
=== blue_penquin[m] is now known as Guest7982
=== genii-core is now known as genii
msg75Several years ago I tested daily releases for xubuntu using vm's, IRC coaching, and well organized report forms. I may want to do this again. Where to start?19:54
msg75OK - Here we go! https://wiki.xubuntu.org/qa/new_tester_start20:03
msg75Is there an xubuntu-devel release iso? To download?20:44
msg75Which xubuntu version should I install in a vm to get going with testing new releases20:46
tomreynmsg75: did you have a look at /topic , yet? "Daily testing with results: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ "22:31
msg75tomreyn: I have 21.04 running in a vm. I am on that web page. I am reading the test case.23:34
msg75I am having trouble about what to do next. The test case instructions seem to related the installaton step by step. There were no problems. I don't know how to apply that experience to answer the specific questions.23:38
msg75Several of the operations were probably optional. I did not test anything. It installed automatically23:40
msg75I suppose this means it gets a "pass".23:42
msg75The prompts were clear. I selected.23:43
msg75I don't know how to use rsync to get the daily release update or do I merely use the qatracker download buttion. Sorry, I have done this before. I still had an acount for ubuntu.23:45
msg75"If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result." 23:49
msg75I am wondering if I 'passed' eh.23:49

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