
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I am also having trouble with 1.9.19 in 21.1000:09
OvenWerksEickmeyer: autojack seems to hang because I get no errors. I just stops after creating it's own jack client00:13
OvenWerkshmm, autojack does not show the jack client as being actually created successfully, but the jack log does00:17
OvenWerksCarla crash when starting the "audio engine"00:18
OvenWerksOK, lets reboot00:23
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ok, I first stopped jack in controls. Then rebooted. (this made sure autojack did nothing with jack after reboot)00:29
OvenWerksThen I started jack with jack_control start00:29
OvenWerksThen I used jack_lsp to list jack's ports... $ jack_lsp00:32
OvenWerksSegmentation fault (core dumped)00:32
OvenWerksOk so look at the jack log: everything looks normal till: New client 'PulseAudio JACK Sink' with PID 176400:34
OvenWerksThu Jul 22 17:27:29 2021: Client 'PulseAudio JACK Sink' with PID 1764 is out00:34
OvenWerksThen pulse tries again... and starts spewing xruns, jack then fails to find pulse's port00:36
OvenWerksfinally pulse gives up... 00:37
OvenWerksOK, so I will reboot again. and remove the jackdbus detect module before starting jackdbus next time.00:39
OvenWerksEickmeyer: jackd 1.9.19 as built in 21.10 is thge problem.00:44
OvenWerksanother fresh reboot, pactl unload-module module-jackdbus-detect, jack_control start and pulse jack sink does not try to load. run jack_lsp and it crashes.00:45
OvenWerksEickmeyer: note also that the python jacklib also fails when creating a client.00:46
OvenWerksEickmeyer: my guess would be that one of the deps is a different version... does 1.1.17 use all the same deps? That would leave  libdb as the only extra thing. What is the difference in versions for that lib from 20.04 to 20.10?00:56
OvenWerksbut that package is the same version all the way through.01:00
OvenWerksEickmeyer: using jackd instead of jackdbus also fails01:06
OvenWerksEickmeyer: that was incorrectjackd does does not fail, but jack clients also fail on jackd01:07
OvenWerks1.1.17 was working fine01:08
OvenWerksEickmeyer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jackd2/+bug/193732501:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1937325 in jackd2 (Ubuntu) "Jack clients have segmentation fault when trying to connect to jackd" [Undecided, New]01:18
OvenWerksEickmeyer:  you may wish to hit the "this bug affects me" link.01:19
EickmeyerOvenWerks: If you check the maintainer field on that, you'll find it's me, so the only thing we can do is report upstream to falktx.02:29
EickmeyerAlso, it's 1.9.19 not
OvenWerksprobably is was the 1 in 19 I saw.02:36
EickmeyerEither way... https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2/issues/77602:41
ubottuIssue 776 in jackaudio/jack2 "Jack clients have segmentation fault when trying to connect to jackd (Ubuntu 21.10)" [Open]02:41
EickmeyerJust filed this.02:41
EickmeyerOvenWerks: But yeah, I did the upload of 1.9.19, which makes me automatically the maintainer, which means the buck stops here for that bug. Hence, filed upstream.02:43
OvenWerksso back to 1.9.17?02:44
EickmeyerThat can't be done without some versioning gymnastics and a bunch of egg on my face, so I hope falktx might be able to fix it.02:45
OvenWerksdid he change the access to memlock etc?02:45
EickmeyerNot 100% sure, especially since it is only problematic against kernel 5.11 and not kernel 5.8.02:46
EickmeyerMight even be a dbus difference.02:46
EickmeyerIf it doesn't get fixed before feature freeze, we'll downgrade it back to 1.9.17 with said versioning gymnastics.02:48
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Also, I'm out in Idaho today through Sunday due to a death in the family.02:51
OvenWerksno worries, take care. I will keep my release schedule for next monday, I think.02:53
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ok, sounds good. Shoot me an email if you need anything because I probably won't respond to IRC.02:54

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