
laneyxnox: different dependency per arch, so the symlinks happened differently, so the trailer is different08:27
cpaelzerI should take a old-style paper-note about it as I think I ask this the third time but what exactly is the big_packages sizing in regard to memory10:57
cpaelzerI see it was broken out from the old repo and now is controlled via https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-package-configs10:58
cpaelzerbut neither has revealed me the actual size and canonistack does not list the flavor that https://autopkgtest-cloud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/administration.html#give-a-package-more-time-or-more-resources refers to10:58
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bdmurraycpaelzer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration#autopkgtests12:36
cpaelzerthank you bdmurray12:40
cpaelzerand gladly that confirms we get the 8G that match Debian with it12:40
xnoxlaney:  leh sigh13:16
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schopinCould a kind soul with the proper accesses trigger autopkgtests on this PPA for all arch but s390x, on impish, for the openssl package ? ~schopin/openssl316:29
bdmurrayschopin: Could you craft the urls for those tests?16:34
TenkawaIs there a way to manually call dpkg-deb to use xz or gz in Impish instead of zstd in Impish if needed for building backwards compatible archives?17:17
Tenkawaoops on the 2 Impish'es there17:17
Tenkawaor a configuration variable set would be fine too.17:18
cjwatsonTenkawa: -Zgzip or -Zxz17:35
cjwatsonTenkawa: if it's being called via dh_builddeb (which is usual), then "dh_builddeb -- -Zgzip" etc.17:35
Tenkawacjwatson: ok… thanks.. I was looking at the script and thats what I thought.. I wasn't sure if that was all but thought so.. I'll give it a go shortly.. thanks17:37
cjwatsonTenkawa: but zstd support was added all the way back to xenial, so this is unlikely to be necessary just for backward-compatibility17:37
TenkawaI am not 100% convinced the destinations are all going to be ubuntu and that might be what happened17:38
cjwatson(in bionic at release time; in xenial as a fairly recent stable update, in order to support Launchpad)17:38
Tenkawajust debian format17:39
TenkawaI just got a bug report that my archive format changed17:39
Tenkawain testing17:39
TenkawaI just started upgrading to Impish to evaluate upgrading the porting17:40
Tenkawathats been the only hiccup so far17:41
Tenkawafor arm64 on Raspberry PI 4 and Odroid N2+17:41
TenkawaThanks again for the help.. Going to go give it a try. Will sit around for a bit.. Have been very impressed by what I've seen in the last few days17:43
ginggsbdmurray: looks like schopin left, but I've triggered them https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=amd64&package=openssl&ppa=schopin/openssl3&trigger=openssl/3.0.0~~beta1-1ubuntu1~ppa618:13
bdmurrayginggs: Great, thanks!18:14
EickmeyerI have a versioning question. I'm wanting to update jackd2 in Impish, but it's currently a sync from Debian with a ~dfsg on it. I know that when Debian releases an update, it'll likely be the same version with the ~dfsg, but since it's a repack, if I attempt to resync it the tarball won't be the same.20:17
EickmeyerHow can I version this so that it can be resynced when the time comes?20:17
EickmeyerI'm thinking jackd2_1.9.19~dfsg~0.orig.tar.gz (for the tarball, for instance.)20:18
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jbichaEickmeyer: I don't think we have a standard naming convention for that so IMO that's fine. You could also ask Debian if they'd be willing to upload the new version to experimental now22:15
Eickmeyerjbicha: The entire multimedia team is MIA right now. :/22:17
GunnarHjEickmeyer: I'd replace ~0 with -0, i.e. hyphen instead of tilde.22:19
EickmeyerGunnarHj: Unfortunately, that has the effect of overriding any future sync of the same package version.22:20
GunnarHjEickmeyer: Wouldn't the Debian version be -1 ?22:21
EickmeyerGunnarHj: Yes, but not the tarball.22:21
GunnarHjEickmeyer: Ah, sorry, it's late here...22:22
EickmeyerGunnarHj: No worries. :)22:22
dbungertMay I interest someone in a retest click?  I'd like to unblock linux-meta for what I believe to be a flaky test in casper https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=amd64&package=casper&trigger=linux-meta/
rbasakEickmeyer: ideally, ask the Debian maintainer to kindly use the same repack. Failing that you can do things with versioning like you suggested, but I wouldn't worry about trying too hard - tarball mismatches can be annoying but so is annoying versioning, and you'll probably move on to a future upstream tarball eventually anyway.23:25
rbasak~ubuntu maybe, rather than ~0, to make it clear?23:26
rbasakIt doesn't need a number any more than we version our repacks for a particular upstream release.23:26
bdmurrayI retried casper23:32
dbungertbdmurray: thanks!  I'm looking into the flakiness as this seems to be not a new problem.23:34
Eickmeyerrbasak: Ok, I'll go with ~ubuntu. Thanks!23:39

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