[00:06] Is the manual option not available on the disk selection tab? [01:39] hello [01:40] I upgraded to the latest kubuntu.. i have the latest nvidia driver (and a nvidia 750 ti card). I lost my 3d effects..why?? [01:40] was previously 20.10 now 21.04 [01:44] i think that card is suported up to the390 driver? [01:44] latest is not always the best for such old cards === chip0110nium is now known as chip0110nium__ [01:49] rsion: 460.84 [01:49] is what i am running. [01:50] per^ [01:50] oerheks: ^ [01:50] oph [01:50] nevermind [01:50] I just hit alt-shift-F12 and it came on [01:50] I wonder why it is disabled when starting x, grr [02:19] Sometimes on NVIdia, kwin and desktop affects crash and must be manually restarted in Sys Settings _> Display and Monitor -> Compositer. If a crash has occurred, a re-enable button will appear at the top of the right panel. Once re-enabling, you will need to logout/login or restart to fully re-enable effects. (re @IrcsomeBot: I wonder why it is disabled when starting x, grr) [02:21] ok, thank you DarinMiller [02:21] also! [02:22] I hit some button my Logitech keyboard, and my desktop computer went into hibernation mode... how can I disable this "functionality"? [02:22] it even parked my external hard drive :P [02:23] flat blade screw driver and a 25 lb sledge hammer [02:26] PC LOAD LTR? What the *f* does that mean?? [02:27] ? [02:30] Check Sys Settings —> Shortcut and filter for hibernate. If a shortcut has been defined, clear it. [02:36] ahhh thank you very much [02:37] DarinMiller: it was checked, so I unchecked it. [02:37] under "Default Shortcut:" [02:38] That should work. But I do not have a hibernate button myself to validate. [02:38] DarinMiller: https://pasteboard.co/KbPt8uE.png <- this checkbox was originally checked when I first looked at it [02:38] Btw where are you bridged from, Darin? [02:39] and thank you! [02:39] Telegram [02:39] you are welcome :) [02:39] aye, gotcha:) [02:39] Darin - do you ever come on the Libera IRC side? [02:40] Yes, occasionally. [02:40] cool cool. Well thanks again, see you later & good night :) [02:40] good night === optimal is now known as BlueCannonBall === Roey is now known as cammmmy === cammmmy is now known as Roey [05:57] Good morning === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [08:35] hi folks, new user here, can anyone tell me how I upgrade from kubuntu 20.04 to the last version without making a 'clean install' and downloading the whole ISO ? thx in advance [08:40] anyone? please ;) [08:43] user|67: you can run `do-release-upgrade`, but it will get you to 20.10, then you'd need to run it again to get to 21.04. While if you wait until next year when 22.04 is out, it will get you directly to 22.04 [08:44] I.e. LTS to LTS updates are possible, while if you want "non-LTS" releases, you need to go through all of them [08:44] I.e. in general it's best to stick to LTS :) [08:45] thx pal, i'll check it [08:46] seems that for some reason i'm stuck in 20.04 [08:46] Checking for a new Ubuntu release [08:46] There is no development version of an LTS available. [08:46] To upgrade to the latest non-LTS development release [08:46] set Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades. [08:46] this is what i got [08:47] Do that, put Prompt=normal in that file [09:07] tried all, im hopeless xD thx as well === ikonia_ is now known as ikonia [09:34] hi there [09:38] i would just like to ask about my use case [09:38] i work seo & marketing and learning to code [09:39] is kubuntu good as an office/workstation distro? [09:43] yes. (re @IrcsomeBot: is kubuntu good as an office/workstation distro?) [09:43] it will suit your workflow perfectly. [09:44] i know this is usually a no-no [09:44] but why would you recommend it over, let's say, opensuse, also well known kde distro? [11:10] i am continuosly setting my virtual desktop 3 and for soe reason kde keeps removing it. How do i fix' [11:10] i am continuosly setting my virtual desktop 3 and for soe reason kde keeps removing it. How do i fix? [12:18] hm, which exact Kubuntu and Plasma version are you talking about? Also: did you set the desktop session to be saved? [13:22] Hi all [14:15] Question. Which is better, Kubuntu or KDE Neon? [14:23] depends on your usecase [14:24] if you want only Plasma and KDE Apps, go with Neon, if you want also other apps go with Kubuntu [14:25] there is no such thing as "better", it always depends what you want to do with === genii-core is now known as genii [15:37] hello [15:38] is anybody here [15:38] i am on hannah montanna linux [15:38] pelase help [15:39] !ask [15:39] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:40] You should probably install a more Kubuntu than that one, it's from something like 2008 [15:40] please help im on hannah montana linux and browser not working [15:41] The last release of Hannah Montana edition of Kubuntu was around 2008, it is very long past end-of-life [15:41] no [15:41] how dare you [15:42] hannah montana linux is the best linux [15:42] oh well, suit yourself, why do you ask for help if you don't like the help you are given? [15:42] I need my browser to work [15:42] its not loading any pages properyl [15:43] it will probably not work on your distro simply because it is outdated and not supported anymore [15:43] how am I supposed to watch funny racoon vidoes then? [15:43] he's just bored and messing around. [15:44] joel_: how about behaving instead of stealing our time? You will get removed if you contine [17:11] hi [17:11] im new here [17:12] can someone tell me a lil bit more ? [17:23] wdym [17:26] kubuntu support, too much to tell in 1 line.. [17:50] bs_, what do you want to know about? [19:52] Hello? === yoda is now known as yoda__ === yoda__ is now known as yoda [19:53] wow, that deserves a medal for patience === Pokey is now known as TEX === TEX is now known as Pokey