
RosieMOMADoes anybody here use Blender for video editing?06:33
RosieMOMAI'm setting up a 2012 iMac with Ubuntu 20.04. I am coming back to content production after a decade away and used Final Cut Pro and other Mac pro apps. Now I am committed to the Linux journey. Trying to decide which video editor to use, Open Shot is not feature rich enough. Want to learn one of either KdenLive, ShotCut or Blender. Probs gonna get into Compositing down the track. Any advice? (Blender seems a big learning 06:39
RosieMOMAcurve but very powerful)06:39
oerheksand what effects do you miss in openshot? i find it pretty perfect myself06:45
RosieMOMAwell I have not used it yet, just had a quick look, it seems to only have one track, am I wrong?06:50
RosieMOMASeems to be designed for basic, I will want to get complex over time06:50
corrinado[m]KdenLive will be your best best06:53
RosieMOMAPlaying with OpenShot - I see 5 channels06:55
RosieMOMA@corriando[m]  Thx for that. I have started checking it out. I fact I accidently have two copies of it and one works with my external mic the other does not. 06:57
corrinado[m]OpenShot is nice. Don't get me wrong. I use it all the time for simple stuff. It has gotten pretty good over the last 3 years.06:59
RosieMOMAThinking my brain might ache less if I just learn one app :-)07:01
sakrecoer[bpist]i prefer blender for video editing, i've used it for several years to that end, and it just keeps getting better.07:10
sakrecoer[bpist]it's probably the easiest part of blender to be honest, although there a few caveats like one would have to expect from any app07:11
sakrecoer[bpist]RosieMOMA if you plan on using the compositor in conjunction to it, my main advice is: cut the thing first, render to sequence of PNG images second and lastly pipe those images to your compositor 07:13
RosieMOMAsakrecoer[bpist] Just had a quick play with Blender, not playing my clip straight off. KdenLive does. Gonna stick with Kdenlive. There are lots of video tutorials for it too.07:48
sakrecoer[bpist]RosieMOMA  never had that issue. kdenlive is neat too though, just a lot more basic.07:52
sakrecoer[bpist]it's worth noting that i always use the blender distributed by blender.org07:55
sakrecoer[bpist]the one from debian tends to be stable, but gets quickly outdated.07:58
RosieMOMAsakrecoer[bpist] Thanks for your comments, I think KdenLive is more intuitive and suits my learning style07:59
sakrecoer[bpist]RosieMOMA perfect!  :) that's all that really matters! have fun!08:00
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