
msg75Will get training from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/QATracker. OK00:18
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=== dkessel5 is now known as dkessel
bluesabreochosi, Unit193, either of you want to add your votes to the latest team vote?08:38
Unit193I guess that's needed, eh?08:44
Unit193bluesabre: Congrats on catfish release, and the PRs?10:33
Unit193Pretty sure I saw some nice PRs in catfish?10:35
bluesabreOh yeah10:36
bluesabreYeah, it does look like there's a nice bundle of additional items to merge in now10:36
bluesabreHow'd I miss those? :D10:36
Unit193KGB was reporting to me. :>10:37
=== genii-core is now known as genii
msg75I am on qatracker trying to use vm to install and evaluate test cases. I don't see how to have a vm arranged to " Install Xubuntu XX.XX alongside SYSTEM YY as the testcase requires.18:33
msg75Testcase: Install (auto-resize) in Xubuntu Desktop amd64 in Impish Daily18:36
jphilipsmsg75: you'll have to first have another OS installed in order to try that testcase18:49
msg75In a vm?18:50
jphilipsmsg75: i've install xp and 7 into an vm and then install xubuntu in the vm after it21:20
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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