
AroIs there an ETA for the Raspberry Pi port of 21.04? 06:05
sixwheeledbeastif you want 21.04 do-release-upgrade from 20.10 should be fine. no idea on a iso eta. alternatively stick with lts.08:25
MekaneckAro:  no09:35
Mekaneckit should have been released two lonths ago, after the 21.04 desktop release but it didn't happen. The team is talking about it on discord. No news about a Pi imag yet.09:36
Mekanecksixwheeledbeast: doesn't work as expected i have read09:37
Mekanecksixwheeledbeast: and 20.04 does not boot from USB09:37
MekaneckI'm kinda disappointed that, after asking multiple times about the 21.04 Pi image,  i got not response at all from Martin.09:41
Mekaneckone of the reasons i moved on and use Ubuntu 21.04 and Manjaro KDE Plasma instead on the Pi's09:42
AroMaybe I'll just have to switch back to the LTS. :(10:33
AroIt would be a big blow if Raspberry Pi ports were abandoned completely.10:34
AroI don't want to use Gnome 3.10:34
MekaneckAro: there are always other distro's that support Pi images11:03
Mekanecki have to say i'm amazed by the speed and performance of Manjaro KDE Plasma on the Pi 4. They have also Gnome, Xfce, MATE and Sway11:04
AroI tried Manjaro Sway a while back. 11:08
superkuhWe're all using gnome3 anyway since GNOME-isms have been heavily applied to gtk3.12:54
superkuhMATE hasn't really been MATE since about 2015 due to this.12:55
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