
knightwisemorning everyone06:09
daftykinsgood morn07:00
daftykins'ey up08:41
daftykinsok out to a site meeting, bbl08:41
bigcalmAnybody managed to work out how to auto update /etc/hosts when using docker-compose?09:17
bigcalmWhat are people's thoughts on "web3"?10:28
bigcalmI'm trying to find an impartial report on what it is10:32
zxm-piit lost me at blockchain https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-web3/10:32
daftykinsboo, i have to RMA that pcengines APU4 system to linitx.com as they shipped a replacement SSD and it's still borked10:40
bigcalmI don't think blockchain is going away10:50
bigcalmRather like QR codes10:51
rbasak"blockchain" isn't a concrete thing though10:58
bigcalmTo a lesser extent, this is also true about "the internet"11:02
zxm-pii like qr codes. i use them in place of ir beaming data between devices :-)11:03
rbasak"The Internet" has a specification, as do QR codes :)11:04
daftykinsoriginal dev shares Lemmings unique stuff! https://youtu.be/MlFnMt3o1as11:10
=== arif-ali- is now known as arif-ali
m0nkey_Morning all15:40
daftykinshow goes?15:40
m0nkey_All good, just got back from the 'rona vax15:41
daftykinsi've got an RMA for that pcengines machine :( the replacement SSD they shipped just spat out garbled junk over the serial console15:41
daftykinsah, 1 or 2?15:41
daftykinsany effects thus far?15:41
m0nkey_only got it just less than an hour ago.. so far nothing15:41
daftykinsah ha15:42
m0nkey_first one i had pain right away in my arm, this time.. nothing15:42
daftykinsmy 1st Pfizer took ages to get my arm sore15:42
daftykinsnext Thursday for #2!15:42
m0nkey_i'm debating if i want this new Framework laptop15:42
* penguin42 got very little arm pain16:04
m0nkey_over an hour in now.. no pain16:31
* penguin42 had moderna and slightly worse than normal the next day16:32
* daftykins logs a ticket for m0nkey_ to wrestle a printer16:33
daftykinspain now supplied!16:33
m0nkey_as long as it doesn't affect my drinking tonight at the bar.. all is good16:33

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