
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
ikoniaI'm running a few raspberry pi's acting as consul servers in my home lab running ubuntu 20.04 raspberry build, I've found myself chewing through SD cards in the last 4 months I've had 3 fail, sandisk good quality, 64/128GB 20:11
ikoniaI've got one failing now - the tell tail signs are there20:11
ikoniasystem load of 10+ - long waits on 'ls' commands 20:12
ikoniait seems odd to be chewing through cards like this they are not 'busy' and not logging 'that' much, iostat doesn't show huge read/write load on the nodes20:12
ikoniaI'm curious if there is anything known or suggestions as to why the sd cards are not lasting20:13
ikoniaI'm considering netbooting them, or at worst putting /var/log and other such transient data into ramdisks, but it all feels a bit over the top, the SD cards should be lasting20:20
ikoniais snapd actually 'needed' for the arm build, I can see that lxd is not, but it also has the core18 snap 20:26

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