
avroHello I need help10:37
guivercavro, ask your Lubuntu support question, people will answer as they're able to10:38
avroI have installed Lubuntu on an old laptop, it goes to sleep every minute or so10:38
avroIt's a fresh install10:39
guivercyou haven't said what release10:39
avroI am from phone now10:40
avroWhat can I do to troubleshoot?10:41
guiverc20.04 LTS?10:41
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Boot without acpi? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <avro> What can I do to troubleshoot?)10:41
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Show us dmesg?10:41
avroHow to do it?10:41
avroDmesg thing10:42
guivercI would firstly test the hardware; ie. run the system from live media to ensure the box is reliable... run memory test for a day or two for example.. does it shutdown/sleep if asked to run memtest...  10:43
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Run dmesg in shell, redirect output and upload on gist.github.com10:43
avroI could install from the USB no problem10:44
avroScreen saver shows up10:47
avroAnd it goes to sleep10:48
guivercjust a thought - but i had a thinkpad with fan issue.. if it got too hot it would turn off; screensaver tended to cause heat to grow, so disabling it would delay heat issue (fix was replacing fan)10:52
avroDuring memtest its okay10:52
avroNo sleep10:52
avroIt's been 4 minutes now10:53
guivercswitching from default flurry to blank screen may also help... memtest I suggested was for day or so - confirm box is reliable over time; not just a single cycle or two.. but 12-48 hours10:53
avroIt is reliable10:54
avroIt's my old laptop10:54
guivercas emergencyrussia made offer to help; I'd take that up.. I said what I'd likely do (I usually run 2-3 days just to prove box is reliable usually)10:55
avroI tried to disable screen saver in power options, it didn't work10:56
guivercit's not in power; https://manual.lubuntu.me/lts/3/3.2/3.2.20/screensaver.html10:57
tomreynso the problem you seem to describe is that this laptop which runs lubuntu 20.04 LTS, boots up fine, then, only when you do not use it for a minute or two, the screensaver turns on. and, immediately after that, the system goes to sleep. what exactly do you mean by "sleep"? is it still powered up then? what are the power saving options set to? is this a new issue, when it worked fine before? if so, what changed in between? if not, how long have 11:01
tomreynyou had it happen?11:01
itudmesg | nc termbin.com 9999    #  then paste the url   11:03
avroI tried to run dmesg11:12
avroIt says acpi found 3 idle states11:13
avroDisabling screensaver did nothing11:13
avroAh my browser keeps resetting11:15
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It's avro11:17
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Here it's more reliable11:17
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/89b9c474/file_3042.jpg11:17
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I can't connect the PC to internet11:17
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It goes to sleep sooner11:18
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It goes to sleep even when I use it11:20
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> That is the problem11:20
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It is powered on and the led blinks11:21
tomreynHozyain_Radugi: do what itu said: dmesg | nc termbin.com 999911:24
tomreynthis will post the full output of dmesg to termbin.com, a website where you can post text11:24
tomreynit will return a url where we can then read it11:24
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I don't have net there11:24
tomreyni see, that makes helping a lot more difficult. can you get it online?11:25
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I try11:25
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Try ethernet11:25
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> It should connect automatically11:25
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I can't I am using hotspot11:25
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Disable acpi11:26
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> How11:26
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Then boot and configure wifi11:26
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Then reboot normally and upload logs as mentioned above11:26
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Add acpi=off to the Linux command line (re @Hozyain_Radugi: How)11:27
lubot_[telegram] <emergencyrussia> In bootloader11:27
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters11:27
tomreynaccording to the hostname, this is a Clevo M5X0N laptop (last but one character is a "zero", not an "oh")11:28
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Yeah11:30
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Acpi off fixed it11:34
tomreynthis model seems to have a broken lid detection. there is a linux kernel patch acpi-i915-blacklist-clevo-m5x0n-bad_lid-state.patch to overcome it, but this seems to have been in linux since 2.6.33 at least11:35
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Https://termbin.com/k31011:37
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> What do I need to do to apply the patch?11:38
tomreyni would assume it should already be there. if it wasn't, you might need to rebuild the kernel.11:39
tomreynbut before you look into that, you'd rather try to better understadn the situation11:40
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It works fine now11:40
tomreynthis kernel version you are running is from january. you need to install pending updates11:40
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Okay11:41
tomreynsudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade11:41
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I am checking for updates now11:41
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It's downloading11:45
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Where can I change mirror?11:46
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Default one is slow11:47
tomreynor using the updater GUI11:47
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> GUI would be preferred11:48
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Thank you so much for the help11:51
tomreyni assume software-properties-gtk or software-properties-kde will be installed on your system, and should enable you to configure apt sources graphically11:58
itunow i installed  lubuntu-20.04.2 (integritiy checked)  on that old laptop and the hdd on which i have installed it is not found by the bios while trying to boot ....12:17
ituhmm .. looks like there is no boot flag im MBR 12:24
tomreyndid you install in (legacy) bios or uefi mode, though?12:25
tomreynhow old is that old computer?12:25
ituold laptop , no UEFI12:25
itu2007  ..12:26
tomreyn14 years, not bad12:26
tomreynmost dont last that long12:26
tomreyni'll say / repeat the obvious: if the laptop's bios is unable to boot off the device you installed the boot loader to, then you won't be able to boot this computer off this devcie.12:28
tomreynyou could boot off a different device, though, by installing grub there.12:28
tomreynis this some kind of modern storage that you installed ubuntu to? or some removable storage?12:29
ituyeah ...booting  ... it was the missing bootflag12:30
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> What do I need to do after the upgrade is complete?12:31
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Just reboot?12:31
tomreynHozyain_Radugi: probably, but can you show this first of all:   sudo ls -l /boot | nc termbin.com 999912:33
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Now or when the upgrade is done?12:34
tomreynwhen it's done12:34
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Okay12:36
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It's done, tomreyn, https://termbin.com/t2v213:45
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Can I reboot now?13:46
tomreynHozyain_Radugi: hmm, that's still the wrong kernel version for 20.04 LTS13:48
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> What do I need to do?13:49
tomreynapt list --installed linux* | nc termbin.com 999913:49
tomreynpost the termbin.com url returned by this13:49
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Https://termbin.com/lg7813:51
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Done13:51
apt-ghettoKernel is not wrong for 20.04 => https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal-updates/linux-generic-hwe-20.0413:56
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Maybe I will reboot and see?13:58
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It went to sleep14:03
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It didn't fix it14:03
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Maybe I should put acpi off permanently?14:05
apt-ghettoThe problem with "acpi=off" is, that it could damage your hardware.14:06
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Oh14:06
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Then I need that patch thing14:07
apt-ghettoYou can check the list of possible kernel parameters => https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt14:07
apt-ghettoThere are a lot of acpi parameters14:08
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I am a total Linux noob14:09
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> So if possible, I need step by step instructions to patch it14:14
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Thank you in advance14:14
apt-ghettoEither you search in the internet for similar problem with the motherboard you have14:14
apt-ghettoor you try different options out14:15
apt-ghettoFor example you can try acpi_osi="Linux" or apm=off14:16
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Apm off didn't help14:21
ituproblem: how to always get all the windows/programs restored on the desktop after reboot?14:27
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> How can I edit logind file?14:48
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I can't save it14:48
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> It says permission denied14:49
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I have fixed the issue14:59
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I edited logind file14:59
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> I set close lid events to ignore14:59
lubot_[telegram] <Hozyain_Radugi> Maybe it will help someone15:00
JuhayerAlWasif[mI am getting very slow speed in my terminal,any fix for this?16:41
tomreynJuhayerAlWasif[m: probably, but you'll need to get a better idea of what's causing it first of all.17:00
tomreynJuhayerAlWasif[m: is it always this way, or just currently?17:01
tomreynif you run    journalctl -f    in a terminal, it should shows what's being added to your system log in near real time (until you press ctrl-c to stop it). this can help identify ongoing errors.17:02
JuhayerAlWasif[m<tomreyn "if you run    journalctl -f    i"> it's always happening17:56
JuhayerAlWasif[m<tomreyn "if you run    journalctl -f    i"> okay,what should be my next step?17:58
tomreynJuhayerAlWasif[m: was there constant output on the journalctl -f ? i.e. was it scrolling quickly?19:40
tomreynif so, what was it saying?19:40
tomreynif not, post the address returned by this   journalctl -b | nc termbin.com    and this   journalctl -b -p4 | nc termbin.com 999919:42
* JuhayerAlWasif[m < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/1642939e54772ac7226e78a775de6d4823517325/message.txt >19:48
JuhayerAlWasif[mthis was the result after running  journalctl -f19:49

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