
mborzeckimardy: heya05:55
* _moep_ waves…05:59
zygagood morning06:14
mborzeckipstolowski: zyga-mbp: hey07:42
pstolowskihey mborzecki !07:43
pedronispstolowski: hi,  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10264 needs a re-review09:10
pstolowskipedronis: hi, sure, will do09:10
mborzeckipstolowski: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-files-go-missing-after-reboot/25544 btrfs, sounds familiar to the problem we investigated before?09:31
pstolowskimborzecki: indeed, there was a similar problem with zfs09:33
mborzeckipstolowski: although root is on ext4, so it shouldn't matter09:34
pstolowskiyeah, noticed that too09:34
mborzeckianyways, bit weird09:34
* pstolowski lunch11:01
mborzeckihmm hmm, building images does not work for me anymore https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ggt7cW2VFK/ 11:01
mborzeckinot sure if it's due to the mtools update or something else11:01
mborzeckimost likely the former11:01
zyga-mbpmborzecki no -f here11:11
mborzeckizyga-mbp: hm?11:11
zyga-mbpmborzecki which version of mtools do you have11:11
zyga-mbpupstream has 4.0.3311:11
zyga-mbpI see 4.0.26-111:12
mborzeckizyga-mbp: 4.0.3311:12
zyga-mbpit's gnu11:14
zyga-mbpso no git11:14
mborzeckizyga-mbp: haha yeah, svn :P11:16
mvofwiw, latest mtools in 21.10 is 4.0.3211:19
mborzeckihmm this looks like a problem: `max available root directory slots: 0`11:24
mborzeckihm .0.32 works ok11:29
mborzeckianyway, i downgraded to 4.0.32 and filed https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/7154711:53
pedronispstolowski: I (re-)reviewed the open validation-sets PRs12:03
ijohnson[m]degville: would you rather I edit the forum page docs for quotas directly or should I make a gdoc to make suggestions? 12:07
degvilleijohnson[m]: feel free to edit directly, but whatever's easier for you - thanks for looking.12:08
pstolowskipedronis: thank you12:25
ijohnson[m]degville: ack, let me see how many edits I want to make and I'll let you know12:29
futuretim_are any of snapd's spread test used to test the store? my guess is no.. but was curious about that14:14
zyga-mbppstolowski LXD socket broke againi14:18
zyga-mbpthis time I had a LXD refresh14:18
zyga-mbp$ ls -ld /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket14:18
zyga-mbpsrw-rw---- 1 root root 0 Jul 19 15:54 /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket14:18
zyga-mbpbut I also rebooted 14:18
zyga-mbpI suspect it's a racy operation somewhere14:18
zyga-mbpdo you know what makes that socket?14:19
ijohnson[m]doesn't lxd snap have a listen-stream in it's service definition in the snap.yaml14:20
pstolowskiyeah, listen-stream: $SNAP_COMMON/lxd/unix.socket14:20
* zyga-mbp looks14:20
zyga-mbpit does14:20
zyga-mbpit has a mode14:20
zyga-mbpbut not group14:20
zyga-mbpso where does the group comes from14:21
pstolowskimy guess it lxc does chown somewhere14:23
zyga-mbpthen I guess it is racy14:24
zyga-mbpwhatever it does14:24
zyga-mbpmaybe it only runs it sometimes14:24
zyga-mbpI bet we created the socket14:24
zyga-mbpand it just had the vanilla group ownership14:24
zyga-mbpnothing about lxd in the .socket file14:25
ijohnson[m]well ideally snapd would support system-usernames for the lxd user/group14:26
ijohnson[m]then snapd would also support specifying the user/group in the service definition of the snap.yaml14:26
pstolowskizyga-mbp: /snap/lxd/current/commands/daemon.activate does it14:30
pstolowski chgrp "${daemon_group}" /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket14:30
zyga-mbpthat's a one-shot command14:32
zyga-mbpif the socket gets re-created after it runs14:32
zyga-mbpthen it's all broken 14:32
zyga-mbpI wonder what exactly triggers this14:32
stgraberthe socket really shouldn't get re-created, that may seriously confuse long running client tools14:54
stgraberwe could probably paper over this behavior/issue using a refresh hook or something, but that seems to indicate something being more wrong elsewhere14:55
zyga-mbpstgraber: it happened twice to me on a hirsute server, I rebooted it once for some updates and otherwise just keep using it daily14:57
zyga-mbpI wonder if there's something I can set up to monitor that file, any file notification magic14:58
zyga-mbpin case it happens again14:58
stgraberinotify may be able to pick it up14:59
pstolowskizyga-mbp: did you say it was after a refresh?15:00
zyga-mbpI don't think it was immediately after a refresh15:00
zyga-mbpbut lxd did refresh earlier today at around 14:40 15:01
zyga-mbpI didn't use it for a few hours15:01
zyga-mbpI only mentioned it because earlier it happened (the problem) without a refresh15:01
stgrabercan you check the state of the snap.lxd.activate unit?15:01
stgraberI've seen systems where it somehow got masked/disabled by snapd for some unknown reason15:02
pstolowskii think snapd would re-generate systemd units on refresh (and then it's system recreating the socket)15:02
stgraberyeah, as much as I don't like snapd disabling/re-enabling everything, that should be fine, so long as it also starts the activate unit again which will then go and fix the ownership15:03
stgraberbut as I said, I've seen some systems where for some reason it would be stuck in disabled state, maybe that's what's hitting zyga-mbp 15:03
pstolowskinb i see we have a TODO about supporting uid/gid15:04
stgraberyeah, the tricky part with snapd supporting a user/group owner there is that it'd need to be user configurable and would need to be retrievable by the snap too15:05
ijohnson[m]stgraber: what do you mean by user configurable ?15:05
stgrabercurrently users can do "snap set lxd daemon.group=foo", so we wouldn't want to regress that15:05
ijohnson[m]oh well yeah there's very little chance we will properly support that with system-usernames any time soon15:06
stgraberyeah, figured as much ;)15:08
mardyin my mount-control branch, I'm unconditionally removing all systemd mount units for the snap in removeGeneratedWrappers() (which is in the link backend). Is this correct, or can it cause issues?16:47
mardyI'm asking because now the unit tests are failing, and I wonder if I should fix the tests or revert my change16:47
zyga-mbpstgraber lxd refreshed about an hour and a half ago and socket is back to root:root20:02

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