
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <theNew0rder> 512mib is fairly enough I think. (re @troyBORG: How big do you guys usually make your UEFI partitions.  Or do you usually just go with whatever the defualt is?)08:01
guiverc@theNewOrder, I can't remember what the default was/is, but I've often gone larger than default for a few boxes used only for QA-testing (thus a number of installs are put on it); I used default for boxes I use though08:04
guivercsorry I may have misunderstood who was asking ^  (I've had issues on boxes with multiple installs thus larger for QA test boxes where I know it's likely I'll install a number)08:05
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Leokolb> reported a new/strange bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/1937115 seems to only affect Dell machines - great if someone could test/confirm this -18:55

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