[02:28] good morning [05:57] Good mornig [06:05] Hello! [06:19] good morning [06:27] less than a year for 22.04 [06:27] it is good news [07:05] iirc you use windows, why even get hyped for 22.04? [07:07] 87 days until 21.10 comes out [07:40] Mekaneck: because I compile my software in Ubuntu [07:40] have you forgotten? [07:41] and I have a VM for dangerous sites [07:41] yep, forgot about that or/and even missed that part [07:42] https://proofingtoolgui.org/ [07:42] :) [07:42] an open-source project [17:29] !next is Impish Indri is the codename for Ubuntu 21.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next - For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [17:29] Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-irc. Thank you for your attention to detail [17:40] interesting, different usb-c cables https://sa.lj.am/usbccccc/ [20:13] UWN: Issue 692 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue692 :D