuntu runs pretty well on newer hardware, but we usualy see users needing higher kernels too on those09:30
lotuspsychjeGuest93: comparing to other distro's its not easy to generalize, you might wanna do so research on benchmarking sites like phoronix09:31
Guest93i am in marketing and started to learn to code so i can do data analysis later on09:34
Guest93is ubuntu good for data analysis?09:34
lotuspsychjeGuest93: what kind of programs will you be using?09:37
Guest93i was thinking atom09:40
daftykinsmarcoagpinto: hey \o what's new?09:56
marcoagpintoI had the second dose of the vaccine09:56
marcoagpintoan hour ao09:56
marcoagpintoan hour ago09:56
daftykinsah ha - and you're still standing?09:56
daftykinsbbs coffee needs to be made09:57
marcoagpintoI am not standing, I am sat in front of the computer10:03
daftykinsheh not heard that phrase? :)10:07
marcoagpintoI have been up since near 5am coding and drinking cola10:09
marcoagpintoI came up with a brilliant idea to optimise code10:09
marcoagpintoI wrote it down on paper10:09
marcoagpintonever-the-less I tested PureBasic 6.0 alpha 3 with the PhD app and it became around two times faster10:10
marcoagpintobut it is an alpha, I am not going to use it for production10:10
marcoagpintoit compiles with "optimise" + "C Backend compiler"10:11
marcoagpintoBuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... GCC doesn't support fast strings... Proofing Tool GUI takes the same time to process data10:12
marcoagpintois there a GCC channel for me to complain?10:12
daftykinsi'm not sure they deserve that :P10:17
marcoagpintodaftykins: there should be a setting to store the size of strings before them10:20
marcoagpintoso that every call to the string doesn't start from 1 until the end10:21
marcoagpintoit is slow as hell10:21
marcoagpintoProofing Tool GUI is a linguistic tool, so it is mostly strings10:21
daftykinsi don't do dev at all so *shrug*10:22
lotuspsychjewelcome jluc 10:31
jlucnot sure this chan is appropriate : i wonder how to calibrate my screen for a quality color workflow using scribus for PDF creation, an xrite color probe and an (industry offset) printer10:33
jlucubuntu 20.10 hangs when launching the OS provided calibrate process10:33
jlucand it looks like there is no DisplayCal version for recent ubuntu10:34
jluci'm a bit stuck with ubuntu and that color probe :-/10:34
jlucand i wonder whether i should send the probe back to shop / or would have more chance with another distro 10:35
daftykinsthat seems more like a question for the makers of the product to me10:36
tomreyn!20.10 | jluc14:19
jluci managed to install displayCal using the seemingly unofficial flatpak14:20
tomreynjluc: sorry, i meant to have the bot point out to you that Ubuntu 20.10 is reaching end of (support) life this July 2021 14:22
jlucand you had to do the bot :-D14:22
jlucyes i will up soooooon i hope14:22
tomreyn1 week left https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2021-June/000269.html14:26
jlucbut it's summer !14:28
jlucbeach time !14:28
jluctreking time !14:29
jluclazying in the sun time !!14:29
daftykinseven the planning of any one of those would take more than the upgrade would14:29

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