
=== genii is now known as genii-core
sveinseMy server accumulates a lot of deprecated ipv6 addrs. Isn't there a cleanup in 20.04 that deletes old obsolete addrs?10:07
sveinseI have an ISP that assigns prefix via DHCPv6-PD and due to router restarts and we had a day with lots of changing ipv6 prefixes. But that's a week ago, but they are still all listed in all of the ubuntu servers. Do I need to clean them manually?10:09
sveinseI see that ip addr reports a "valid_lft" field in secs for each addr, and that its very high. Where is this number coming from? The external PD or is it an ubuntu setting?10:12
xnoxsveinse:  https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8415 skimming through it implies that the dhcp server issues valid & preffered lft for prefixes and autoconfigured ip addresses. I don't think we specify anything special.10:16
xnoxit does matter what lifetimes your router got; and which lifetimes machines got from router.10:16
xnoxi suspect ISP was giving out long lasting lifetimes.....10:17
sveinsexnox: yeah, I think that might be correct. Thanks. 300k seconds remaining on something is very long. Must debug the PD packages from the ISP I think10:19
rbasak300k seconds is less than half a week. Not too long on the timescale of some TCP connections that some might want not to vanish.10:30
sveinserbasak: I can't see there is any TCP connection remaining if you've lost your former PD and route. I believe the ISP router won't know how to route the IP packages (I think).11:00
patdk-lapyour server wouldn't know the route has gone missing13:38
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
=== genii-core is now known as genii
ComnenusAnyone know if this packaged anywhere?  https://github.com/Scribery/tlog20:05
ComnenusI have come across this, but in 20.04 sssd-common is at 1.16, and this doesn't seem to be part of it?  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man5/sssd-session-recording.5.html20:16
sarnoldComnenus: sssd is at 1.16 in 18.04, 2.2.3 in 20.04 -- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd20:17
sarnoldComnenus: but of course if tlog isn't packaged at all, it might be moot20:18
sarnoldComnenus: there's a pam_tty_audit(8) but I've never tried it20:18
Comnenussarnold: hmm......20:24
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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