[12:21] im having some stuttering loading lags on the ubuntu wiki's is that a known issue or would that be country related? === e-k is now known as erickochen [18:30] lotuspsychje: the wiki is usually pretty terrible [18:30] I was able to type that entire sentence in the time it took https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases to load [18:31] ok, so its known, thats what i wanted to know [18:31] sarnold: i tested https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses wich stutters a few [18:31] lotuspsychje: or at least, while your ISP may have many faults, the slow ubuntu wiki can't be entirely blamed on them :) [18:32] ok tnx sarnold [18:32] lotuspsychje: I think there's a caching layer at work, that one loaded instantly for me -- I always issue a wiki page load for a page I want before sharing it with someone else, hoping that they'll get the cached version [18:32] lets try another browser holdon [18:33] of course sometimes the page hasn't loaded by the time I'm done typing my sentence, but still, I try :) [18:33] same on chromium [18:33] maybe its bad routing to belgium? [18:35] hmm, well falkin browser does load it instantly [18:35] *falkon