
JuhayerAlWasif[mcan we know which vpn is causing this problem?08:11
guivercJuhayerAlWasif[m, Guest75 left about 8 mins after question08:39
JuhayerAlWasif[mif I want to install an android app,for example Clash of clans,what are the steps to do?10:31
tomreynJuhayerAlWasif[m: you install android on compatible hardware or in a virtualization, then install said application.10:32
tomreynso far, that's not related to lubuntu10:32
JuhayerAlWasif[mplease check this page,they are saying that I can play the game through Genymotion10:34
tomreynright, that's a virtualization software you can install on lubuntu10:37
tomreynqemu is another10:37
JuhayerAlWasif[mmay I know?which one is easy to use?10:38
tomreynand then there's android studio / android emulator from google10:38
tomreyni can't make a recommendation there10:39
JuhayerAlWasif[mokay so can you help me to install genymotion10:41
tomreynno, sorry, never did it10:42
tomreynbut you will surely find instructions on the company's website.10:42
tomreynIf you have general questions about Lubuntu and software available from its repositories, I may be able to help.10:43
JuhayerAlWasif[m<JuhayerAlWasif[m "https://www.se7ensins.com/forums">  these instructions are not working,the files cannot be downloaded from here10:44
JuhayerAlWasif[m<tomreyn "If you have general questions ab"> how can I get emoji picker/pannel in a textbox10:45
tomreynJuhayerAlWasif[m: in which application?10:49
JuhayerAlWasif[mfor example fartherpad or in a notepade like onenote 10:50
tomreynhmm, sorry, i don't know these softwares, are they from lubuntu repositories?10:52
JuhayerAlWasif[msorry its featherpad*10:52
JuhayerAlWasif[mdont know but featherpad was preinstalled in my lubuntu10:52
tomreynyes, featherpad exists in *ubuntu, from the universe repository. i do not know it, though, sorry.10:53
tomreynif they just accept UTF-8 input, you could just copy nad paste utf-8 emojis from any of those web sites listing them10:54
tomreynsuch as https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html10:55
JuhayerAlWasif[min windows,is we tap windows key+ full stop(.),then a emoji panel will anywhere I am writing,so is there any options like this in lubuntu10:55
JuhayerAlWasif[mif we tap*10:56
tomreynnot that i know of, but i don't know really know much about lxqt 10:58
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