[01:53] hi - is there any command to upgrade 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS ?? [01:58] my problem is the following: pkexec do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE [01:58] Neue Veröffentlichungen von Ubuntu werden gesucht [01:58] kde [01:58] Traceback (most recent call last): [01:58] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py", line 34, in [01:58] from PyQt5.QtCore import QTranslator, PYQT_VERSION, \ [01:58] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5.QtCore' [01:58] During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: [01:58] Traceback (most recent call last): [01:58] File "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade", line 229, in [01:58] fetcher = get_fetcher(options.frontend, m.new_dist, options.data_dir) [01:58] File "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade", line 41, in get_fetcher [01:58] from DistUpgrade.DistUpgradeFetcherKDE import DistUpgradeFetcherKDE [01:58] File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py", line 40, in [01:58] from PyKDE4.kdeui import KIcon, KMessageBox, KStandardGuiItem [01:58] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyKDE4' [02:00] it would be easier to read if pastebin'd and not pasted like that. The command you used looks correct (do-release-upgrade) for upgrades. Have you made changes to python? If you have, those changes should be reverted before attempting upgrade [02:00] fizzlifax, ^ [02:02] I tried to upgrade python2 to 3 but it failed [02:03] I removed both python and python3 and reinstalled but no chance [02:03] I dont know how to resolve this problem [02:09] Kubuntu 18.04 had both python2 & python3 already installed so I don't know what you meant by 'tried to upgrade', but that'll be your issue. you need to fully undo whatever changes you did. [02:12] Another alternative is to 'upgrade via re-install' download & write Kubuntu 20.04 to thumb-drive media; install using Manual; select your existing partition(s) but DO NOT FORMAT any; it'll note your packages, erase system directories, install then attempt to add back your additional packages you'd added if available for new release. It doesn't touch user files UNLESS you format. You should of course backup first; it's easy to make a mistake [02:13] Note: if you used encryption; I've not tested that method with encryption (i've had it work; but it required extra work and I'd not like to advise; my prior comment is best read assuming no-encryption) [02:17] Thanks a lot - no I dont use encryption... - I will try to make this manually but I am afraid that the python problems will not be resolved - ??? === calcmandan_ is now known as calcmandan [06:11] How to install ureadahead daemon [06:11] In kubuntu to increase boot up spees [06:11] Speed [06:11] Is there any disadvantages of it [06:30] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ureadahead => it's available for 18.04 but not for 20.04 [06:31] If they stopped maintaining/shipping it, it probably isn't worth to use it [06:45] Is it a reply for me ? (re @IrcsomeBot: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ureadahead => it's available for 18.04 but not for 20.04) [06:47] Yes [06:51] Ok [06:51] unreadahead is available in linux mint [06:52] And it make it boot up 30 s faster than kubuntu [06:52] Only in the old linux mint, not in the new one [06:52] Ok (re @IrcsomeBot: Only in the old linux mint, not in the new one) [06:52] So what can I do that increase my boot up speed in latest kubuntu [06:54] I haven't looked into it, I don't care about the boot speed, I only care about the working speed later on [06:54] Oh (re @IrcsomeBot: I haven't looked into it, I don't care about the boot speed, I only care about the working speed later on) [06:54] Ok [06:54] If anyone else know about it , plz reply [06:55] One friend of mine is moving from windows to Linux because of low hardware [06:55] is it telegram with such weird quoting/reply mess? [06:55] So which os should I suggest him linux mint or kubuntu [06:56] diogenes_: afaik yeah, it's almost unreadable [06:56] Mm (re @IrcsomeBot: diogenes_: afaik yeah, it's almost unreadable) === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [08:41] if "low hardware" means a 32-bit system then Mint is the only option, Kubuntu doesn't support this anymore [08:43] LinuxMint is based on Ubuntu, so it doesn't support 32bit. LMDE is based on Debian, which does [09:02] alkisg: hm, my bad, was the Debian based Mint discontinued? [09:03] or is this what you call LMDE? stil Mint, no? [09:03] Mamarok: Yes LMDE is the debian based mint, and no I don't think it's abandoned. But they release after debian, so I guess they'll have a new release this autumn [09:04] In general, linuxmint just adds cinammon (with bad packaging), so it's not worth considering at all [09:04] The official ubuntu flavors or debian blends are much more reliable [09:08] true, I would also choose Debian rather than Mint [09:09] and the only difference are the additionaal codecs that Debian doesn't ship in the default directory, but thee are additional sources that can be added [09:09] there* are [09:11] there are also non-free Debian isos which ship both codecs and non-free firmware. [09:14] If I understood it correctly, the debian bullseye livecd started using the nice calamares installer, and the non-free variant of it also has the firmware, which should make things very easy for novice users [09:15] they use calamares since 9. [09:18] Really? Hmm, maybe I remember the "graphical debian-installer frontend" of the normal installation cd then; I haven't noticed calamares bfore... [09:19] it's only for live isos. [11:07] help please : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1881c53f/file_46028.jpg [11:53] sudo apt install -f (re @villagerrrrrrrrr: ) [11:55] sudo dpkg --install chrome.deb [11:55] this did it === WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft === donofrio_ is now known as donofrio [14:08] Another option is to open .deb files with Discover. (re @villagerrrrrrrrr: this did it) [14:35] Hi all [14:45] hello [15:55] Buon Pomeriggio [15:58] !list [15:58] raffa: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [17:51] aa//11 [17:54] Alirezamk47: hi, do you have a kubuntu question? [18:15] tomreyn: 100% sure he just solved the captcha on telegram [18:16] downside of the bridge showing everything [18:20] Mekaneck: oh i had been told that before. thanks. [18:27] np :) === tube is now known as tube_ === tube_ is now known as tube === genii is now known as genii-core === [Pokey] is now known as Pokey