
lotuspsychjegood morning03:29
lordievaderGood morning06:01
ducassegood morning06:10
=== eliocamp1 is now known as eliocamp
=== eliocamp45 is now known as eliocamp4
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: https://www.ebay.com/itm/32386649329417:18
leftyfbthose are kinda sexy17:34
leftyfbthough I did just find a bunch of the originals I still have17:35
leftyfbI'm thinking I could potentially make those at my makerspace. Maybe toss some brushed aluminum in the tormach and 3d print the black surround17:36
leftyfbI wonder what the black is made out of there17:36
lotuspsychjelooks like rubber?17:37
leftyfbthat's some high accuracy cutting for rubber17:38
lotuspsychjeMaterial: 0.1 mm aluminium / 0.9 mm black carbon17:39
lotuspsychjeEmblem Size: 25 mm / 35 mm 17:39
leftyfb"black carbon"17:39
leftyfbif they weren't so expensive I'd pick up a couple17:40
lotuspsychjeyeah its a bit much 17:41
lotuspsychjebuy 2 get 3 thats 6 pieces for 24$17:41
lotuspsychjewelcome michaelrose 17:55
michaelroseyes because everyone wants to discuss in the channel where nobody is actually there17:55
lotuspsychjemichaelrose: oerheks was sharing an article about that few days ago17:56
michaelroseThere is a much bigger recent development17:56
lotuspsychjegot a newer source?17:56
michaelroseThere is what amounts to youtube-dl for sheetmusic from muse which like youtube-dl isn't itself infringing as it has substantial non infringing use in an effort to shut it down an executive of the muse group their "head of strategy" began a discussion with the developer with a threat to work with the chinese government to have something happen to the fellow17:57
lotuspsychje<oerheks> discussion going on, https://fosspost.org/audacity-is-now-a-spyware/ https://www.audacityteam.org/about/desktop-privacy-notice/17:59
michaelrosespecifically they noted he was a chinese national living abroad and he noted that legal trouble could have caused him to be deported back to china where he would be deported for his anti PRC rhetoric17:59
michaelrosestatements like " Otherwise, I will have to transfer information about you to lawyers who will cooperate with github.com and Chinese government to physically find you and stop the illegal use of licensed content."18:00
michaelrose> Upon further investigation, it became clear that Wenzheng Tang is a Chinese national, but not resident in China. As a guest in his current country, his residency status is predicated on a number of conditions, one of which is not violating the law.18:00
michaelrose> If found in violation of laws, residency may be revoked and he may be deported to his home country.18:00
michaelrose> This becomes even further complicated given another repo of his - Fuck 学习强国, which is highly critical of the Chinese government. Were he deported to China, who knows how he may be received. 18:00
leftyfbmichaelrose: has there been a recent development beyond them saying "Error reporting and basic system information collection is opt-in, but automatic update checking (which sends your IP address to them at every usage) is opt-out." which to me would be perfectly acceptable if they're telling the truth18:12
leftyfbmichaelrose: just future reference though, this sort of thing certainly doesn't belong in an ubuntu support channel. Giving feedback like this could be done on the ubuntu discourse pages18:13
michaelroseI hate that everyone has 7 different chat programs now18:21
michaelroseDo you trust someone who says they will work with the Chinese government to get dissidents with ANY data?18:21
lotuspsychjeanyone can chat with the client of choice?18:26
michaelroseno I mean that at one point in time IRC was the clear winner for open source projects and IRC had some flaws and we ended up with slack telegram teams discourse etc etc etc19:12
michaelrosealmost all of which are centralized19:12
lotuspsychjeits true these days mobile wins a lot 19:13
lotuspsychjesome channels do have telegram bridges to irc19:14
michaelroseI kind of wish people had just improved IRC19:14
lotuspsychjeimproved how19:14
sarnoldhaving scrollback available to clients who werent connected is the usual #1 feature request19:17
leftyfbmichaelrose: discourse != discord19:28
=== eliocamp4 is now known as eliocamp

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