
ultso did canonical push an update that bricked a ton of ubuntu boxes?00:34
Saxleult no?00:35
oerheksult, did you file a bugreport, or any information?00:36
ulti'm trying to figure out what's broken now, but it looks like systemd-logind is borked00:36
ultin some way that makes gnome-session borked00:38
Bashing-omult: What does the package manager think ? ' sudo dpkg -C ' .00:39
ultWe failed but the fail whale is dead00:40
ultThat's the error message i'm getting00:40
ultI know that sounds surreal but I'm not kidding00:41
SaxleIts a gnome error I think00:41
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oerheksis the filesystem borked, mounted RO ?00:43
ultYeah gnome-session is totally borked on a few different boxes00:43
oerheksoh, and mention what version of ubuntu00:43
ultno, fs is not ro, and 20.04.02 LTS per /etc/issue00:44
ravagegnome-session is 3.36.0-2ubuntu1 here. working just fine00:49
ultyeah same version here per dpkg, completely broken00:50
ultwhere are useful error messages for this stored? systemd is just twitterlol garbage00:50
oerheksjournalctl -b -0 shows messages from the current boot, journalctl -b -1 from the previous boot00:54
ultok so it looks like it's just the boxes with AMD gpus, not intel or nvidia00:55
Saxleult what kernel you on? | uname -r00:56
ultand thanks oerheks, yeah, that's how i saw the twitter failwhale error messages, but there's nothing useful00:56
dman777is wicd-gtk still available? looking for a light wieght wifi manager00:56
ultSaxle, 5.8.0-55 and 5.8.0-59, both -generic00:56
ultCan someone kindly remind me what the gnome window manager command is? It's certainly not fvwm, icewm, enlightenment, or metacity these days :\00:58
SaxleAlt+F2 for the cmd in gnome00:58
ultThanks. No gnome on this box right now. Just export DISPLAY=:0 and xterm&00:59
SaxleDo Alt+F2 then enter: r to restart gnome01:00
ultgnome-session barfs, gnome-shell barfs, there's gotta be something more lower level?01:00
ultno, i mean, i don't have a window manager right now01:00
ulti can't move windows around01:00
ultit's sad01:00
ulti have this one xterm in the top left01:00
ultit's really sad01:00
ultplz send halp01:00
SaxleCould you try to reinstall your session, maybe some packages are missing ult?01:00
ultSaxle, first, multiple boxes, second, dpg -C is like "lol u good bro"01:01
ultI do agree, it looks like something went horribly wrong with an automated upgrade01:01
SaxleCheck /var/log/apt/history.log any commonality between the systems? ult01:02
ultSaxle, it's libc on the 10th :rip:01:03
ultOther than that I don't see anything else aside from what I tried on a couple of boxes to log in01:03
oerheksPress Alt + F7 to move a window or Alt + F8 to resize01:05
ultoerheks: I don't have a window manager running :RIP:01:05
ultSorry, literally, this box is just an xterm :D01:06
ultok, icewm works01:07
ulti can move windows now01:07
ulti can even start AOL instant messanger, if it was installed...01:07
oerheksapt install -f ?01:08
ultReading package lists... Done01:08
ultBuilding dependency tree01:08
ultReading state information... Done01:08
ult0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:08
ultSorry. Kinda excited. Got two open terminals on this broke-ass box.01:09
ultplease help, even glxgears works01:10
sammygee121Hi All! Im having issues with my pc falling asleep when the lid is closed, when i close the lid it still runs despite my system suspending, HP ENVY x360 Laptop - 13-ay0008ca01:10
sammygee121I checked, no drivers available01:10
ulti'm in rescue mode, Xorg, export DISPLAY=:0, xhost +, glxgears, it works01:11
Saxlesammygee121: try installing gnome-tweaks and check the option "suspend when laptop lid is closed"01:12
ultbut gdm/startx/anything involving systemd on an AMD system is so broke right now01:12
sammygee121Saxle its checked on01:13
* srv using winbuntu01:17
ultlol so funny ubuntu unusable just use windows01:17
Saxlewinbuntu? srv?01:22
srvwindows+ wsl2=wslg01:23
Saxleoh yeaaa01:23
srvwindows +wsl2+wslg01:23
ultyeah it's honestly not a bad solution01:23
ultrumor has it we'll have GPL filesystem code able to mount Windows-native ext/btr/etc filesystems soon01:24
SaxleI wonder if Windows 11 will add ext4 support?01:26
srveven not ubuntu aplication work in wsl2 but the gain a lot when they implement wsl2 +wslg  so now you dont need a independen xorg to run the linux aplications on windows  i think the wslg has its own hiden xserver01:27
srvdont know but that made a lot of ppl not to dual boot01:27
ultok sorry01:29
ulthow do i make journalctl not awful01:29
ultlike, it deletes things to try and make the terminal pretty, and i don't want that01:29
ulti want tail -20 /var/log/messages01:29
ultno editing01:29
ultit keeps turning long lines into > kinda stuff01:29
ultand it's the long lines that i need to debug01:30
ultlike, stop hiding the useful information, fratboys01:30
leftyfbult: please stop01:30
leftyfbult: please screenshot whatever you are talking about01:30
leftyfbult: otherwise, you can use: journalctl -k -n20  # for kernel messages01:32
ultleftyfb: sorry. I have kernel messages. They are about freaking fail whales, and, as absurd as that seems, it is what it s.01:33
leftyfbult: ok, lets us know if you'd like help troubleshooting or not01:33
ultleftyfb: I do, though. What does CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry.... mean?01:35
ultI'm getting that every 5 minutes and the only reason I'm here on this box is because I ran Xorg manually and then started xterm and icewm01:36
leftyfbult: please pastebin the error message and the command you used to output the error message (do not type it, please copy and paste it)01:36
ultleftyfb: I am literally asking for help to try and get a more useful error message, and I will be glad to pastebin the stupid one-liner I'm getting, but I don't think anyone's gonna make progress off of that.01:38
ultIt is literally just the fail whale comment and gnome-session crashing01:39
leftyfbult: please provide the questioned information if you'd like help01:39
ultleftyfb: I can't open a browser on this box. Can you help me pastebin it from a terminal?01:40
leftyfbult: mycommandgoeshere | nc termbin.com 999901:40
leftyfbult: why are you running xorg/icewm manually?01:43
ultleftyfb: because i can only boot these boxes in rescue mode, they hard-lock as soon as they try to start X in a normal boot01:44
leftyfbult: being in "rescue mode" is not the way to diagnose this sort of thissue01:44
leftyfbthis issue*01:44
ultno, i agree, which is why i came on IRC asking for hel-01:45
leftyfbult: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user01:45
leftyfbult: then reboot. That should allow you boot without loading up the GUI01:46
leftyfbult: though, you have yet to paste the error messages as requested01:46
ultoh my gosh, my bad01:49
ultroot@luna:~# journalctl -b -0 | grep -A 3 -B 3 whale | nc termbin.com 999901:49
leftyfbult: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999901:51
leftyfbult: ubuntu-drivers | nc termbin.com 999901:54
leftyfbult: did you set multi-user as the default service and reboot?01:54
ultroot@luna:~# ubuntu-drivers list | nc termbin.com 999901:55
ultno output from that command and ubuntu-drivers without args just gives a help screen01:55
leftyfbult: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user   # did you do this yet?01:56
ultand honestly i haven't rebooted because getting this box to a graphical desktop is a PITA01:56
oerheksthat multi-user line could fix that01:56
leftyfbult: why do you need a graphical desktop on it? Do you have another machine you can use for IRC?01:57
leftyfbult: the point of the command is to boot without booting to GUI01:57
leftyfbult: being in single user mode is not a good way to troubleshoot/replicate issues, only fix them01:57
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ultleftyfb: I am on a KVM with an over-priced Dell monitor and it's just a PITA.01:58
ultI get what you're saying, I'd just prefer to not waste anyone's time.01:59
ult(including my own)01:59
leftyfbult: you're wasting time trying to replicate and troubleshoot issues in single user mode01:59
leftyfbult: ok, to give you an idea of what I think is wrong, my thought is video drivers/kernel. Either an updated kernel was installed or video drivers or both and there's some incompatibility02:00
leftyfbult: you can try booting into the previous kernel as a start02:00
leftyfbult: but either way, booting no in single mode is step #102:00
ultAlright, thanks. Gonna reboot this box, and gonna head down a couple of floors and grab my laptop. I agree it's a video problem. The NVidia & Intel boxes are fine.02:04
ultControl B D!02:05
ulttmux a!02:07
ultok, so I have a Dell monitor telling me "No input", once again02:10
ultLast time I booted rescue via grub (BIOS graphics work), and ran Xorg and icewm and life was, not good, but less crappy02:11
leftyfbult: you're not even getting a POST?02:12
ultI am getting a full POST02:13
ultIn rescue mode I'm at a root prompt, normal boot, it locked up after about 2 seconds02:13
leftyfbult: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user   # did you do this before rebooting?02:13
ultI did02:13
leftyfbthen it shouldn't be attempting to boot into gnome/desktop at all02:14
ultI agree02:14
leftyfbult: you mentioned the nvidia/intel machines were fine, I assume the remaining with issues are ATI/AMD?02:14
leftyfbult: lspci |nc termbin.com 999902:17
ultsorry there's a lot of output there, gotta review it02:18
leftyfbI don't see a video chipset02:21
ultbecause my KVM is also saying the same thing02:21
ultI can boot in rescue mode and get a LUKS prompt and unlock. But no video in normal boot.02:23
leftyfbult: this is just a desktop machine? Not some blockchain miner or server or something? You have multiples that are identical hardware that are experiencing the same issue?02:24
ultIt is not just a desktop machine, and it is not a blockchain miner.02:25
ultIt's a video teleconferencing system and tomorrow is set up to SUCK.02:25
ultAnd tomorrow is going to be a blast because packagekit and unattended-upgrades is disabled on everything, and the antimalware is all "YOLO all clear bro"02:28
leftyfbult: what changed between "it's working" and "it's not working"?02:29
ultleftyfb: I don't know. I'd like to say nothing. There were libc updates on the 10th.02:30
leftyfbult: I would look into hardware issues then. With no updates and no reboots, ubuntu wouldn't just stop working on it's own02:31
leftyfbult: especially with your KVM/monitor issues as well02:31
ultYeah, honestly, that was my first go-to02:31
ultThe problem is that BIOS graphics work, right?02:35
ultLike, even rescue mode graphics work02:35
leftyfbult: tried a live usb?02:36
ultleftyfb: yeah, works like a charm ;_;02:37
leftyfbI'm not sure. I have to head out though02:38
ultit's all good, this is a dumpster fire, i was asking as a hail mary02:39
tuxinatorany good reason for changing output of apt-check --human-readable from "is a security update" to "can be applied immediately" ?06:02
tuxinatorit's since last updates06:02
reapearis this the official ubuntu channel?06:20
alkisgreapear: yes, see the /topic06:21
reapearif it says so in the topic06:21
sh1pwr3ki want to put kali or ubuntu on one of mym windows machines08:02
Mekaneckkali isn't supported here08:02
Mekaneckonly ubuntu08:02
Mekaneckso you need to make up your mind on what you want to install :)08:03
Mekanecksh1pwr3k: then you need to seek for help elsewhere08:03
sh1pwr3ki havent been on IRC in years08:03
sh1pwr3kim going to put ubuntu on one to08:04
Mekaneckthis channel is for support with Ubuntu and it's official flavors, questions about kali belong elswhere08:04
sh1pwr3kok heard08:04
sh1pwr3kcan I install ubuntu with out creating a bootable drive08:05
reapearuse live cd08:22
guivercsh1pwr3k, yes you can, but it's not easy.. You need to make your bootloader for whatever OS is installed chainload to the ISO which exists on the machine already, but given it sounds like your installed OS isn't Ubuntu, you'll likely not get help here (but yeah it is possible, but it's more work than writing the ISO to a thumb-drive)08:36
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philomathIs this the Ubuntu help channel? Can I ask suggestions on my problem here?11:12
philomathI upgraded ubuntu 18.04 LTS to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS through Ubuntu Update center on my corporate laptop. Since the restart, my user is unable to login and says incorrect password on correct one. I suspect the user is deleted or disconnected somehow as it is missing from shadow file I checked from recovery mode11:14
philomathHow do I know if it's a LDAP user or something else11:14
philomathAnd is there any way to recover the user logins?11:14
donofriophilomath, does dmesg show you anything when use attempts login?11:25
philomathdonofrio, Weirdly, dmesg is void of the logs during the upgrade.11:29
philomathI suspect a SSSD misconfiguration on upgrade. https://paste.opensuse.org/b957386f11:29
philomathIn the image, login was impossible since Jul 17 13:1211:30
donofriophilomath, perhaps #sssd? I mean someone here might know but cannot hurt to ask there as well?11:32
philomathYeah, right. TIL about sssd11:34
philomathI first suspected it was LDAP user and misconfigured on upgrade11:34
philomathI guess, the problem started while upgrading and ntp.conf file. AFAIR, I kept the old ntp.conf11:41
ducassentp should have no impact on login, but most use timesyncd instead now11:44
philomathducasse, ok. So it's not NTP11:45
philomathsssd conf looks okay, I guess. It contains the pwd for the users and domain name11:45
ducassei can't help much with sssd. the only way i can imagine ntp having an impact would be maybe if time has drifted too much, i don't know how sssd handles that11:48
lotuspsychjewelcome sat12:00
lotuspsychje!rootirc | IMNOTU12:04
ubottuIMNOTU: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:04
lotuspsychjequick hack :p12:04
mybalzitchI haven't heard of any remote exploits in irc clients in a while13:21
BluesKajHi all13:22
InteloMy keyboard (actually all keyboards I tried) on my system gets hanged/ no response seen (in anywhere I type) for the 5th to 9th second. (response gets deferred) if I keep on typing for from 1st to 5th second. Then after 9th second, there is no problem. What can be the reason?13:25
LiblxHello, how can I get the time since the last boot?13:27
toddcIntelo: several reasons high cpu load is common but there are others13:28
Intelotoddc cpu load is low13:29
InteloI monitored13:29
Intelotoddc what other?13:29
toddcIntelo: does top show any issues?13:30
Intelotop shows no high cpu /' ram load13:31
Intelotoddc can it be harddisk?13:33
toddcIntelo: not likley for a kb delay but eay to test disks then 3dots Smart Data and self tests13:39
toddceasy to13:39
toddcpossible device conflict tho I do not know how to test that13:40
alkisgLiblx: uptime?13:44
Intelotoddc https://imgur.com/OzttkGP.png14:05
Intelotoddc I checked on terminal without xorg. It works fine. So its an xorg issue. How to trace and fix?14:17
TomyWorkis precise (12.04) mirrored anywhere still?14:22
TomyWorkhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ it's not on here, is there an archive archive or something? :)14:23
bittinhttps://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ maybe ?14:23
bittin@ TomyWork14:24
TomyWorkthanks a lot14:25
TomyWorkyeah i just clicked through to it as well :)14:25
TomyWorkfrom the main link to the repo14:25
TomyWorkseems to work14:26
nemoSo.. we need to keep postgresql 10/11 (because atlassian) - thankfully the postgres team maintains a repo for Focal. Which we enabled.  apt installed --list says pgdq packages. good... what puzzles me is the history log for upgrade still lists 10.17-ubuntu0.18.04.1  as if the old package is still lying around after the focal update14:40
nemohow would I unregister/remove that?14:40
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Liblxalkisg: thanks!!15:42
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guest3245just updated to Firefox 90 and now all my custom webextensions are disabled. Anyone know if there is something besides xpinstall.signatures.required that I need to set to make things work again?16:56
guest3245or if this change is intentional or a bug?16:57
oerheks'custom web extentions' .. interesting, >  Firefox’s SmartBlock feature now blocks third-party Facebook scripts https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/07/firefox-90-released-new-features17:00
oerheksyou might want to consult the #firefox channel for this?17:01
guest3245custom webextension == self made, so they have no signature17:01
guest3245the firefox "flavour" in ubuntu used to have a feature that you could disable the mandatory signature check using the xpinstall.signatures.required, but that seems to be gone now17:03
guest3245that is not part of official firefox, so I doubt they would help me with that17:03
oerheksyou might need to register for joining #firefox17:03
Tenkawaoerheks: is there a ubuntu development specific channel? I need to ask a dpkg specific question but its Impish related17:11
oerheksTenkawa, for future release, join #ubuntu+1 or maybe #ubuntu-packaging #ubuntu-devel17:13
geniioerheks: +1 has been transitioned to #ubuntu-next17:16
oerheksoh indeed, now it is #ubuntu+1-maint17:16
ApostleInTriumphHello. I'm trying to download a file from this bash script but it fails, i.e, HTTP response is 200, but the filesize is 0 bytes. wget raises no further error as well. Can you please help me on how I can download this file from terminal?17:27
ApostleInTriumphthe script : https://github.com/ThibaultGROUEIX/3D-CODED/blob/master/inference/download_trained_models.sh17:27
leftyfbApostleInTriumph: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ThibaultGROUEIX/3D-CODED/master/inference/download_trained_models.sh17:28
ApostleInTriumphleftyfb that's the same file I posted?17:28
ApostleInTriumphleftyfb anyway, this is the traceback I get17:30
leftyfbApostleInTriumph: you'll have to contact the author of the script for support with the script17:32
ApostleInTriumphleftyfb is it possible to download from google drive using wget?17:32
leftyfbApostleInTriumph: I'm not sure. Try #bash17:33
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ash_worksiis there a command to get a specific user's home directory path?18:29
ash_worksiah, I see, just prefix a username with a tilde18:29
ash_worksiis there a shortcut for `user:user` for ch* commands ?18:31
oerheks$USER would be user, $HOME would be the folder18:32
ash_worksioerheks: I mean of a user that's not me; like postgres18:34
ash_worksioerheks: but what I'm discovering is I can do something like `root@server$ cd ~postgres`18:35
oerheksoh oke, some service names have no home folder..18:35
alkisgash_worksi: getent passwd postgres | awk -F: '{print $6}'18:35
ash_worksioerheks: right... interesting aside: what happens if you `sudo su - user_without_home` ?18:36
ash_worksialso, that doesn't answer my question about user:user, but my guess is, "no"18:36
oerhekshmm, interesting indeed18:36
alkisgIf $HOME doesn't exist for a user, they log in to /18:38
ash_worksiwhich one is the easier command again? useradd or adduser?18:38
ash_worksialkisg: thanks18:39
ash_worksinow I don't have to make a dummy user and TIAS18:39
ash_worksiso, nvm on useradd/adduser18:39
oerheksone is a bunch of scripts around the other one18:39
ash_worksiyes, that much I am aware18:39
oerheksuseradd is the binairy18:39
kincerbYeah, adduser is a debian thing. I'm used to useradd from RHEL.18:40
sarnoldash_worksi: something like: `getent passwd sarnold | awk -F: '{print $6;}'`18:45
sarnoldoh hah, alkisg beat me to it :)18:45
ash_worksisarnold: is that perferred over just ~sarnold ?18:45
kincerbAlso, not sure the context of the earlier chown question... but if you do `chown userid:  filename` it will use the user's login group for changing ownership.18:46
sarnoldash_worksi: I don't know if ~sarnold is just something that works in the shells or if it also works via glob(3) -- but if works for you, it's certainly easier! :)18:47
ash_worksisarnold: I just assumed it was an ubuntu or debian thing18:47
ash_worksibut it seems to work on ubuntu machines18:48
ash_worksithough I don't know about users without a home dir18:48
Tenkawakincerb: that doesnt change group18:48
Tenkawachown only changes uid not gid18:49
kincerbHmm, thanks @Tenkawa , I read that from the chown manpage.18:49
ash_worksiTenkawa: I am fairly certain you can change group using `chown user:user`18:49
kincerbYou can, someone asked about shortcuts.18:49
Tenkawaash_worksi: if you : yes… but not just using uid18:49
sarnoldash_worksi: good question; I've never seen a user without one, but it probably can happen..18:49
Tenkawayou must uid:gid18:50
ash_worksiTenkawa: I am not sure what you mean; as root, I can run `chown ashm: file` and `ls -al` shows it as "ashm ashm"18:51
Tenkawalook right there18:52
Tenkawaall I did is chown na18:52
Tenkawait only changed the user not the group18:52
kincerbOh, you need the colon18:52
kincerbBut you don't specify the group after the colon.18:53
Tenkawawhich is my point18:53
Tenkawaand is also very dangerous18:53
Tenkawanot fully qualifying it if you use a :18:54
kincerbFair point, I was just trying offer options to try.18:54
Tenkawabut I did like the getenr btw18:54
Tenkawaer getent18:55
Tenkawawhoever put that up earlier18:55
Tenkawathat reminded me of some svr4 methodology18:55
ash_worksiTenkawa: you were correcting kincerb erroneously; they have a trailing colon18:56
Tenkawaash_worksi: eh?18:57
[itchyjunk]is snap as trustable as `apt` ? I don't think twice when installing with `apt`. only think i've installed with `snap` is hexchat but seems like snap is used for momre installs (currently getting `ksnap`) and wondering if i need to worry about anything.18:57
ash_worksi12:48 < Tenkawa> kincerb: that doesnt change group18:57
ash_worksiyes (see below)18:58
ash_worksi12:46 < kincerb> Also, not sure the context of the earlier chown question... but if you do `chown userid:  filename` it will use the user's login group for changing ownership.18:58
sarnold[itchyjunk]: well, snaps are published by anybody with an hour or two of free time. They're lightly sandboxed. I'd only recommend installing from folks you trust.18:58
ash_worksiTenkawa: ^ their original statement contained a `:` .. that apparently does change the group, but if it's unreliable/dangerous, then maybe it's not a good idea to use it18:59
[itchyjunk]ah so not quite the same as `apt` then18:59
Tenkawaash_worksi: I missed that part of his/her sentence I agree18:59
lotuspsychje[itchyjunk]: snap info snapname to find out more18:59
TenkawaI do however stand with my second part that it is not a "recommended" thing to do19:00
ash_worksiAlso, fwiw, @everyone, I attempted `user:` in a fresh container and it errored19:00
ash_worksichown: invalid spec19:00
Tenkawathis comes from learning the hard way from a bad chown -R early in my career19:01
kincerbNo worries, like I said, I grabbed it from the man page. Probably depends on which version GNU coreutils you're using.19:01
ash_worksihmmm... I will try to take that to heart (despite using chown -R a lot myself)19:01
kincerbBeing verbose is definitely always best practice.19:01
Tenkawaat least thats not recursive19:02
Tenkawamine was19:02
Tenkawaany of you running (at least 1 person here I know is)… on arm hardware?19:04
lotuspsychje!arm | Tenkawa19:04
ubottuTenkawa: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.19:04
ash_worksialso, that was ubuntu:20.0419:05
Tenkawaok… see ya19:05
ash_worksiI mean, when I got the chown spec error, that was on a ubuntu:20.04 container19:05
ku4etohey folks19:10
ku4etousing 20.04, server installation, having some weird "issue" with the network interfaces19:10
ku4etoi have removed netplan and cloud-init, using only systemd-networkd19:11
ku4eto2 VMWare VMXNET interfaces, both with static IP, using /etc/systemd/network/xxx.network files19:11
ku4etobut for some reason i also get on each interface an IP from the APIPA range19:12
kincerbJust for kicks I tried that chown command and it works for me. https://paste.gnome.org/pllvmpa7r19:13
ku4etoi had installed the net-tools package, but even after removing and rebooting, the APIPA IPs are persisting19:13
ku4etoand i cant seem to find where they come from19:13
Exaku4eto: can you share your .network file?19:14
ku4etoExa: https://dpaste.org/wBGg19:15
ku4etodmesg provides nothing interesting, only eth0/1 renames to ens for the interfaces19:16
ku4etosystemd-networkd logs are even less descriptive, only 1 link up/gained carrier for each interface19:17
Exaku4eto: I wouldn't be surprised if it comes from LinkLocalAddressing=ipv4  https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.network.html#LinkLocalAddressing=19:17
ku4etojust tested - removed it, restarted networkd, APIPA disappeared19:21
ku4etoenabled again ,restarted networkd, they dont appear19:22
ku4etobut after reboot, they appear again19:22
ku4etoseems like this was the cause19:23
ku4etodisabled - rebooted, no APIPA19:23
ku4etobut... why does it assign APIPA, when there is successful static link up?19:23
RedNifreWhat's the best way to create a little Youtube video on Ubuntu? It's been years since I last done it. I want to record a part of my screen, narrate it and maybe cut it.19:32
rfmku4eto, the static net 10 address isn't a link-local address (only 169.254.x.x.are)19:32
leftyfbRedNifre: there's several screen recorders available in the ubuntu software store that you can search for19:32
RedNifreyeah, but which ones are good?19:33
leftyfbRedNifre: feel free to ask for opinions on software in #ubuntu-offtopic19:33
leftyfbRedNifre: or try them out for yourself and determine which one suits your personal needs the best19:33
RedNifreAsking people with experience is faster, that's why I'm asking.19:34
ku4etorfm: i guess i have to check whats the definition of link-local addresses :| thanks19:39
RedNifreIf anyone else was wondering, the answer is OBS.19:41
rfmku4eto, looks like rfc 3927 is what to read... https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3927.txt19:43
leftyfbRedNifre: your answer might be OBS, but that won't fit everyone's needs19:47
ku4etoalright, another issue - how would i go with networkd DHCP enabled, but requesting ONLY ipv4?20:00
ultHey all, thanks for the help last night, I managed to make progress. Previously I could only get the boxes to boot in rescue mode, but it turns out that 'nomodeset' will let them boot "normally" to a graphical desktop etc.20:01
ku4etowith [Network] DHCP=ipv4, i still get an ipv6 address20:01
ku4etomind, this is with sysctl config for no ipv620:01
ultWithout 'nomodeset' the kernel seems to be poking the GPU early on, and as soon as plymouth starts, the GPU drops off the bus, and the system hangs a few seconds later20:01
sarnoldku4eto: try adding IPv6AcceptRA=no as described at https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/IPv6#systemd-networkd_320:02
ku4etosarnold: the thing is, i already have it :|20:03
sarnoldku4eto: oh :/20:05
shibbolethTJ-, ping20:06
shibbolethi've run into yet another issue with grub 2.04, diff issue, diff hardware20:06
shibbolethif this is happening to me alone with this frequency it isn't unreasonable to suspect that something is rotten in denmark20:07
leftyfbku4eto: can't just disable ipv6 entirely on the machine?20:07
shibbolethku4eto, nano /etc/default/grub, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="ipv6.disable=1"20:07
shibbolethupdate-grub2, reboot20:07
ku4etoshibboleth: leftyfb net.ipv6. disabling does not work?20:08
ku4etoin the sysctl.conf20:09
leftyfbku4eto: it should work, maybe sure to specify all and/or your interfaces directly. Though I did notice that when building bridge interfaces, it seems to not find them in time before attempting to disable ipv620:10
ku4etoits both .all,.default and .lo defined as .disable_ipv6=120:11
ku4etoi will try as well with the GRUB20:11
shibbolethku4eto, kernel boot flags must be applied at boot20:12
shibbolethso, do what i said *and* reboot, no need to mess with sysctl20:12
ku4etoyea, doing that as well, but why are the sysctl settings ignored?20:14
ku4etoit works for handles, open files and everything else20:14
ku4etoalso, feels like i have seen your username somewhere else20:14
shibbolethnot "as well"20:14
shibbolethjust dew it20:14
shibbolethit disables the kernels ipv6 support, there will be no relevant systcl entries20:15
shibbolethso, minute eight of you refusing to heed the advice you asked for20:15
ku4etowell, the sysctl worked before for sure20:16
ku4etobest practices question: whta would be considered better, when running a VM on VMWare, setup through a template20:21
ku4etopredictable interface names or the old eth ones?20:21
leftyfbku4eto: best practices is keeping the defaults. If you have other personal needs then adjust accordingly20:33
ku4etohuh, made the VM as a template, created 2 new VMs from that tempalte - using the .network file for the networkd, with DHCP=ipv4... and both machines get the same IP from the DHCP for some reason20:57
nemoku4eto: you didn't change the mac address I guess20:57
leftyfbku4eto: did you change the machine-id for each machine?20:57
leftyfband/or MAC20:57
ku4etothe MAC address is changed ofc20:59
ku4etoVMWare does this automatically on creation from template20:59
leftyfbku4eto: machine-id20:59
ku4etoleftyfb: hm yes, its the same for some reason21:01
ku4etoi will see why is that, thanks for the pointer21:02
ku4etoor i could have just used "ClientIdentifier=mac", but i didnt read the docs properly21:05
leftyfbku4eto: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/8222921:07
leftyfbthough, it's not a very good article as far as the workaround goes. Just purge the /etc/machine-id in your template. New machine-id's should be generated on boot21:08
leftyfbno need to delete the file and relink /var/lib/dbus/machine-id and also set dhcp-identifier: mac   doesn't make a lot of sense actually21:08
=== Pokey is now known as TEX
=== TEX is now known as Pokey
jackneillwhere can i request features in the terminal app?22:36
jackneillit would be great if i could name terminal tabs22:36
jackneillso i can keep track of them22:36
jackneilllike in tmux.22:36
Bashing-omjackneill: xterm has that abilkity to name the terminal tabs.22:37
=== pong is now known as beaver
sixwheeledbeaststart a terminal with -t flag followed by name22:59
quitmanJust installed ubuntu on my new laptop. How do i change so it uses the mic from the laptop and not my headset? Right now theres no voice coming through my headphones but when i remove the headset the mic works.(as it uses the laptop one)23:04
jeremy31quitman: see if there is something in sound settings, input tab23:13
quitmanjeremy31: In alsamixer?23:16
sixwheeledbeastjust sound settings23:16
jeremy31quitman: The Sound Settings GUI23:17
quitmani use i323:17
sixwheeledbeastwill be pulse I imagine.23:17
quitmanSo, what couldi try?23:19
sixwheeledbeastpulsemixer maybe?23:20
sixwheeledbeasti use mate DE so would use mate-volume-control GUI23:21
quitmanI guess it's trying to use the mic on my headset. But i want to use the mic from the laptop. How can i change that?23:26
Inglebertquitman: click the heading bar at the top right, then you'll see settings. Then down the left side you'll see sound. In the sound settings you will see input devices.23:28
oerheks!info pavucontrol23:30
ubottupavucontrol (4.0-2, hirsute): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Built by pavucontrol. Size 143 kB / 1,066 kB23:30
oerheksmaybe this tool can help you select 2 devices23:31
quitmanInglebert: It only lists one input device. WHen i dont have the headset plugged in it works. When i plug in the headset it breaks23:31
oerheksor bluez might help reroute mic to your laptop mic23:31
oerheksmy bet is pavucontrol23:32
InglebertThen I'm gonna +1 for pavucontrol23:33
quitmanDoesen't seem to work there eaither23:36
oerhekslogout/login ore force it; pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload23:41
oerheksthen open pavu23:41
InglebertIt's weird you can't select input device. Is there no drop down for the inputs?23:42
oerheksin terminal; alsamixer > f623:44
oerheksgnome sound should give them too23:44
quitmanBleh, i'm too tired for this now xD23:48
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