[19:34] falcojr: thanks for the pycloudlib branch. couple of comments here https://github.com/canonical/pycloudlib/pull/156/files [19:34] Pull 156 in canonical/pycloudlib "Allow hotplug of NIC on Openstack and EC2 (SC-254)" [Open] [19:46] falcojr: minor changelog fix https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/949/files and +1 on releasing to impish [19:46] Pull 949 in canonical/cloud-init "Ubuntu/devel" [Open] [19:57] blackboxsw: updated [20:08] falcojr: approved and sponsored upload to impish [20:10] blackboxsw: one more quick doc update: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/950/files [20:10] Pull 950 in canonical/cloud-init "Document known hotplug limitations" [Open] [20:13] +1'd on doc updates === rharper_ is now known as rharper