
=== arif-ali_6 is now known as arif-ali_
=== arif-ali- is now known as arif-ali
* zxm-pi blinks and attempts telekinesis to make cup of tea and bring it to my hand...08:36
bigcalm42nd b'day present to myself https://scontent-lhr8-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/213359888_10157727329782105_2321510996946289660_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=kcBzH5OilJIAX_qJipo&tn=i2zi6yFnsJeLMDRc&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-2.xx&oh=7eadf13070adda39f8b3fe523265a1cb&oe=60F5850E09:26
zxm-piall ripped to mp3 here :-)09:40
bigcalmThat will be the next step. CD box set likely to never see the light of day again09:44
bigcalmWhat's the go-to CD ripper in KDE/ubuntu?09:47
daftykinshrmm, let's see - https://alternativeto.net/software/exact-audio-copy-/?platform=linux09:48
bigcalmOne that talks to cddb.org (if that's still a thing) would be nice09:49
bigcalmDid you just "let me google that for you" me?09:49
daftykinslol, i was hoping you wouldn't take it that way - i was genuinely curious myself09:50
bigcalm:D Thank you :)09:50
daftykinsto date i've never come close to EAC on Windows for those bit-perfect copies09:50
bigcalmWhen helping my father or sister, I'd install CDex for them on Windows09:50
daftykinsi remember that :D09:51
bigcalmCool, there's a snap for fre:ac09:52
daftykinsfolks moving to streaming platforms has definitely reduced the workload of curating local libraries, been a long time since my wealthy client asked me to rip a new CD09:53
daftykinsi'd have to rip the main FLAC for the house library (r-pi's dotted around the house plugged into amps able to play music from smartphone apps) then convert to a lossy copy for some old iPods he holds onto for no decent reason, plus copy them all to London and Spain apartments09:54
daftykinsi think he's going to dump the Pis in the new house :(09:55
zxm-pii use ripper x on linux for ripping to mp309:56
zxm-pisounds like you're getting free rasp pis :-)09:57
daftykinsit does!09:58
daftykinsi forget which models, probably 3Bs09:58
zxm-piyou'll have a rasp pi minion army cluster09:58
* daftykins ponders10:00
daftykinsi can think of at least 410:00
daftykinsi have a few appointments next week up at the new house with cabling contractors and satellite/aerial folks to go and get things done at the new place, oy10:01
daftykinstoday i have to return to the couples house i put the new WiFi system in for on Wednesday, as i must now do the dangerous bit of moving the master telephone socket and router into the wall mounted cabinet and reattach all the existing telephone sockets after the filter portion10:02
* daftykins starts waving his hands out in front of him like Mystic Meg10:02
daftykins...i see ladders in my future10:02
daftykinsthey're on an MSAN but i spy their line sync has dropped to 36 Mb, hopefully there'll be a little bump up once i take all the internal wiring out of the equation \o/10:04
daftykinsreaaaaally old local house10:05
zxm-pibe super careful. ladders are super sneaky10:05
zxm-pii wonder if there's a rasp pi adoption service. all those abandoned rasp pis out there needing a new home :-P10:06
daftykinsi'll try! someone put their incoming line termination box quite high close to a ceiling in a little side alley down the house that's covered over, i'll need to crack it open and then get out my new jelly crimps to redirect the incoming line10:06
zxm-pidelivered in a cute little basket on your doorstep. 'my name is sambaserv07'10:06
daftykins"my root password is..."10:07
daftykinsheh so for today's client, we had their electrician run cables all the full width of the house to a complete dead spot room at the opposite end from any of their current kit, the client keeps asking if this will enable having the landline phone out there as well10:31
daftykinskeep having to explain that network != telephone10:31
bigcalmBut it could with a SIP phone ;)10:32
zxm-piit is if you can sell him a whole voip system, KERCH$NG :-P10:32
daftykinsi'm debating a FreePBX setup at the wealthy client's new house, right now he's obsessed with using all these stupid basic telephone sockets dotted around the property10:33
bigcalmIs that something you want to maintain?10:33
zxm-piall that copper corroding10:33
daftykinsexactly that question is what i have been asking myself10:33
zxm-piwhen it could be scrap value down at metal merchant :-P10:34
daftykinsnot only that but it's not very easy to source the very old Cisco/Linksys ATA devices with FXO/FXS ports to pop a landline onto the network10:34
daftykinstonnes on ebay but most in China now10:34
daftykinsmuggins here will still need to label every telephone cable since they're blank right now10:38
daftykinsor mostly "8 w" has been written above some, which is extremely unhelpful10:39
bigcalm8 wires?10:43
daftykinsyeah, helpful eh? :D10:45
daftykinsok i've got to head out, have a good one all \o10:45
=== arif-ali_5 is now known as arif-ali_
penguin42daftykin1: Wow, this cooler is HUGE13:20
diddledanpenguin42: keep quiet or all the ladies will want their own13:21
zxm-piyou're goning to wear it as a hat during the summer? :-P13:29
penguin42so they should, it'd keep them happy in all weathers13:29
penguin42https://support.arctic.de/LF2-280r4  is the installation manual fo rit13:36
penguin42and it's got me watching a youtube video of how not to mount it13:39
diddledanoh it's one of them fancypants leaky things13:40
penguin42diddledan: These are supposed to be sealed....13:40
diddledanI don't trust myself with water inside an electronic device :-D13:40
penguin42diddledan: Me neither, but I just had to replace my 3950x after ~8 months, so now I want to run it cooler13:41
diddledanthey may be sealed from the factory, but I'm bound to puncture it13:41
penguin42yes, indeed13:41
diddledanyikes, 3950 is quite a recent CPU to be replacing already13:41
penguin42yes, last October13:42
penguin42fortunately Scan RMA'd it easily13:42
diddledanit died?13:42
penguin42nod :-(13:43
penguin42with the current bequiet2 cooler it's just over 70c flat out (16 md5sum's)13:49
penguin42yeh, I think I'd seen it a bit higher on the original CPU as well, maybe when I refitted the new one I did better with the grease and mounting, still lets see what this beast gets it down to13:53
penguin42now, lets see if  I can get the thing into the case...14:08
penguin42ok, so not going to fit at the top of the case - there's not enough gap between the case and the mb14:13
penguin42hmm it...kind of ish fits at the front14:24
penguin42phew, that's better - it tops off at 56c rather than 71c15:31
diddledanmuch friendlier temp16:19
penguin42and I only needed the tinsnips to get the CD drive in16:26
bigcalmJust realised that if I do get to replace my work desktop with a laptop, it will be without an optical media drive. I was wondering if I even needed one - then remembered that I am actively ripping THHGTTG CDs to MP3 *face palm*16:29
zxm-piget an external usb AND floppy drive just to confuse everyone :-)16:29
bigcalmThink I'll need to dig out my bluray drive in an external enclosure16:30
zxm-piget an external dvd AND floppy drive just to confuse everyone :-)16:30
bigcalmEveryone being my wife? Work from home - and have done for years :D16:30
zxm-piyou're forgetting the archeologists trying to date your laptop in the future :-P16:31
bigcalmAh, them16:32
* bigcalm nods16:32
diddledantis warm in my flat today.. 27C right now16:32
zxm-pifighting nazis and cracking whips. just like the 1930s :-P16:33
penguin42diddledan: Yeh warm here as well, so reassuring I can keep this thing sane on a hot day16:33
diddledanmy noisy server is extra noisy with this heat16:33
zxm-pi25c here with 2 fans creating a nice tornado of moving air in which i am sitting16:34
diddledanthat's cheating16:34
zxm-pino, the 3 boxes of choc-ices in freezer is cheating16:34
diddledanooh. good plan.16:35
zxm-pilidl do a lovely half choc-ice. half the width of a normal one. so you can have 2 half ones at seperate times instead of 1 normal one16:35
diddledanor you could buy twice as many and have 2 normal ones at separate times instead of 1 normal one ;-p16:37
bigcalmI think that would confuse my father, and he'd have 416:37
zxm-piextra memory cards and serial cables have arrived for psion. the psion ssds are massive for tiny capacities. they're so cute16:37
bigcalmPsion is still a thing?16:37
diddledanand here's me with a swanky new HDR-capable monitor16:37
diddledan28 inches of pure love16:38
zxm-pibigcalm: i got a psion 3mx refurb a few months ago. a pda from mid 1990s :-)16:38
zxm-pistill running on batteries i put in at end of april :-)16:38
diddledanwhat is it, a nokia?!16:38
penguin42diddledan: Yeh I've got a 28 4k, they're lovely - I do a lot of datasheet stuff at work; okular gets 8 sheets on at a time16:38
diddledanthat's stupid battery life!16:38
penguin42yeh the Psions were good like that16:39
zxm-piwell i've been going slow with it. less than an hours use per day. as i transfer bits and bobs of data from other systems into it. i just love the little beast16:39
zxm-pihad trouble using first serial cable as i'd never used serial on linux before and had to learn that i needed to add my user to dialout group before i could use it :-)16:40
zxm-pithen trying a few different terminal programs to find one that i didn't hate. cutecom, minicom. they all gave me fun errors i had to deal with16:41
diddledanscreen works ok16:41
diddledani.e. screen /dev/ttyS116:41
zxm-piit does but i wanted something.... more.... modemy16:41
diddledancourse, file transfers. dummy me16:41
zxm-piand finding help is fun when you're following a thread describing your problem and it's from the 90s :-)16:42
zxm-pibut getting there. enjoying the fun of psion. just a beautifully designed machine. full help on board in rom16:43
diddledanits those threads that always leave you hanging a la XKCD16:43
penguin42zxm-pi: I had a psion 3a back in the day - actually the acorn verison16:43
zxm-pinext getting agettty working so i can log into a linux system via serial. then put a rasp pi on a power bank and portable linux on a psion :-)16:44
penguin42zxm-pi: There's a magic systemd line these days to enable a serial terminal16:44
zxm-pithe acorn version was pretty cool. a few schools used it as a mobile device for kids16:44
* zxm-pi casts ward evil at mention of systemd :-P16:44
penguin42zxm-pi: https://www.rogerirwin.co.nz/open-source/enabling-a-serial-port-console/       - systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS0.service    probably has a chance16:47
diddledanI've been learning about why it's almost impossible to get gnome running on WSL2... seems systemd is a hard requirement for a start. then you need to run a session manager to assign a new thing they're calling a "seat" to your terminal session (impossible in WSL2 from what I have tried) and then finally start a new X or Wayland session from there - you cannot. repeat, cannot. launch a new session without a seat and not against 16:47
diddledanan already running wayland server16:47
* penguin42 is confused why you can't fudge a seat - I think there's some tools for it16:49
zxm-pirunning linux sub system under windows. it's just wrong. :-P16:50
penguin42diddledan: Have you tried running lightdm ?16:50
diddledanI think my google foo failed me :-)16:50
diddledanthe big problem is I want to run on an already launched wayland server (the OOTB wayland from WSL2) not start a new Wayland or X1116:50
penguin42yeh, no idea how to work that16:51
penguin42zxm-pi: It's even crazier when you find people running Windows in a VM on Linux running WSL216:53
zxm-piouroboros os :-P16:53
zxm-pior would it be ouroborOs16:53
zxm-piif you can't use camel case on an egyptian word... :-P16:55
bigcalmOur Rob or Ros?16:55
penguin42should that be single or double camel?16:55
zxm-pidouble camel the bactarian is mongolian i think16:56
diddledancamel toe?16:56
zxm-piright, have to dash to shops. o/16:57
diddledanWill Will Young will Will Young young?17:06
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
daftykinsoh my Tux that job got so much worse xD17:11
diddledanoh dear :-(17:11
daftykinsgot there ventually, just really challenging telephone wires - ended up having to pull the incoming one off the wall and strip some more insulation back, which was then wax coated inside - so cue repeated hand washing and wiping that up17:14
daftykinsshould see the router stats though, noise margin went from 6 dB to 20 dB after :)17:16
daftykinspenguin42: install all done? :)17:19
daftykinshere's the 'before' - https://i.imgur.com/iFvlh7V.jpg17:21
* m0nkey_ just reserved his SteamDeck17:54
daftykinsheh haven't even had a chance to read about those yet17:54
m0nkey_it's a linux based handheld in the switch form factor that can play AAA PC titles17:55
m0nkey_some custom Zen2 APU, 16GB RAM and 512GB NVME17:56
zxm-pican you get a terminal and run python? :-)18:29
penguin42daftykins: All done!18:38
m0nkey_zxm-pi: yup. totally unlocked. run windows if you want lol18:39
zxm-pirunning windows on a steamdeck... kinky :-P18:44
daftykinstech masochism knows few bounds :)19:07
diddledan... I'm on my mac right now.. I resemble that remark!19:08
zxm-piinstall os/2 in a vm under windows on it. scare little children and family pets19:08
daftykinsdiddledan: xD19:09
penguin42daftykins: https://mastodon.org.uk/system/media_attachments/files/106/591/908/934/153/876/original/a62b6ee45f13968d.png19:27
penguin42who let diddledan have a mac?19:27
zxm-pileft in a basket on his doorstep...19:28
penguin42LO build is still a little toasty for my liking: https://mastodon.org.uk/system/media_attachments/files/106/591/919/243/762/334/original/09475f949bec328b.png19:29
daftykinspenguin42: nice graphs!19:35
daftykinshow's your ambient temp today?19:35
penguin42too hot19:35
penguin42daftykins: about 29c19:37
daftykinsmmm time for full air con at penguin HQ :)19:40
penguin42I do wonder19:40
daftykinsi have no idea if they would last, but i've seen some cheap portable units on https://cpc.farnell.com19:41
penguin42yeh I've used those at work years ago19:52
penguin42daftykins: Although I measured the xy of the radiator to make sure it would fit, the thickness was a surprise - so it couldn't go in the convenient top place that it's supposedly intended to go in, but it just about fitted at the front19:54
daftykinsah ha19:59
daftykinsi bet a few drinks were consumed during that installation :)20:00
penguin42fortunately I'm t-total20:00
daftykinsah i was thinking coffee/tea/iced something20:00
penguin42daftykins: the case is just bad; it's got a big vent at the top and a big vent at the front; the one at the top is way way too close to the MB to get a radiator in20:01
penguin42daftykins: The one at the front has an annoying PSU chassis section in the way - but it fits; just20:01
penguin42daftykins: The tin snips were only needed once, to allow me to move the DVD drive up by half-a-bay because the radiator now got in the way20:02
daftykinsooh i don't like that modern trend of the PSU tunnel type thing20:02

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