=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia [11:27] happy Monday! [11:34] hrmm, sometimes i despair... arranged an 11am appointment with a client to handle their broadband upgrade, moving them from ADSL to VDSL today and their current router is not capable so told them they'd be offline [11:34] guy texts me at 10am "we have no internet! i can't do any work! RAH RAH RAH!" [11:35] you'll be down toot sweet with a bunch of ip packets in a bucket he can use [11:35] :D [11:35] pigeons are on back order [11:38] or blow dust off the old modem you still have squirreled away and put them on dial up for a day or two. :-P [11:39] hehe [11:40] as much as i don't like the Draytek kit, it does seem pretty capable - it had a 'WAN2' LAN port so i took down a VDSL transceiver (Huawei HG612) and plugged it into the telephone line instead, then configured the Draytek to do the PPPoE auth using the new login on WAN2, easy peasy [11:40] they're only getting 26 Mb sync on an area that should reach 100 Mb though, very very poor [11:41] *in an area [11:41] guy buys dell, doesn't know anything about pcs. isn't happy as it doesn't have things he thought were standard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR25BVBsuS0 [11:41] wifi, ssd's [11:41] that sounds like it might be painful viewing [11:42] clients of mine always seem to think desktops will be WiFi capable [11:42] it's kinda funny, but to be honest i see it as a self inflicted wound. i know nothing about cars, if i wanted to buy a car i'd have someone who does at my side [11:43] indeedy [11:43] and as rusty as my skills are atm i'd be double checking that it had hhd or ssd and that wifi and bt were included out of the box [11:43] and then immediately forego them for a lovely network cable [11:43] pretty much :-) [11:44] if god had wanted us to use wifi, he wouldn't have given us coax :-D [11:44] hehehe [11:47] you never know when you'll want to abseil out the top story window to escape :-) [11:48] ok i only made it a few seconds in, he admitted it was all his fault and then said he ordered "the top of the line XPS processor" [11:49] dell advertising blurb at work [11:49] nah XPS is just the range, so it's that guy being a bit derp [11:49] whawe've all been there. what browser do you use? ms word! [11:50] finest of all! [15:26] one iMac obtained, cor it's slow as wading through molasses on the original 1TB 2.5" HDD [17:30] I've been trying to convince my parents to upgrade their computer, it's an old iMac from 2009. I did a memory upgrade on it a couple years ago, but now it's showing it's age. [17:30] ah wow that's exactly the age one i am going to offer to replace with this one, previously did RAM + SSD but core 2 duo's are just far too rubbish now [17:32] The thing still works, so I can see their point about not changing what works. [17:33] My next visit, I'm taking my dad to a computer store to buy parts to build a new system. [17:33] heh, EOL OS + unsafe online though [17:33] Is Novatech still around? lol [17:36] yup, they are [17:37] and god damn.. i thought PC components were expensive here.. boy, you guys have it rough [17:37] what neck o' the woods are your folks in? [17:37] West Sussex [17:37] ah yeah so that would be a nice close place, one of my pals from early IRC days + Uni time in Portsmouth worked at novatech for a bit [17:39] I used to work for IBM, had to visit North Harbour and that's how I learned about Novatech. [17:41] if you have any old contacts there, have you asked them first-hand how the email migration is going? xD [17:41] buhahah [17:41] not well [17:42] i used to like the old Notes/Domino set-up. It worked well. [17:42] never seen! [17:43] I used to run something called NotesBuddy, to avoid running the full Notes client because it was a pig. [17:43] Heh, and all the C4EB crap. [17:45] Had funky names for everything, including the network, which was called the "Power9" network [17:46] Which was basically the subnet [17:46] and woe be thee if you connected a system running a different microarch? :D [17:47] actually, they typically didn't care what was connected [17:47] because it was your responsibility to make sure it was safe to connect [17:47] may not be like that now [17:48] when I was there, they gave me a workstation and told me I could do whatever I want.. run Windows, Linux or even OS/2 at the time .. yeesh. [17:49] I just ran NT4 at the time, because that was what I was working with the most then.. mmm.. nation wide NT4 domain, PDC at the DC and BDCs at every site [17:50] you can imagine the fun each time we introduced a new BDC to an NT4 domain. It would force an election which would often cause the just promoted BDC which didn't have any login scripts set-up or anything would become the master browser lol [17:55] always avoided domains personally :) all my clients are small enough that peer to peer is grand [17:57] IBM was smart enough not to run any kind of domain, NT or Novell NDS [17:57] but oh man, i miss the days of Novell NDS. pre-AD goodness. loved it [17:57] also.. [17:58] fire phasers 3 [17:58] *pew* *pew* *pew* lol [18:32] 18:58 < m0nkey_> fire phasers 3 [18:32] oops paste fail [18:32] https://imgur.com/a/49HVF0u [18:55] ah drat, ifixit won't sell to me anymore [19:04] not british enough? [19:05] that imac is quite clean for a 6yo computer [19:05] there's a lot of dust in the fan there and on the PCBs [19:05] yeah ifixit EU doesn't have Guernsey - and ifixit UK is refusing a local postcode [19:07] don't you have a uk postal thingy that pretends to be british and then smuggles it to the islands under cloak of darkness? [19:08] yeah but that'd double the cost of this kinda item [19:08] hrmm ebay seems to have an identical one for 1/3rd the cost of ifixit https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224509173987 [19:09] right time for daily walk.... o/ [19:09] enjoy!