
=== pi__ is now known as Carlangas
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> Darin Miller, [24.07.21 21:39]04:36
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> Trying to follow the instruction here to setup a KDE dev environment: https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/development04:36
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> oops, wrong channel...04:37
IrcsomeBot_<torolotu> Hi, sorry for the latest response. Im on 21.04 and the function failing is the remote control (im the guy of the KDE connect issue) (re @DarinMiller: Can you specify what function on KDE Connect is failing?)06:40
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user|80Hello , I found today Kubuntu 20.4 system crash , steam won't start , background screen login screen changed , I don't mind how to set system works again correctly , I can't find rescue app in applications , can smb help with this .12:43
BluesKajHi all13:13
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> I am using KDE connect on 21.04 with no issues.   On the phone side,  ensure to give the KDE connect app permissions for all functions  you intend to use. (re @torolotu: Hi, sorry for the latest response. Im on 21.04 and the function failing is the remote control (im the guy of the KDE connect issue))13:45
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/141930879950089422014:51
akselmofor some reason i have to type "sudo service NetworkManager restart" every time i reboot my PC to get internet working16:05
akselmokubuntu 21.04, kernel 5.11.0-25-generic16:05
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> By chance did you uninstall a package included with Kubuntu that may have inadvertently removed a networking package?  Does your system work with Live Boot?16:12
akselmoi installed kubuntu normally on my m.2 drive16:13
akselmoi have windows on my ssd16:13
akselmoi dont think i have uninstalled any networking packages..16:13
akselmonetwork-manager is already the newest version (1.30.0-1ubuntu3).16:16
gecko_Getting following error:16:16
gecko_../../../../libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_platform_limits_posix.cpp:133:10: fatal error: linux/cyclades.h: No such file or directory16:16
gecko_  133 | #include <linux/cyclades.h>16:16
gecko_any idea how to solve that?16:17
gecko_Stucking @Linuxfromscratch 10.1 systemd 8.26. GCC-10.2.016:18
mybalzitchyou've got kernel headers installed?16:40
akselmomanaged to solve my problem: network tried to use ipv6 even i dont have it17:12
user|87How to install Hp laserjet m126nw printer18:00
user|87On kubuntu18:00
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Guest975Hi. I was using Kubuntu 20.10 and it suddenly showed me the splash screen that I get when logging in (with the spinning activity indicator). I didn't press anything, this just happened on its own. Its never occured before, I've bee using this setup for several months. The system stayed that way for awhile, and I wasn't able to restore the desktop.20:35
Guest975I had to go to console and forcefully shutdown. How can I debug what happened? I want to know exactly why that splash screen came up20:35
Guest975plasma logs dont have anything in them. Not sure where else to look... or what would cause this20:36
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IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> I never seen the "sudden splash screen" issue and not sure of the cause. Sounds SDDM suddenly died.. but again not sure why.22:47
CoJaBoIs there a VNC client with a visible local cursor?23:42

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