
juddling👋 I'm looking to contribute by speaking to someone about a change to improve wiki.ubuntu.com01:45
juddlingI've noticed that when using that site the pages are rarely cached01:45
juddlingPages take >10 seconds to load for me from Australia01:46
juddlingIt's almost certainly caused by this caching configuration: "Vary: Cookie,User-Agent,Accept-Language,Accept-Encoding"01:47
juddlingCould someone recommend who I should talk to about getting this fixed?01:47
guivercjuddling, you're aware of the discussions on the Community discourse about the wiki?02:09
juddlingHey guiverc, no I'm not aware. Brand new here - I'll go and take a look02:10
* guiverc currently looking for a link; i suspect they Canonical IS won't touch it until a decision is made about what to do with wiki...02:11
guivercotherwise I'd suggest filing a bug02:11
guiverchttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/improving-community-health-technical-concerns/13648  is one post; but it's been discusseed in a number02:15
guivercjuddling, ^02:16
juddlingThanks I'll take a look, I've just come across this post too: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/wiki-aesthetics-and-accessibility-concerns/2292002:16
guivercYep, I saw that too & it fits your issue.. You could post your suggestion on that thread (it'll bounce to the top & I'd expect people involved to see & sugguest re-posting, or an admin to move if needed)02:19
guiverc:(  yeah it is slow.. I looked at latest UWN (weekly newsletter) on my browser; <3 secs to load in my normal firefox; if opened in private window it was >10 secs for me in melbourne!02:25
juddlingDone - I've just dropped a comment in the discourse, thanks for your help. hopefully I get put in touch with some one!02:35
juddlingAlthough the topic of migrating the wiki may be controversial. So perhaps just improving the existing wiki is more realistic02:36
guivercThanks juddling for your contribution !02:43

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