
glestradehello, I'm trying to install some nvidia drivers onto my machine (running 18.04), and I'm getting the following error:00:52
glestradedoes this mean I have to load into a different kernel version?00:53
sarnoldglestrade: probably it just means you've got extra kernel packages installed without matching header packages00:53
sarnoldglestrade: check out the output from dpkg -l 'linux*' | grep ^ii00:53
Bashing-omglestrade: "kernel headers for this kernel does not seem to be installed." >> what shows ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' ?00:54
glestradeoutput for both was similar -> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wj8GYGGg2j/00:57
glestradeI know for a fact when I rebooted, I couldn't see that the drivers had loaded00:58
glestradewith nvidia-smi00:59
glestradeI am following this tutorial: https://towardsdatascience.com/deep-learning-gpu-installation-on-ubuntu-18-4-9b12230a1d3100:59
Bashing-omglestrade: Please also show ' uname -r ; lsb_release -a ' .01:00
glestradehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RjXxdhxW8y/ <- kernel version & OS01:01
glestradewas pretty sure on that already, but did the comman01:02
Bashing-om!info linix-image-generic bionic | glestrade01:04
ubottuglestrade: Package linix-image-generic does not exist in bionic01:04
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic bionic | glestrade01:04
ubottuglestrade: linux-image-generic (, bionic): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 17 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)01:04
glestradehmm yeah I'm fairly newbish here, I don't know if I have enough context to glean much from that01:06
Bashing-omglestrade: ^^ ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' reboot into the bionic install - now running the latest,, kernel ?01:07
Bashing-omglestrade: By the way - a serious CVE is now patched in latest kernels.01:08
glestradeI didn't see that in the boot menu01:08
Bashing-omglestrade: Did the full-upgrade ? show us then ' ls -al /boot/ .01:09
glestradeand I'm not putting much personal data on this OS for now, so if I need an old kernel it's probably safe01:09
glestradelet me check...01:09
Bashing-omglestrade: In the event that you are trying to build with the 4.2.0-42-generic kernel - is a fact that the heders are NOT installed.01:11
glestradeBashing-om: what I tried was something like 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.15.0-147-generic'01:13
glestradeand on the same line for the headers.01:13
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glestradewhat should hypothetically work for 4.2...generic... right01:14
Bashing-omglestrade: Why would you do that - already installed - see your https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wj8GYGGg2j/ paste :D01:14
Bashing-omglestrade: I maje a guess that 3.2 series is not supported in the bionic repo . lemme check what the release is.01:15
glestradeFirst of all I had no coffee today01:16
glestradeokay so you're saying that 4.15 is in fact installed then?01:16
glestradeI guess that full-upgrade is to take my kernel version up?01:16
glestradewhich there's no reason not to, it sounds like01:17
Bashing-omglestrade: Coffeee is a must ! I do not hold myself responsible for anything before my 2nd cup.01:17
glestradeI'm going to join on my phone so I can reboot when I need to01:18
FaTaL_ggI dont know a whole lot about snap yet... but can anyone help me troubleshoot the following complaint from syslog:01:19
FaTaL_ggsnapd[1491]: stateengine.go:150: state ensure error: Post https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh: dial tcp: lookup api.snapcraft.io on server misbehaving01:19
sarnoldFaTaL_gg: what do you get for 'host api.snapcraft.io' or 'resolvectl query api.snapcraft.io'? error messages or reasonable looking output?01:21
FaTaL_ggapi.snapcraft.io has address
FaTaL_gg6 different ips01:21
Bashing-omglestrade: Uh Huh v4.2-wily/ << long time End_Of_Life !01:22
Bashing-om!wily | glestrade01:22
ubottuglestrade: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/wily01:22
FaTaL_ggI constantly have issues on reboot, where isc-dhcp-server is foobar'd. I need to restart it to get it working01:22
glestrade_okay joined from my macbook instead. I need a better IRC client on my android01:23
glestrade_maybe I should write one...01:23
sarnoldFaTaL_gg: oh, hmm, you think your dhcp server is mucking with things?01:23
glestrade_gonna try those commands and reboot01:23
sarnoldglestrade_: you may have missed: < Bashing-om> glestrade: Uh Huh v4.2-wily/ << long time End_Of_Life ! < ubottu> glestrade: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/wily01:24
Bashing-omglestrade: Uh Huh v4.2-wily/ << long time End_Of_Life !01:24
Bashing-om!wily | glestrade01:24
ubottuglestrade: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/wily01:24
FaTaL_ggsarnold,indeed. we have talked before. I never solved it01:26
glestrade_btw, I was also having trouble getting a vnc server up and running before. but I have a sneaking suspicion that it also had to do with the display drivers01:27
FaTaL_ggI guess its because It thinks I have no interfaces configured.... probably because I disabled ipv6,and isc-dhcp-server insists on running ipv601:27
glestrade_it was complaining that there was other Xorg instances I think01:27
glestrade_*graphics drivers01:28
FaTaL_ggthe whole.... failson boot.... but if I delay its start,or restart it, it works01:28
glestrade_ooh it added a boot menu entry01:28
glestrade_I’m going to try it01:28
=== glestrade_ is now known as glestrade
glestradehmm, didn’t see 4.15 on the boot menu, despite it said it had added an “EFI boot menu entry"01:31
Bashing-omglestrade: Let us back up amd regroup so we are all on the same page and line. for starters on drivers Nvidia says "Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official01:35
Bashing-omglestrade: ^ with the above be aware that Nvidia and Ubuntu have a close working relationship.01:37
glestradewhat I don’t know is which drivers tensorflow will like01:38
glestradeI think it’s using the default driver now and can’t scale up to the resolution I know this screen has01:39
Bashing-omglestrade: 1) we want up and booting the latest kernel 2) the driver will be suited to the card 30 have the system install the driver it thinks is correct. // As easy as that :D01:39
glestradestep 1 appears to be a problem for whatever reason01:42
Bashing-omglestrade: Hokay .. so we see what is going on getting the latest kernel installed . pastebin ' ls -al /boot/ ' so we see what is installed.01:44
glestradelooks like it’s “installed”.. grub didn’t see it when I visited tho01:47
Bashing-omglestrade: Yeah - grub will not pick it up - yet. For example, mine " 24 Jul 21 15:45 vmlinuz.old -> vmlinuz-5.4.0-77-generic ". We got some works cut out for us. // What kernel are you booting ? Maybe if we get rid of that 4.2 version kernel that has *NO* support we can move forward ?01:51
glestradeI have to boot into a different kernel to do that, yes?01:54
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glestradeI’m in the unsupported one at the moment01:55
glestradeother on might be older, or deleted01:55
Bashing-omglestrade: If you are booting that 4.2 kernel - that indeed will present problems as the system then is inconsistent. All that is 18.04 will not talk to a 4.2 kernel :(01:56
glestradeokay, both kernels available to me on the grub menu on 4.201:58
glestradethis was from an old project that needed 14.04 and a very specific kernel version to talk to a specialty wifi card01:58
glestrademaybe I can downgrade the OS all the way back xD01:59
glestradeand then upgrade the kernel in a procedural way01:59
Bashing-omglestrade: NO! downgrade - we have no way back button :D02:00
glestradeso I can’t downgrade, and I can’t change the kernel02:01
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Bashing-omglestrade: Well as the latest kernel is installed - there is a way from grub to boot it - however, I have no UEFI experience to know for sure how. All here I can do is fumble along with you.02:02
glestradeI think I might have just done something good in this direction. Will update you in a second02:03
glestradeI always fumbled in Madden NFL, it’s no big deal02:05
glestradeoof it’s not here02:07
glestradeI was trying to boot into recovery mode and update the grub02:08
glestradeit looked like it was going to add an entry02:08
Bashing-omglestrade: Have you got a 18.04 live desktop installer ? - the boot options have " boot from 1st hard drive" . Might be worth trying :D02:10
glestradeI’ll keep this in mind. Going to try a few different approaches, I’ll ping this chat if anything works02:19
glestradeI’m sure if I spend enough time I’ll get that kernel on the boot menu02:19
wizzohi. i am trying to install ubuntu using the server installer and i need to create an EFI partition but the partitioner doesn't have an option to format as FAT02:20
wizzois it going to do this for me or something? i don't get it02:20
wizzooh lol nevermind02:22
wizzo"use as boot device"02:22
Bashing-omglestrade: Works too from a grub prompt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot to boot the desired kernel.02:24
oopsmy remote console will die if i stop action for a while, i have modified "ServerAliveInterval " value  to 600002:27
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glestradeBashing-om: my grub was “owned” by another distro03:40
glestradeso I updated it and now I’m on 4.1503:41
glestradehad to do so via the other distro03:41
Bashing-omglestrade: Last installed grub owns grub unless you take other measures. What shows now '03:44
Bashing-om glestrade: sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" - and we proceed to install system driver.03:45
glestradeidk, but I had an arch distro from June and it set up its own grub, and that was the same one I had to use to update grub03:45
glestradeand the new kernel was booted03:46
Bashing-omglestrade: Booting ubuntu now ?03:46
calamariAccording to some instructions I see online, in System Settings > Hardware there should be "Color". I don't see Color on mine. Would someone be willing to open Color and tell me the name of the executable running? Then I can find the appropriate package and install it.03:47
glestraderunning your find command atm03:47
Bashing-omglestrade: And ya want that ubuntu be in control of grub ?03:47
glestradeeventually, but it’s not the first priority03:48
glestradetrying to get tensorflow-gpu up and running03:48
glestradefind is taking its sweet time03:49
tomreyncalamari: For me it's    Settings -> Devices > Color    - it will dpends on your Ubuntu release (and desktop, if not the default of gnome-shell/mutter)03:49
calamaritomreyn: Thanks. Can you tell me which application is running when you open it?03:50
glestradeBashing-om: thanks for the help, I’ll let you know what happens next03:52
Bashing-omglestrade: May not be on here much longer ... getting on toward the witching hour here. Make sure the OEM driver stuff is not present and install what the system thinbks best for the driver.03:54
tomreyncalamari: gnome-control-center03:55
tomreyncalamari: i'm on 18.04 LTS, not sure what you are on, though03:55
calamaritomreyn: 18.03 as well03:56
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tomreynok. so that should work for you03:57
tomreynyou'll need to have colord installed, i guess, but i think this is a dependency of something ubuntu-desktop depends on, so you should alread yhave it.03:58
tomreyncolord is still pretty buggy in 18.04, though03:58
calamaritomreyn: I couldn't get it to load, but thank you for your help anyway!04:02
tomreyncalamari: if you're hoping to play with color profiles, i think you'll have a better time after upgrading to 20.04. or, differnetly put, i don't think there's a good chance it will work on 18.04.04:04
calamariI installed a profile using displaycal and I can't figure out how to undo it, haha04:04
LuckyManI have this issue on 21.04: if I turn on the computer and don't use it for a while the screen becomes black and the monitor shuts down and after that I can't use the system (which remains on). If I use it right away after turning it on it's fine.04:17
calamariLuckyMan: Is your goal to fix the wakeup problem, or is your goal to keep the scren from going to sleep in the first place?04:24
LuckyMancalamari, fix the wake up problem04:25
calamariLuckyMan: sounds good, unfortunately I don't know how to help with that one, sorry04:25
LuckyManthe keyboard doesn't seem to work also, I tried ctrl alt F... combinations and CTRL alt DEL and it doesn't respond04:26
LuckyManI have to press the power button for 5 secs to shut it down04:27
LuckyManthis is kind of strange because I have 20.04 on the same HD with no issues04:28
AmRHow I can Install full Qt and 5 and 6 ?04:36
alkisgLuckyMan: try to suspend/resume. If the problem happens then, it's a suspend problem; troubleshooting instructions at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend04:38
=== oracle44 is now known as Luvrscrs
AmRAny Hellp ?04:43
LuckyManJust tried suspension, it worked fine04:48
LuckyManalso, this is a desktop computer04:48
alkisgWhich graphics card and drivers?04:49
LuckyManno graphics cars (I mean other than the processor)04:49
alkisglspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA04:50
LuckyMan00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation CometLake-S GT2 [UHD Graphics 630] [8086:3e92]04:51
LuckyManDeviceName: Onboard - Video04:51
LuckyManSubsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. UHD Graphics 630 (Desktop) [1043:8694]04:51
alkisgWhich desktop environment, gnome, mate, kde?04:52
alkisgI don't have gnome to tell you exactly, but somewhere in the settings, there will be 3 options for screensaver activation, for monitor blanking, and for suspension04:53
alkisgTry to set them in different times, e.g. 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, to see which one of them is causing the issue04:54
glestradeanyone here know about vncservers?04:55
alkisgMore specifically?04:55
glestradeI keep getting “Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn’t already running04:56
glestradeI’ve been stuck looking at StackOverflow for about 12 hrs04:56
alkisgWith which server/command?04:56
glestradedeleted all the lock files people tell you about over and over04:56
alkisgIf you have a question at stackoverflow, paste it here04:56
glestradeI don’t have one, just was browsing04:56
glestradevncserver :1 is what I’m doing04:57
alkisgDo you want to share your screen, or do you want to set up remote logins for many users that do VNC logins separately?04:57
glestradeshare screen over local network04:58
glestradefor better ergonomics than I can get in this room04:58
alkisgSure. So, :1 means display=1, what is your display? Run this command: echo $DISPLAY04:58
glestradegot the old tendonitis problem04:58
alkisgAlso, are you on xorg or on wayland?04:58
glestradeecho $XDG_SESSION_TYPE05:00
AmRAny Help ?05:00
glestradegives x1105:00
alkisgAnd your display is 0 or 1?05:00
glestradeand display is :1, so I guess I can’t run it there05:00
glestradebut I’ve tried 005:01
glestradeand 205:01
alkisgWhy is your DISPLAY=:1 instead of :0?05:01
glestrade0 says “ a server is already running as 0..."05:01
alkisgWhich desktop environment are you using? Are you logging in normally, or via some other method?05:01
lotuspsychje!patience AmR05:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/05:03
glestradeit’s a gnome desktop, manual log in05:03
glestradeand i’m not sure about display, I didn’t configure that05:04
alkisgglestrade: if you want to do a quick test, run `sudo apt install x11vnc` and then `x11vnc -connect alkisg.ltsp.org`; this will share your screen with me; you can ctrl+c it right after it connects05:05
alkisgIf that works, we can check why tigervnc doesn't; if x11vnc doesn't work; we can check what's wrong with your setup05:05
glestradesure, I don’t have any private info on this box05:07
glestradehold on05:07
glestradeworking hypothesis is that I improperly closed a vnc session last week (I got it to work once with a different vncserver program)05:09
glestradebut that one was breaking in the same way05:09
alkisgglestrade: I think that tigervncserver tries to run in a new display05:12
alkisgFor a new login, not to share your existing screen05:12
LuckyManalkisg, tried letting the screen go off with 1 minute, it goes off fine, it wakes up fine. This problem only happens when I start the computer and don't login right away and the screen goes off.05:12
alkisgglestrade: close x11vnc, then try /usr/bin/x0vnc4server05:13
alkisgBtw, where are you connecting from? If it's a linux box, maybe you could use epoptes.org, it's very convenient05:14
alkisg(I ctrl+c'ed the x11vnc command)05:14
alkisgSo that the port is free05:14
alkisgLuckyMan: ah you mean in the login screen? (gdm3 display manager)05:15
glestradeare you still connected? I was trying to kill the x11vnc05:15
alkisgglestrade: no I'm not, I ctrl+c'ed it, I wrote it above05:16
glestradeokay, my box was crawling for a second there05:16
glestradehmm so I think I had used vnc4server05:17
glestradeand you’re saying that they’re both trying to talk to a different display05:17
glestradethat is, I used vnc4server last week05:18
alkisgIt's possible that one of these is trying to set up multiple sessions, and it's messing your DISPLAY05:18
alkisgSo maybe all you need to do is uninstall one of them, e.g. tigervncserver or something05:18
glestradeisn’t display an env variable05:19
glestradeso if I reset it then...05:19
alkisgYou'll change the result, not the cause05:20
glestradehmm yeah05:20
alkisgI.e. you just won't be able to run graphics programs after that; you won't uninstall the server05:20
glestradeno I get that05:21
LuckyManalkisg, the big question is: what has changed in 21.04 gdm (because it works fine with 20.04)05:21
glestradewell let’s see what happens when I get rid of the other two vnc server programs05:22
glestradeI’m on 18.04 if that’s important05:23
alkisgLuckyMan: probably the kernel05:23
alkisgI.e. if you install 20.04 and then install the -hwe-edge kernel (5.11), it might happen there too05:24
glestradealkisg: I’m about to look this up - does vnc4server have a default socket it uses05:26
glestradeit seems to believe that it’s already in use05:27
glestradeI’m curious so I’d like to do this before uninstalling it and tiger05:27
alkisgglestrade: vnc servers connect to xorg with normal function calls, which use display, which go to /tmp/.X* sockets. There's no point at all in troubleshooting that.05:27
AmRqt5-default package not in 2x.xx, I need full list if any one have it ?05:34
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=== Guest9428 is now known as xenialito
anonymousHello everyone07:04
anonymousDrone, I would like to ask for rules07:05
anonymousI am here07:05
anonymousAnything I should know before asking questions?07:06
alkisgThe irc guidelines are on the /topic if you want to read them; otherwise any technical question about ubuntu should be fine07:06
Bashing-omanonymous: Welcome - rules: read the topic of the channel, please :D07:06
anonymousalkisg, Thank you07:06
anonymousAre we allowed to share things unrelated to Ubuntu?07:07
anonymous*Or ask07:08
guivercanonymous, this is a Ubuntu support room, so only Ubuntu support in this room.  Ubuntu off-topic for off-topic talk, Ubuntu discuss for Ubuntu related issues07:08
* guiverc should have used # in but didn't matter07:09
Bashing-omguiverc: Ya scared him off !07:09
* guiverc smiles07:09
debouncerHi, my pc fans works on full speed after woking up from suspend.07:40
debouncerAny idea how to fix this?07:40
ttkapstart by checking which process might be eating up CPU by running top or htop command07:43
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debouncerYeah. It was the first thing that I checked out.07:45
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debouncerIt is definitely not the case.07:46
lotuspsychjewich brand is your pc debouncer07:46
debouncerWdym? Motherboard?07:46
debouncerThere is no specific brand for each item. It is an assembled pc.07:47
debouncer*I mean each part has its own brand.07:48
lotuspsychjedebouncer: ok, you might wanna investigate your dmesg and leave a journalctl -f open to see whats going on too07:48
lotuspsychjefeel free to share it in a pastebin so volunteers can take a look for you07:50
debouncerJul 22 10:53:11 orion systemd-sleep[27624]: Failed to restart mbpfan.service: Unit mbpfan.service not found.07:56
debouncerJul 22 10:53:11 orion [27620]: /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/mbpfan failed with exit status 5.07:56
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lotuspsychjedebouncer: thats a package to control fans for macbooks so it seems?08:02
debounceryeah, i guess08:03
debounceri don't understand why it exists08:03
lotuspsychjebut it works for your system too?08:03
lotuspsychjedebouncer: if you're on 20.04 or higher, you could test out stacer and see if it creates systemd services08:04
debounceri don't think so. this pc is not a mbp08:04
lotuspsychje!info stacer08:04
ubottustacer (1.1.0+ds-1, hirsute): Linux system optimizer and monitoring. In component universe, is optional. Built by stacer. Size 604 kB / 1,358 kB08:04
debounceryeah it creates a service at startup08:05
debouncerI disabled it now.08:05
lotuspsychjedebouncer: you can also consider filing a new bug with: ubuntu-bug mbpfan if you like08:07
debouncerSure but this didn't slow down fans' speed08:08
debouncerOkay now I have an idea.08:12
debouncerfancontrol.service has stopped working.08:12
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[twisti]im running ubuntu 20, and i noticed the bundled ansible is a pretty old version. what is the apropriate way of getting a current version ?08:28
toddc[twisti]: stable vs testing are you sure you need the latest?08:33
[twisti]latest stable, yeah08:34
ApostleInTriumphHello. I am trying apt-get update and i face this error. Also, underneath, I've tried a solution that didn't work. how do i fix this https://bpa.st/VVIA08:36
lsrtlhow to install from a file, not .deb ?08:41
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toddcApostleInTriumph: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&Distribution=Ubuntu&target_version=20.04&target_type=runfile_local both fun file and deb files08:45
ApostleInTriumphtoddc i don't understand?08:45
toddcwget is a direct download to nividia dev drivers their certs are expired and they are dev file so untested08:47
geirhaApostleInTriumph: it's saying the signatures are wrong, not that you're missing the key08:49
ApostleInTriumphgeirha so I should delete the signature?08:49
ApostleInTriumphI tried to sudo apt-key del 6ED91CA3AC1160CD, the apt-get update after that didn't work08:49
geirhaApostleInTriumph: It means someone has updated the package lists on nvidia's end, but haven't signed the new list properly. Or they've had a break-in and someone tried to inject malicious software08:50
ApostleInTriumphgeirha makes sense.08:54
ApostleInTriumphnow it prevents me from doing apt-get update08:54
ApostleInTriumphhow do I fix this without removing nvidia drivers?08:54
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geirhayou can temporarily comment them out from /etc/apt/sources.list08:56
geirhaor if it's in /etc/apt/sources.list.d  rename the file with a .disabled extension08:56
ApostleInTriumphthanks geirha that worked.09:04
ApostleInTriumphI'm curious to understand, why would nvidia-container-runtime's key be unsigned all of a sudden?09:05
geirhanot the key, the package list09:07
alkisgApostleInTriumph: it's not unsigned; the key has expired on 2021/06/1609:07
alkisgYou need to ping them to renew it, e.g. there: https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker/issues/108109:08
ubottuIssue 1081 in NVIDIA/nvidia-docker "Where's the current public GPG key?" [Closed]09:08
alkisgJudging from the key contents, they renew it every two years, and they haven't done so for 202109:08
geirhaah, so the package list is signed, but with an outdated key09:08
ApostleInTriumphalkisg I see. where do you find information on when it expired?09:10
alkisgApostleInTriumph: you can use gpg or apt to see the key details; I didn't bother finding the exact command for that so I just used the graphical key manager, seahorse09:11
alkisgHere's one way to examine it using gpg2: https://termbin.com/w7eh09:15
alkisgThe one that apt mentions is this: sub   rsa2048 2019-09-18 [S] [expired: 2021-06-16]09:15
zChrisWrkWhen i login to Ubuntu 20.04 it says that i have x amount of updates and y amount are security updates. I want to install only the security updates. How do i do that ?09:57
LuckyManzChrisWrk, Why would you install only the security updates?10:06
BardonHello, my server is taking a long time to boot because of systemd-networkd-wait-online.service. Here are its logs https://termbin.com/5kx10. I don't understand what's wrong10:31
BardonEven after the server has started, the network is obviously working since I'm logged in through ssh but `sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd-wait-online.service` fails10:31
Bardon"Job for systemd-networkd-wait-online.service failed because the control process exited with error code."10:31
cbreakBardon: why did you enable that?10:33
cbreakit's disabled on my system, and apparently it's disabled by default10:33
Bardoncbreak: Did I? I don't remember doing it but it's possible10:33
BardonI'll just disble it then :)10:34
BardonI'm pretty sure I didn't touch it though. I installed my OS a few days ago and haven't touched many things10:34
cbreakI have a 21.04 install10:34
BardonIt's ubuntu server 20.04 LTS10:34
cbreakupgraded from 20.10, desktop10:34
Bardonfresh install here10:34
cbreakmaybe it's enabled on servers? :/10:34
Bardonwhich would make sense because not having network access is a big concern10:35
Bardonon servers10:35
cbreakwonder if it checks for network connectivity, or _internet_ connectivity10:35
cbreakheh, man systemd-networkd-wait-online works10:36
cbreakBy default, it will wait for all links it is aware of and which are managed by systemd-networkd.service(8) to be fully configured or failed, and for at least one link to be online10:36
cbreak(that's C&P)10:37
Bardon"it will wait for all links it is aware of". There are 7 ports on my server but I just use one10:37
Bardonethernet ports10:37
cbreakmaybe you have links that aren't configured?10:37
cbreakand not explicitly disabled?10:37
BardonI'm not sure, I've never disabled such things. I just leave them unplugged10:37
* cbreak has tried to switch to netplan on all servers, it seems quite convenient10:37
BardonIt seems installed by default10:38
Bardon/etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml has everything set to true10:38
Bardoncbreak: Is netplan a replacement for the `ip` command?10:39
BardonAm I not supposed to do `sudo ip link set dev eno1 down` anymore?10:40
cbreakI think netplan is more a replacement to other config files10:43
cbreaknot for interactive use10:43
cbreakchanges made with it are somewhat persistent10:43
cbreakI'm not a real admin, so ... I have limited experience, but if you use netplan, you can fill your yaml file with configuration for the interfaces, then try it out10:44
cbreakand if it works, keep it. If you get dced, it'll change back after a timeout10:44
BardonHmm, I set everything to false except for the link that I'm using and it still complains10:46
Bardon(I'm not a real admin either :) )10:47
BardonWith --any it works10:47
cbreakyou have to somehow enable the netplan / apply it10:47
cbreakI forgot how10:47
BardonYes I ran sudo netplan apply10:47
BardonAh I need to restart systemd-networkd too10:48
Bardonhmm lets see10:48
BardonNice :)10:48
BardonThat's what I was missing10:48
Bardoncbreak: Thanks a lot :)10:48
cbreaknp :)10:49
BluesKajHi all10:54
zambafor CVE-2021-33909, do i need to reboot or is it enough to just patch systemd?11:05
ubottufs/seq_file.c in the Linux kernel 3.16 through 5.13.x before 5.13.4 does not properly restrict seq buffer allocations, leading to an integer overflow, an Out-of-bounds Write, and escalation to root by an unprivileged user, aka CID-8cae8cd89f05. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-33909>11:05
zambait seems like a kernel vuln?11:05
zChrisWrkLuckyMan, becouse i dont want to install the other updates11:06
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sixwheeledbeastIt's kernel vuln but they also found systemd issues too from that vuln.12:06
lotuspsychjezamba: ^12:06
sixwheeledbeastjust reboot12:06
sixwheeledbeastfull-upgrade && reboot12:06
Guest38I was learning about Tiling Window managers recently12:16
Guest38and I was wondering if there’s a way to use it on Ubuntu without having to installing a VM12:17
Guest38also, what tiling WM options are there for Ubuntu users?12:17
zChrisWrkGuest38, You can install most WMs12:18
lotuspsychjeGuest38: see also; apt-cache search tiling12:19
Guest38But does it cause problems with Gnome?12:20
Guest38Someone said something about dmenu that went over my head12:21
lotuspsychjeGuest38: window managers you can choose at login base ontop the ubuntu system12:21
lotuspsychjeGuest38: for desktop managers, the more you install other flavours ontop ubuntu, that might give some frankenubuntu mixed system issues12:22
sixwheeledbeastmeh tiling. I just make more workspaces.12:22
BluesKajor activities12:23
Guest38I don’t mind workspaces right now. I just wanted to try it12:24
narutoi can't type my phone number in authy anyone up for help?12:24
Guest38the concept of the space management intrigued me12:24
Guest38do you have any recommendations by the way?12:24
sixwheeledbeasti3 is popular, compiz can do that IIRC12:25
lotuspsychjeGuest38: there's a nice community at https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/ where you can grow ideas on WM/DE/ubuntu12:26
Guest38I’ll check compiz or awesome out then. Thank you for the assistance12:26
narutohas anyone got a problem where you can't type your phone number in authy?12:27
webchat91Since Kernel 5.9.0-59.63 and further on, my GRUB after trying to initalise the RAMDisk is only blank. I opened a ticket, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1348180/black-screen-on-boot-on-hp-probook-450-g6-with-5-8-0-59-66-reason-why-delete no reply, I went to this IRC yesterday and the advise was to Grub - Command Line - rmmod tpm to try if TPM is12:28
webchat91causing the issue. Ive tried the method, and tried updating grub, but the screen stays blank. I am forced to use Kernel 5.8.0-55 and I am quite frustrated with some LTS 20.04 this can happen! Other users report the same issue, so I am desperate for a solution and desperate that since 4 weeks no one was able to help within the ticket. Any12:28
lotuspsychjewelcome Duality12:34
DualityQuestion how do i install a different version of a gcc cross compiler ?12:34
Dualityi tried gcc-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf but it can't be found in the repositories12:34
Dualityseems i have to add xenial to sources.list12:38
cart_manI am planning on running this command in a bash script in a while loop to record CPU and Memory data of the process -> ps -q 18872 -eo %cpu,%mem    . It looks good but the problem is it's output is PU %MEM 0.1% 0.1%  . So the problem is I get a repeat of the value PU % MEM. I need to actually only receive 0.1,0.112:40
cart_manbeucase I want it to create a CSV file12:40
cart_manas it monitors the PID12:40
cart_manIs it possible to ommit them?12:41
msg75The test case for today's daily shows that I have completed the "live session" tests. I expected that this would be fresh start. Is the live session for this image to be repeated or ignored?12:43
msg75Xubuntu Desktop amd64 testcases in Impish Daily12:44
Dualitycart_man: maybe you can use the cut command to only get what you need12:44
Dualitycart_man: something like: echo PU %MEM 0.1% 0.1% | cut -d " " -f 3,412:45
cart_manok so what does the -f do?12:47
Dualityselects which indexes form the cut you want12:47
Dualityor rather which parts12:48
Dualityso in this case cut command would chop up "PU %MEM 0.1% 0.1%" into four parts and -f would select the parts in this case the last two being third and fourth element :)12:50
Dualitywith -d you can select where to make the cut and since there is a space inbetween the words that is where i cut it12:51
Dualitywith " " to select for space12:51
Dualityis the output a single line or multiple lines12:53
Dualitybecause if it's multiple this solution doesn't work12:53
Dualityyou could try something like this cart_man: ps -q 27279 -eo %cpu,%mem | tr '\n' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d " " -f 3,412:58
Dualitybut there is probably a better way12:58
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tuxickhaving several problems creating users with autoinstall13:55
tuxick"identity" doesn't seem to support authorized_keys13:56
tuxickand user-data: users: seems to get ignored13:56
tuxickis there documentation about getting this right?13:59
dbungerttuxick: in subiquity autoinstall, the identity section doesn't have authorized_keys, that's handled in the ssh section https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference14:03
dbungertif you have an install that you've done manually, that will provide an example at the end at /var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data14:08
tuxickyeah used one of those for creating a template14:11
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tuxicktried creating uses in user-data but those ended up disabled :)14:13
tuxick'!' in shadow14:13
dbungerttuxick: this example is pretty bare bones but maybe it'll help to compare against?  https://github.com/canonical/subiquity/blob/main/examples/autoinstall-user-data.yaml14:16
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tuxickyeah that's how i tried it14:22
tuxicktried so many permutations i lost track14:22
tuxickssh: authorized_keys this time resulted in "user foo is not configured for ssh_import_id14:23
tuxickassuming that's why i didn't import key14:23
BT643Feels like a dumb question, but I've been using Ubuntu 20.04 (with an encrypted drive), and today I wanted to reinstall. I put a 20.04 installtion on a USB stick and booted from it. Installed a fresh version of Ubuntu 20.04 on the drive (full erase and reinstall) but when I went to boot the encryption password wouldn't work. I booted from the Live14:36
BT643USB again and could access my drive using the password. Rebooted again leaving the USB drive in and was able to get into the main OS (non-live). Removed the USB and rebooted again and it complained again: "cryptsetup: ERROR: sda3_crypt: cryptsetup failed, bad password or options?". Seems I've somehow got the encryption key on the media I used to14:36
BT643Hope this makes sense.. is there an easy way for me to resolve this? I can easily just do another reinstall but don't really understand how it's got in this state to avoid it when I do it again?14:36
tuxickheh, the joys of yaml: any string can be significant or arbitrary15:02
tuxickssh: authorized_keys is NOT autorized-keys15:03
tuxicki'll skip the user-data: users: bit, can leave that to ansible15:04
dbungertoof, glad you made progress15:05
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donofriotuxick, yah formatting matter in yaml files16:23
tuxicknot just formatting16:34
tuxickthere's no validation16:34
tuxick"any string anywhere"16:34
tuxickthank bob yamllint will catch the worst16:35
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tuxickwith xml you can simply provide a dtd16:46
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sabasedighI want to open an rpm file with archive manager. what package should I install to do that?17:01
sabasedighengrampa archive manager won't open it.17:02
sabasedighthank you17:02
venividivici1989adbasedigh: p7zip?17:03
leftyfbsabasedigh: why?17:03
sabasedighp7zip is installed17:03
leftyfbsabasedigh: it might be easier to just download the source code for the package17:03
venividivici19897z x /path/to/file.cpio -o/path/to/extract/folder/17:04
sabasedighvenividivici1989: what is the cpio extension?17:05
venividivici1989a fiel you get when you extract a rpm17:05
sabasedighleftyfb: it would take to long and much hassle not to mention long list of packages as dependencies to install and then start to compile the package17:06
leftyfbsabasedigh: what is your end goal? Are you trying to install an rpm onto your ubuntu machine? Which package?17:06
sabasedighvenividivici1989: the thing is; I can't extract the .rpm package. to get that cpio file you saying.17:07
sabasedighleftyfb:  to run the software inside the package17:08
leftyfbsabasedigh: what software?17:08
TJ-!info alien | sabasedigh17:09
ubottusabasedigh: alien (8.95.4, hirsute): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component universe, is optional. Built by alien. Size 49 kB / 163 kB17:09
leftyfbTJ-: I don't think the want to install the rpm for $reasons17:09
sabasedighwait .... wait ... something lost in the msg17:09
sabasedighI don't want to install the package ..... just extract it. file-roller is saying archive not supported.17:10
sabasedighIt get this error when I have not installed an archive extension like rar17:10
sabasedighwhat do I need for rpm?????17:11
leftyfbsabasedigh: You want to extract the rpm package so you can run a binary inside the rpm as opposed to installing the rpm correct? What is the package name?17:11
TJ-leftyfb: sabasedigh  alien isn't for installing, use it to extract/convert to, for example, a tar.gz17:11
sabasedighThat is the question here.17:11
sabasedighleftyfb: ok thank you17:11
sabasedighso i need alien17:11
sabasedighnow we are cooking ...17:11
leftyfbsabasedigh: what software?17:12
sabasedighthe package name is iridium browser17:12
TJ-sabasedigh: to extract you can do something like "alien --to-deb --generate path/to/rpm17:13
TJ-sabasedigh: see man-page http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man1/alien.1p.html17:13
leftyfbsabasedigh: this is why we ask questions. Sometimes we have better solutions to your overall goal as opposed to trying to troubleshoot the way you are approaching it17:13
sabasedighTJ-: leftyfb: You are right. and I thank for your help.17:14
sabasedighthank you17:14
oerheksleftyfb, i noticed it is just the key, bo deb anymore17:15
sabasedighOh ; how many dep does it have. :-D17:15
oerhekssabasedigh, if you try to install that .rpm unpacked, good luck finding dependencies.. not17:16
sabasedightalking about deps for alien17:16
sabasedighyay It extracted17:17
leftyfbsabasedigh: what you are doing is very unsupported. You really should reach out to the iridium-browser project and get them to update the .deb or release a snap package17:18
ice9I installed ubuntu from a month on ssd it's running very well until now but since a week I noticed that the shutdown time is MUCH slower; how can I find out the reason?17:20
Mekaneckpress ESC to see what's holding up the shutdown process17:21
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leftyfbice9: https://itsfoss.com/long-shutdown-linux/17:23
leftyfbice9: 2nd result on google when searching for "ubuntu shutdown taking a long time"17:23
ice9thanks leftyfb17:23
webchat23@Tj- https://askubuntu.com/questions/1348180/black-screen-on-boot-with-5-8-0-59-66-reason-why-delete-kernel tried your Grub command line rmmod tpm hint, had no effect17:34
webchat23TJ- *seems like I always miss how to tag someone properly with the webclient: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1348180/black-screen-on-boot-with-5-8-0-59-66-reason-why-delete-kern... tried your Grub command line rmmod tpm hint, had no effect17:36
TJ-webchat23: in which case your next suspect is the initrd.img files created for the newer (failing) kernel versions. It is possible that the older kernel that works does so since its companion initrd.img hasn't been updated (thankfully1) and therefore does not contain some change that has broken things in the later initrd.imgs17:40
ioriawebchat23, have you tried to boot in Recovery mode ?17:41
TJ-webchat23: you can do some basic testing of one of the failing versions by editing the "linux ..." command line in GRUB when starting, removing "quiet splash" and adding "debug break=premount" and pressing Ctrl+X to boot with that change. if it works you'll be dropped to a busybox shell in the initrd.img before the LUKS unlock stage and can investigate17:43
webchat23ioria i am not too sure right now, I think I tried it in the beginning but that issue is since a month so Im not too sure. Could perform it later with the restart. TJ- debug break command is so he stops on error? I surely can start without splash screen and see at which module he fails. But I wouldnt know what I should do in some shell command17:48
webchat23wise. Sounds also like some issue a LTS version shouldnt suffer :( quite desperating, exp. like you can see in my askubuntu ticket that I fear any update may remove the last working kernel as the system seems not to work with flagging kernels as "rc" or "ii" as my tries to remove the newer kernels wasnt successful either. And all this with a17:48
webchat23machine that is in daily business production ... ohhh boy...17:48
leftyfbwebchat23: do you have the ability to spin up a new machine just for troubleshooting purposes?17:56
webchat23leftyfb: ... I can use some LiveCD on a second machine if this is suitable, but by the hardware limitations I neither could run a second installation on the machine in question if that was your question?17:58
leftyfbwebchat23: the live cd would not help with troubleshooting. It would need to be an install identical to one of the machines you're having issues with17:59
webchat23leftyfb I think I dont understand your question: What do you want to do, run a regular LTS 20.04 with the kernel on any other machine and than troubleshoot on that machine? I dont get it18:00
leftyfbwebchat23: new machine, not in production, install the same version of ubuntu as your production machines with all the same software and configurations. Troubleshoot that machine as opposed to your production machines18:01
webchat23... leftyfb your suggestion wont be of any help as even if you would set up a regular LTS 20.04 we are talking about, and rerun my bash-history to have the same status, you are still on a different hardware. The issue eitehr has to with HP Bios/Firmware or has to do with Grub/Kernel and is completly seperated of my user software. As I use a regular18:03
webchat23LTS 20.04 with a regular updated kernel, there is nothing altered that cause this issue!18:03
webchat23Also, other users report the same issue with similar hardware, and the other user stated it was with a fresh install.18:04
webchat23BTW, leftyfb, you are welcome to post your suggested solution down here because your overkill attempt for sure wont be your first option ;o) https://askubuntu.com/questions/1348180/black-screen-on-boot-with-5-8-0-59-66-reason-why-delete-kernel18:06
lotuspsychjewebchat23: did you find a relevant bug ID for this yet?18:07
ELFrederichDoes Gnome Terminal not support "overtype" mode when you press insert?... or is my keyboard broken?18:16
webchat23lotuspsychje I tried looking for some bug reports about 5.8.0-59 on launchpad a month ago, but I got to say Im not an advanced user who reads fluently in the type of text there. I havent found what I looked for (combined of the Kernel version with keywords like Blank Screen, LUKS...). My AskUbuntu Ticket actually was asking to help me determ if18:16
webchat23that is a bug that should get reported or not, but my bug report wouldnt contain any log at the moment so its worthless :P18:16
mlozahello, in 18.04, when I ran dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades  doesn't set the unattended upgrade to 0 in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades18:19
donofrioELFrederich, #gnome?18:24
tomreynwebchat23: i may not have followed the full story, but did oyu not say you're able to boot using an older kernel image? or did you delete those that worked fine?18:31
lotuspsychjetomreyn: his askubuntu thread here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1348180/black-screen-on-boot-with-5-8-0-59-66-reason-why-delete-kernel18:32
tomreynlotuspsychje: thanks, i read this one. and wondered whether this is the same issue reported at https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/71003 and at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/intel/-/issues/356918:33
ubottuIssue 3569 in drm/intel "Laptop display screen switches off at boot" [Opened]18:33
tomreynif an older kernel is bootable, journalctl -b -1    should provide logs from last but one boot (which could be one that failed with a black screen)18:35
tomreynanother thing to try would be to disable "secure boot" in bios, to boot with "dis_ucode_ldr" initrd (grub "kernel" line) option, and to change the orde rin which graphics chipsets (integrated (intel), dedicated (nvidia)) are initialized. or disabling the dedicated altogether (just to see whether it helps), if this is possible.18:38
webchat23tomreyn thanks for the hint the logs. I will try to perform a new kernel boot and than the old, working kernel again and check the logs. Anyways: Secure boot was tried to mitgate with the rmmod tpm, and the machine in question only has an integraged GPU and no dedicated one, so altering the graphic chipset manually is not necessary for18:48
webchat23tomreyn and thanks for the links. interesting reports.18:50
tomreynwebchat23: playing with (disabling, where possible) power saving options for i915 *might* help, too, depending on where it fails. but, first of all, let's see whether you get any logs at all on a failed boot, and if so, which,18:55
webchat23tomreyn Im not one of the users who suffers issues when coming from a sleeping machine - I suffer the issue with a cold boot.18:56
tomreynright, i'm aware18:57
webchat23was just FYI :)18:57
lotuspsychjewebchat23: can you see if bug #1934647 is similar to yours?19:07
ubottuBug 1934647 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop 15-dk0xxx] Black screen at login using 5.8.0-59, but 5.8.0-43 and 5.12.14 work fine" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193464719:07
webchat23lotuspsychje as I do not run a dedicated graphic card I wouldnt compare this case to me. The other links to archlinux cases with Kernel 5.11 and 5.12, but with the proper HP board and Intel i915 iGPU sounds narrowing the problem more precise - but sure, maybe its the same underlying reason with that HP board of your suggested ticket aswell.19:13
lotuspsychjewebchat23: ok, tnx for checking anyway, might be indeed more related to screen panel shutting off like on the threads tomreyn found19:14
webchat23but I could try to test 5.12.4 like in the ticket19:14
lotuspsychjeyeah worth a shot19:14
tomreynsee if you can get logs first of all19:18
denza252hmm, does anything make use of projectm? I thought clementine did but apparently it's disabled in the ubuntu build?19:19
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Mekaneck!ask | webchat7020:14
ubottuwebchat70: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:14
Mekaneck!ot | webchat7020:14
ubottuwebchat70: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:14
webchat70lotuspsychje tomreyn performed some more tests, and updated the askubuntu ticket accordingly https://askubuntu.com/questions/1348180/black-screen-on-boot-with-5-8-0-59-66-reason-why-delete-kernel long story short: booting a recovery mode kernel works with graphic output, booting the newer kernels DOES work (I logined blind) just is not starting the20:16
webchat70GPU/Screen. So its quite the issue as described with https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/71003 or https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/intel/-/issues/3569 or maybe even https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/193464720:16
ubottuIssue 3569 in drm/intel "Laptop display screen switches off at boot" [Opened]20:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1934647 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop 15-dk0xxx] Black screen at login using 5.8.0-59, but 5.8.0-43 and 5.12.14 work fine" [Undecided, Confirmed]20:16
webchat70TJ- check my previous msg if you like20:17
tomreynwebchat70: "ticket" sounds like "support request ticket", but what you really did, is ask a question on a self-support community.20:20
tomreynwebchat70: so you should now be in the position to capture and post two system logs: one of  the system with graphical output, and one without graphical output, those could then be compared (by yourself, or someone you can convince to help you do so).20:22
webchat70tomreyn well true, but as the first paragraph of my self-support ticket stays: I wont open a bug report on launchpad with some creepy gathered knowledge. That is why I use this as a starting ground, in high hopes to not be a burden on the devs and annoy them on launchpad with them explaining me the basics what they need20:22
tomreynthat's a good approach for sure.20:23
tomreyn(i just wanted to make sure you don't have / grow wrong expectations.)20:24
webchat70tomreyn I actually only followed advices until now, no command I hit into the CLI was out of memory. So yeah, I will be able to look up what logs to compare (the journalctl -b log isnt showing too many details... I guess I have to crank up the log quality for debugging, and than compare two boot logs.... but I dont know the commands and got to20:26
webchat70google them :P)20:26
tomreyn"journalctl -b" should output some 1000s of lines20:27
tomreynhundreds at least20:28
webchat70tomreyn ah true. any hint how to better access the data than by terminal journalctl -b as the ubuntu terminal is not allowing commands like CTRL+A to mark the 5000 lines?20:31
tomreynwebchat70: what do you mean to do with it?20:32
tomreyni think there's "Gnome Logs", if you're looking for a GUI.20:33
tomreynor pipe the output into xclip20:34
webchat70hehe not to familiar with command lines "piping" the terminal text somewhere else. So I was just asking for a hint. Anyways, if you like to see the logs: 5.8.0-59 with the screen issue https://pastebin.com/uTAUG6XH and 5.8.0-55 that is working fine https://pastebin.com/6qzCSKPR20:38
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viperborgnoidea? Like, at all?21:06
oerhekswebchat70, according to line 292; Jul 22 21:39:15 COMPUTERNAME kernel: PM: RTC time: 19:38:41, date: 2021-07-2221:09
oerheksdid you made that log earlier? or is your system time way off?21:09
webchat70oerheks the log is 2 hours old, the RTC time maybe is without timezone, or the motherboard has a different time, Im not too sure.21:10
nemoAppears I just encountered this error from 2020-11-11 on the only ubuntu server at work (20.04 LTS)21:18
nemoI was wondering if there's any way to tell if this bug fix has made it into 20.04 backports21:18
nemomy impression was "no"21:18
nemohttps://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/samba  and https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal-updates/samba changelog don't seem to mention anything like this21:18
rbasaknemo: looks like the fix is in the kernel, rather than samba?21:23
nemorbasak: ah. cifs kernel module. right21:23
rbasakIn any case, with the detailed assessment there, it should be possible to examine the sources to see where/if it has been fixed, and similarly to get a fix landed if required.21:24
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nemoI'm starting in my primitive fashion, by figuring out what kernel package on this system currently provides the cifs module21:25
nemo /lib/modules/5.4.0-80-generic/kernel/fs/cifs/cifs.ko21:25
nemolinux-modules-5.40-80-generic  I guess that should've been obvious :)21:27
nemoso. I'm on the most recent one21:27
nemohttp://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux/linux_5.4.0-80.90/changelog  nothing obvious in the changelog21:28
nemoaight. so I guess I need to find the source package21:28
nemorbasak: hm. you seem knowledgeable. what's the best way to do that on debian/ubuntu?  I'm guessing https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal-updates/linux-modules-5.4.0-80-generic  and downloading the orig/diff tar.gz is not the most efficient?21:29
nemosurely there's a magic "gimme the source package" command ☺21:30
rbasakFor the kernel, it's probably easiest to grab the kernel team's git tree21:31
sarnoldheh, cloning their git tree takes a metric eternity21:31
nemosarnold: times like this I miss svn21:31
nemomeh. lemme try these packages21:31
rbasak git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/focal21:31
rbasakYeah it'll take a while, but you'll be able to examine history21:31
nemosarnold: that is a lot of cifs commits in the log21:32
nemohttps://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/focal/commit/?id=6c1f332fa8eaa9e32a62488f59d31cead41148f1  has a promising log message21:32
ubottuCommit 6c1f332 in ~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/focal "cifs: Fix use-after-free bug in cifs_reconnect()"21:33
rbasaksurely there's a magic "gimme the source package" command> apt-get source, except that you need to have deb-src lines in sources.list first, run apt-get update, and also know what source package name you're actually after.21:33
nemohm. not quite right trace though21:33
nemorbasak: well linux-modules-5.4.0-80-generic ☺21:33
rbasakThat's the binary package name21:33
nemohm. welp. I guess I should start by seeing if patch was applied in latest tip21:34
nemothat should be easy21:34
nemoman I wish git had mercurial's history trawling tooling21:35
nemoI guess moot point since I don't want to grab the entire repo in either case ☺21:35
nemowish I could find the patch in that SuSE bug21:37
nemohm. you know what. false trail21:38
nemothose are all 4.12 kernels. darn it21:38
nemojust 'cause the error and symptoms are same, and date was last year, doesn't mean it's the same issue ☺21:38
nemoI guess can't hurt to check dfs_cache.h though21:39
nemoor rather connect.c21:39
nemohmmm hasn't changed much!21:40
nemomight still be same thing21:40
Guest6699HI using Linux Lubuntu 20.04 LTS22:18
Guest6699Hi, does 'Apply Full Upgrade' GUI program, fully update my computer?22:18
Guest6699Or should I also run apt update && apt full-upgrade22:18
tomreynwebchat70: the only difference i can sopt is that on the first log (with black screen), you have:    gnome-shell[1530]: Failed to set CRTC gamma: drmModeCrtcSetGamma on CRTC 51 failed: Permission denied22:19
webchat70tomreyn what software did you use for comparing them, or have you done this by hand? i will provide your information to my thread or for later bug reports22:21
tomreynwebchat70: manually22:21
webchat70thank you!22:22
oerheksupdate gui is fine, AFAIK22:23
webchat70your findings indicate, together with the other bug reports, that its indeed a kernel problem. kinda odd22:24
tomreynwebchat70: i would guess that it's a problem with the intel i915 module. but you'd need to kernel bisect to tell for sure.22:26
tomreynwebchat70: earlier, i said "another thing to try would be to disable 'secure boot' in bios", and you replied "Secure boot was tried to mitgate with the rmmod tpm". what i'm wondering, though, is whether this problem still occurs with "secure boot" disabled. did you try this?22:27
webchat70tomreyn I havent tried turning off secure boot from the bios firmware side, no. as far as I understand rmmod it deactivates the TPM module of the linux kernel, but I am not even sure if that was permanent until a new command is entered, or just for this one time Grub is initialized ...22:28
tomreynwebchat70: the logs you posted did not show an attempt to permanently disable tpm support using a kernel command line parameter22:30
webchat70I saw tpm enabled aswell, yes, so Im not sure if the command worked (the docu says if no error is promted there is no further feedback - there was no error prompted.) so I could try to run the command again and post a log of that too22:31
tomreyni do suggest you try booting the latest kernel while secure boot is disabled in 'bios'22:31
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