
IrcsomeBot<ADHIVP> I have a folder in my kubuntu file manager dolphin . So I want to set up the folder in such a way that whatever edits I made to the files in the folder ( like deleting adding new files editting old ones etc) I want to upload that to Google  drive automatically06:45
IrcsomeBot<ADHIVP> Any suggestions06:45
diogenes_ADHIVP: https://community.kde.org/KIO_GDrive06:53
IrcsomeBot<ADHIVP> Thanks07:38
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|39quanta ram e requisiti hardwer richiede attualmente kubuntu?09:28
IrcsomeBot<torolotu> u x h i10:54
IrcsomeBot<torolotu> U X H I10:55
IrcsomeBot<torolotu> E U W 910:55
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> no spaces10:57
user|99desktop background didn't changed11:12
BluesKajHi all13:34
Guest56hey everyone, im a newbie. testing this Kubuntu its good so far. is there a way to dload youtube videos on kubuntu?15:44
mybalzitchis youtube-dl stil a thing?15:45
Guest56just testing out all15:45
diogenes_Guest56, there are many ways.15:50
Guest56hows everyone doing15:50
diogenes_Guest56, https://www.y2mate.com/en5715:51
diogenes_just paste the url15:51
Guest56cool thanks15:52
Guest56im liking this desktop over the traditional ubuntu15:52
Guest56well the looks and feel15:52
Guest56anyone from Jamaica ?15:55
diogenes_Bob Marley15:55
Guest56yea man15:56
MekaneckGuest56: casual talk is in #kubuntu-offtopic15:58
Guest56didnt know .. sorry15:59
user|98hi folks, new user here, is there any way to upgrade to the 21.04 from 20.04 without downloading the ISO ? thanks in advance23:05
IrcsomeBot<torolotu> A 3 S 923:42
IrcsomeBot<torolotu> A3S923:42
IrcsomeBot<torolotu> Hi! I want to install kubuntu on the manjaro partitition but it seems only able to install on the full drive.. Whats the problem?23:43

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