
lotuspsychjegood morning03:19
lordievaderGood morning06:41
ducassegood morning06:42
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
MetamorphosisI always miss Jarte on Linux. A very lightweight and nice writing app and simple word processor designed for average Joe.14:59
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=== arif-ali- is now known as arif-ali
=== Droid is now known as Mekaneck
lotuspsychjeis there a 20.10 eol post out from the mailings yet?17:10
lotuspsychjethe !next factoid is a thing now, tnx for the edits17:29
lotuspsychjeubottu> Impish Indri is the codename for Ubuntu 21.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.17:30
tomreynsame list as always ;)18:13
lotuspsychjetyvm tomreyn : )18:14
tomreynyou're welcome 18:14
lotuspsychjei know, but im getting too many mails already18:14
tomreyni'm not subscribed either, my point was you can easily look up whether there was EOL announcement18:15
lotuspsychjeah right yeah18:15
tomreynhmm, nothing?18:16
lotuspsychjeubottu needs a hop into -discuss still18:17
tomreynoh right, it's not even here18:17
tomreynlooks like it needs an updat,e though https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=20.1018:17
lotuspsychjewant me to request it?18:18
lotuspsychjeis <reply> Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) was the 33rd release of Ubuntu, support ended July 2021. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2021-June/000269.html18:21
lotuspsychje<ubottu> But '20.10' already means something else!18:31
lotuspsychjehmm ubottu doesnt like me anymore :p18:32
tomreynright, same here. i tried to update it in #ubuntu-bots, but may not currently be allowed to do so.18:32
lotuspsychjemaybe its in good hands these days18:33
tomreyni'm certain it's just a software migration / upgrade side effect18:39
lotuspsychjeah, do you know about hggdh ^?18:39
tomreynlotuspsychje: i know hggdh exists, is this what you're asking?18:41
lotuspsychjenono maybe he can help us18:41
tomreynoh, i brought this up in #ubuntu-ops and i think someone will look into it later when they're around.18:42
lotuspsychjeallright tnx tomreyn 18:42
tomreynjust about myself, though18:42
tomreyni'll add a note that you also seem to have lost access.18:43
lotuspsychjewell access, ubottu was open to anyone before for factoid proposals18:43
tomreynoh for proposals, right, this is also broken then18:44
lotuspsychjei was able to to proposal !next a few days ago18:44
lotuspsychjeubot9 doesnt seem to reply on anything neither18:46
tomreynwas it new at this point?18:46
tomreynthe !next factoid?18:46
lotuspsychjetomreyn: i saw genii mentioning it yesterday i think, so i proposed it18:46
tomreynlotuspsychje: i see. about the original issue, ubottu responding with "<ubottu> But '20.10' already means something else!", you would then (this is new) need to insist on changing it by telling it: !no somefactoid is <reply> ...19:16
tomreynso you actually repeat what you said there, with the !no prepended19:16
lotuspsychjelets try19:16
lotuspsychjeyeah that worked tomreyn tnx19:18
tomreynright, this ended up in #ubuntu-ops now19:18
tomreyn(as it did in the past)19:18
lotuspsychjeso creating a vanilla one is !factoid is foo and editing one !no factoid is foo19:19
tomreynyou forgot about <reply> though19:19
lotuspsychjeah right19:20
tomreynbut otherwise i'd think so, yes19:20
hggdhtomreyn: thank you for thinking I am not a figment of a deranged imagination, and that I do exist :-)22:01
tomreynhggdh: anytime :-P22:22
tomreynwell anytime that both of us exist, or i believe that to be so, at least22:22
hggdh100% with you, based on the assumption that either, or both, of us are real23:41

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