
KonTJ-: This was his boot log after running your kernel. Still a lot of USB error -71 so I'm not 100% sure the patch addressed this issue. But if the patch was a workaround, maybe? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5VjNyBbmdk/00:04
KonSomeone with more knowledge of this stuff might be interested in that00:05
r00st3rHello, anyone has an idea, where I can download P4CR324 firmware for CT500P5SSD8 Crucial P5 NVMe drive? Any FTP server?00:19
oerheksmost likely https://www.crucial.com/support/ssd-support/p5-support00:20
oerhekscrucial Is not uploading firmware to the LVFS/fwupd, so do this from within windows00:24
r00st3rI have tried MicronStorageExecutive for Linux, but no download links. I will give Windows a shot. Thx! But 'msecli' has a -l Suboption for '-F -U'. "Download and save the firmware for later activation for the specified micron client drive with -n option." Maybe is it possible to download a firmware from an actual P5 device?01:15
oerheksr00st3r, where do you get that number P4CR324 ?01:19
r00st3roerheks: fwupdmgr get-devices01:22
oerheksoh i thought crucial is not supported01:23
oerheksso, then you will get the firmware,.. if any01:24
r00st3rand: StorageExecutiveClient.run (from StorageExecutive_Linux.run)01:26
r00st3rMaybe I will get a *new* firmware. But I would like to get a saved copy of the actual running firmware.01:28
MrMrHello, trying to upgrade ubuntu to 21.04 but i keep getting the 'ubuntu-minimal' could not be located. error01:37
Bashing-omMrMr: ^ is in main - check your internet connection >> ' sudo apt update ' .01:39
MrMrBashing-om I changed the server few times including the main, with no results.01:39
MrMrit's main now01:40
Bashing-om!info ubuntu-minimal hirsute | MrMr01:41
ubottuMrMr: ubuntu-minimal (1.469, hirsute): Minimal core of Ubuntu. In component main, is important. Built by ubuntu-meta. Size 3 kB / 52 kB01:41
oerheksupdate to 21.04 .. from which version?01:43
guivercMrMr, the error can occur because a `deb mirror://` is used in sources which some blog sites say is valid; none official  lp 181335401:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813354 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "release-upgrader unable to deal with sources.list entries of 'deb mirror://'" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181335401:47
=== M4he is now known as mahe
MrMrBashing-om did you respond by any chance, i lost connection there01:52
Bashing-omMrMr: < oerheks> update to 21.04 .. from which version? ,,, < guiverc> MrMr, the error can occur because a `deb mirror://` is used in sources which some blog sites say is valid; none official  lp 1813354 "01:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813354 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "release-upgrader unable to deal with sources.list entries of 'deb mirror://'" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181335401:54
MrMrBashing-om I'm on 20.10, but I don't see deb mirror entries here01:57
Bashing-omMrMr: ? ' cat  /etc/apt/sources.list ' to see the source fetch.01:59
MrMrBashing-om, right, I was just using nano to view it02:00
MrMrI'll try to recreate that file, via removing the existing one and running the updater02:00
MrMr*renaming not removing02:01
Bashing-omMrMr: Not a good idea there - no sources.list then package manager has nothing at all to work with.02:02
Bashing-omMrMr: Brain storming but, ' apt show ubuntu-minimal ' does what ?02:03
oerhekssudo cp /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo add-apt-repository multiverse && sudo apt update02:04
MrMrBashing-om, Package: ubuntu-minimal02:13
MrMrVersion: 1.45902:13
MrMrPriority: important02:14
MrMrSection: metapackages02:14
MrMrSource: ubuntu-meta02:14
MrMrOrigin: Ubuntu02:14
MrMrMaintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>02:14
MrMrBugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug02:14
goddardcan i enable the ubuntu screen sharing from ssh?02:14
Bashing-omMrMr: Humm .. seems apt then is working - we looking once more at config issues ?02:14
AppXprtgoddard, yea there used to be a way to enable vino from ssh02:14
Bashing-omMrMr: Toyr flooding the channel resulting in the bot quieting uoi . you will be release momentarily.02:15
AppXprtwith dcong or gconftool-202:16
Bashing-om!paste | MrMr02:16
ubottuMrMr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:16
AppXprtgoddard, you can also just install and run x11vnc02:16
AppXprtthat will attach vnc to :002:17
AppXprttightvncserver with create a virtual X11 vnc session on :102:17
AppXprtdepending on if you want the screen's session or a virtual / separate one02:17
AppXprtbtw, that :0 and :1 is the X session and attaches to VNC port 5900 and 5901 respectively02:18
AppXprt:2 = 5902 etc...02:18
MrMroerheks, I tried that as well and it didn't work02:24
goddardthink vino was replaced or something02:35
tomreynit moved to universe with hirsute02:38
tomreyn"The successor is GNOME Remote Desktop, which is tightly integrated with Mutter window manager" (according to arch wiki)02:40
Saxlelooks like freenode mods took over #ubuntu over there?03:04
p0indexter  /exit06:18
=== mei4 is now known as mei
TJ-Kon: thanks for last night's log. It didn't help unfortunately07:24
RaimondRajhai can anyone help me solve this problem ( https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9f598ZT5Dd/ )07:31
oerheksxenial and bionic ppa's in a focal install07:32
oerheksremove them?07:32
oerheksapt-kitware, you added it 3 times07:33
RaimondRajmight be07:34
RaimondRajhow to solve it.. please guide me07:36
oerheksgo into update settings, [tab] other software07:38
oerheksyou will find them there07:38
RaimondRajOK IM DONE07:39
RaimondRajim done07:39
oerheksoke, have fun!07:39
RaimondRajanyone know about matterbridge07:42
oerheksmatterbridge is available as snap, https://snapcraft.io/matterbridge07:43
oerhekstoo much connections, i don't use that07:43
Guest7I use apt-mirror to build a software warehouse locally07:44
Guest7this is my sources.list07:44
Guest7deb chimaera main07:44
Guest7#deb file:///mnt/b2/apps/devuan/chimaera/mirror/pkgmaster.devuan.org/devuan07:44
Guest7deb chimaera main07:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:44
oerheksdevuan is not ubuntu07:45
Guest7Can anyone help me07:46
oerheksGuest7, try #devuan or the other ones?07:46
ducasseGuest7: you're in the wrong channel, we only support ubuntu07:47
Guest7Are all used “apt-get"07:49
Guest7ok ,i go #devuan07:49
lotuspsychjewelcome neutral_08:57
neutral_this is my first irssi connect08:58
magoI did a very long git clone fell asleep and the laptop closed.09:32
magoHow can i check it was complete?09:32
TJ-mago: "git pull"09:46
magoTJ- it says already up to date, does that mean the git clone was complete? It wasnt for one of my repositories it was from another "creator"09:49
cbreakgit fsck will check repository integrity09:50
TJ-mago: assuming the remote.origin is set correctly then 'pull' will do a 'fetch' and then fast-forward merge to the working tree09:50
magoTj- it's a 10 GB download on a 300 kb bandwidth will that be fast or take forever?09:51
magoTJ- it's a 10 GB download on a 300 kb bandwidth will that be fast or take forever?09:51
magocbreak do i do the git fsck inside the downloaded git clone folder?09:52
cbreakalmost all git commands should be run in a git repo09:53
cbreak(or referring to one)09:53
cbreaka 10GB repository indicates that someone messed up09:54
magoI downloaded unreal engine source code ... Do I go into the unreal folder and do : git fsck09:54
cbreakand committed binary files, or similar09:54
magoOr do I do git fsck unrealengine ?09:54
cbreakman git-fsck will tell you all the gory details09:54
cbreakand as I said above: most commands will need to be run in a repo09:55
magocbreak thats right, just checked git fsck in the home folder and does nothing..09:58
magoIn the git unreal folder it's running, 37%.. JUst wanted to be certain and was a check specific to that folder and not some generic check stuff...09:58
magocbreak thanks a lot.09:58
=== denningsrogue1 is now known as denningsrogue
magocbreak those are the results of the fsck:10:57
magoChecking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.10:57
magoChecking objects: 100% (3573049/3573049), done.10:57
magoChecking connectivity: 3573049, done.10:57
magoI think everything is right with it...10:57
cbreakif it would complain about things, you should notice. It's not very subtile :)10:58
enycHrrm...  Curious how well   libimobiledevice  with various FOSS programs  works on ubuntu 20.04/derivs  to manage iTunes music on newer iphones ...11:37
TJ-enyc: from what I've seen over the years, not very good11:40
TJ-enyc: that's the pain I've seen others suffer - not my own11:40
lotuspsychje!iphone | enyc11:53
ubottuenyc: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod11:53
enyclotuspsychje: hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm 10.04 12.04 14.04 listed, all outdated ;-(12:07
lotuspsychjeenyc: yeah some wiki's might need a revamp indeed, but some tweaks/methods can still be valid even when old(er)12:08
lotuspsychjeenyc: i know clementine plays great with apple devices12:09
enyclotuspsychje: on its' own or  needs libimobiledevice  added ?12:12
lotuspsychjeenyc: if i recall, libmobile is to connect to your device and clementine plays well as music sync12:13
enycTJ-: I somewhat got impression that situation has improved over time...12:19
=== Walex_away is now known as Walex
BluesKajHi all13:13
BinarySaviorhello, I have a fresh install of ubuntu 21.04, I updated my drivers, i'm using proprietary nvidia drivers, whenever i launch minecraft i get this error message: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ThhjjtR336/13:20
BinarySaviorminecraft still launches, i'm not sure what this error implies13:20
tomreynBinarySavior: cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log | nc termbin.com 9999 && ls -l /var/log/gpu-manager.log13:25
tomreynthis should return two lines13:25
BinarySavior-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1378 Jul 25 09:14 /var/log/gpu-manager.log13:27
BinarySaviorcould this be a conflict of nvidia x server and ubuntu display settings?13:29
tomreyn"nvidia x server"?13:29
tomreynoh "nvidia x server settings"13:30
tomreynaka "nvidia-settings"13:30
BinarySaviorproprietary gui that comes with the driver to manage /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:30
tomreynso all i can tell so far is that the nvidia proproetary kernel module series 470 seems to have been loaded properly last time graphics were initialized.13:31
tomreynyou should be using nvidia.settings when using nvidia proprietary drivers. it should not conflict with ubuntu display settings then13:32
BinarySaviorwhen i edit the displays in ubuntu settings, what file does that interface with?13:32
tomreyni'm not actually sure how those are stored.13:34
BinarySavioroh it's ~/.config/monitors.xml13:34
tomreynoh yes this looks right13:34
tomreyndo other gl applications work fine?13:35
tomreynsuch as glxgears13:35
DelfWhat is the standard/default way of "handling" new network interface(s)? Auto configure with dhcp or let user/root decide?13:38
BinarySaviorglxgears works13:38
BinarySaviorokay i found a problem though13:38
tomreynBinarySavior: what problem?13:39
BinarySaviori removed that monitors.xml file and logged out/in.  Then my right monitor (vertical) was not rotated so I opened nvidia-settings and configured it to be rotated.  Then I saved to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and I quit, logged out, logged in, but the monitor is still rotated13:40
BinarySavior*not rotated13:40
BinarySaviorthe only way i can get the monitor to save it's rotated config is if I use ubuntu display settings to rotate it (monitors.xml)13:41
tomreynDelf: the latter, i'd say. there are differences in how things are handled by network-manager and systemd.networkd (especially when using netplan)13:41
TJ-Delf: IPv6 RA-PD !13:42
tomreynBinarySavior: hmm maybe logout + login isn't enough there13:43
DelfInteresting. Is it different with ubuntu headless?13:43
TJ-BinarySavior: did it really save to /etc/X11/ though? I recall, many years ago when I was using Nvidia, that sometimes nvidia-settings would silently fail to write that file because it didn't have permissions. Worth checking the file itself for the rotate option13:45
BinarySaviorTJ- it elevated when i pressed that button, but i confirmed anyway, i found the proper rotation settings in xorg.conf13:48
TJ-BinarySavior: sounds like Gnome/display settings may change that then and set it's own default13:49
BinarySaviorahh okay, i thought that they may have been conflicting with each other and perhaps that's why i'm getting glx errors, but that's not the case, i can just configure my monitor to rotate using ~/.config/monitors.xml13:50
TJ-xrandr --output X --rotate left13:51
BinarySaviormy main problem is that i'm getting glx crashes when running minecraft: https://termbin.com/d5td13:52
BinarySaviorTJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vtYfNmWpNn/13:53
tomreyni think you were meant to replace "X" by one of the outputs listed in the "xrandr" (without options) output13:54
TJ-BinarySavior: haha... I was giving you an example of a command you can use to manually set values for this session only13:55
BinarySavioroh okay thanks13:55
TJ-BinarySavior: in other words, command-line options :)13:55
BinarySaviormakes more sense now, i was confused13:55
BinarySaviorif i use firejail to install an application via wine, will it be permanently sandboxed or do I need to run firejail each time i launch the application14:47
BinarySaviornvm i think i need to run firejail each time14:48
coconut!ask | Guest89315:07
ubottuGuest893: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:07
mandorloit's my first time in irc15:08
alfagulfHello, After upgrading from 18.04 to 20.04 I noticed that printing my Brother DCP-115C (USB connected) takes about 3 minutes from the time I request a print till it actually start printing.15:08
alfagulfThe same printer on the samde PC works fine under Windows10 (Dual Boot)15:09
Guest893Okk... Am new here. Kindly direct me on steps to use my windows 10 system with Linux together15:09
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Guest89315:09
ubottuGuest893: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:09
lotuspsychje!uefi | Guest893 see also15:09
ubottuGuest893 see also: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:09
mandorlowondefull the ubottu15:10
alfagulfI tried searching for a solution for a week now but unfortunately I count find a solution, Can some one help?15:10
mandorlo!fediverse | Guest89315:10
Guest893Ok thanks...I will visit the links15:11
alfagulfI did upgrade to 21.04 now, hoping that it may fix the issue, but it did not.15:11
BinarySavioralfagulf, my 20.04 installation took 2 min to boot for some reason (18.04 took 10 seconds), upgrading to 21.04 now i'm back to 10 seconds :D15:12
locsmifalfagulf: what is the protocol used?15:12
locsmifDid anything change in that regard15:12
alfagulfBinarySavior, I am not referring to boot time, but rather to print time.15:13
locsmifalfagulf: e.g. PS3 vs PCL15:13
BinarySaviori know, hopefully no further action is required after upgrading15:13
locsmifalso, anything in dmesg wrt. your USB port/controller?15:14
alfagulflocsmif, What do you mean?15:14
TJ-BinarySavior: you might find 'systemd-analyze' useful if you do get further boot delays15:14
alfagulfI am using cups15:14
alfagulfWhere to find the protocol used?15:15
TJ-alfagulf: http://localhost:631/15:15
locsmifalfagulf: ultimately, it would be prudent to know what your driver is doing in those 3 minutes. Is it waiting while the printer is rasterising? Does the printer have a web interface/status page of its own? Does it have an IP address? (Since it's connected via USB, I wouldn't presume so, but ok)15:18
locsmifDoes e.g. top/htop show the process sleeping? Is there any traffic toward or from the printer on the USB bus?15:19
locsmifAlso, have you search for driver bug reports?15:19
lotuspsychjeBinarySavior: is that before login screen or after login you getting boot delay?15:19
locsmifMost importantly, what if you boot an old Ubuntu live ISO and configure your printer... is it faster then? In other words, can you also reproduce the old, fast situation?15:20
locsmifThese are some steps I would undertake to diagnose the problem.15:20
locsmifAllows attempt to narrow down the problem as exactly as possible... determine the exact driver your 18.04 installation was using and attempt to compile that driver from source if necessary to see if you get rid of the problem in 21.0415:21
GaboradonFind command in android isn't search for dirs, or I'm not using it right, any ideas?15:22
TJ-alfagulf: most modern printers, and CUPS, now use driverless printing. Instead the printer advertises its capabilities and connection protocols using multicast-DNS Service-Discovery15:22
locsmifObviously it would be much better if anybody had a direct answer, as in: "this is a known problem, see bug report xyz", but that isn't always the case15:23
TJ-alfagulf: there may be an issue with that or you may have a legacy driver installed that is causing delays15:23
tomreynGaboradon: hi! do you have an ubuntu support question?15:23
GaboradonWell yeah, how do I find folders in ubuntu?15:23
tomreynGaboradon: using GNU find should work15:23
tomreynfind -type d15:24
locsmifalfagulf: just curious, what is your exact printer model?15:24
GaboradonWell okay, it doesn't work on android I guess I'll go and ask them, might be different than other linuxes.15:24
locsmifOh, nvm, you said that15:24
TJ-hmmm, and USB connected. I wonder if its affected by the newish USB driverless stuff15:25
locsmifThere are forum discussions which are like 14 years old discussing AppArmor problems with the driver15:27
TJ-locsmif: those would show up in the logs. alfagulf have you checked the system logs?15:27
Gaboradontomreyn: Ah I was not telling find to do full recursive search,   find / would have weird behavior searching in some subfolders but skipping others15:37
GaboradonOr just 1 level depth15:37
tomreynGaboradon: which ubuntu linux release are you referring to?15:39
GaboradonNevermind I solved the issue.15:40
alfagulflocsmif, Sorry for the delay, I was trying to find the protocol in the syslog, but couldn't, this is what is mentioned in the cups web page:15:46
alfagulfDriver:Brother MFC-210C CUPS v1.1 (color)15:46
alfagulfDefaults:job-sheets=none, none media=iso_a4_210x297mm sides=one-sided15:46
coconut!paste | alfagulf15:47
ubottualfagulf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:47
alfagulflocsmif, My printer is DCP-115C15:51
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:54
alfagulfTJ-, I first let ubuntu search for the printer and install the driver, when that didn't work, I used brother installation script which also results in the same delay.15:55
alfagulfThis is the driver install by ubuntu (Not the Brother installation script) : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GYzcRNNtzM/16:00
TJ-alfagulf: did you look at the CUPS admin panel I linked you to?16:01
nualathe file `/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/interpreters/pygimp.interp` is not present for me. Basically I am missing the python-fu option in GIMP. Research reveals there might have been a 'gimp-python' package but it is removed? (I can not find though)16:01
alfagulfTJ-, yes I did look, the printer is shown, which information would you like to have?16:02
tomreynnuala: which ubuntu release are you running?16:02
nualaVERSION="20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)"16:03
TJ-alfagulf: not me, but if you look at the connection info that might give clues. You may also try editing the printer and altering the driver, if alternatives are offered16:03
tomreynnuala: in ubuntu 18.04 LTS amd64, according to https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/gimp/filelist , there was /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/interpreters/pygimp.interp , but the 20.04 LTS amd64 "gimp" package does not contain this file at this location: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/amd64/gimp/filelist16:06
tomreynit could have moved to a different location, or be provided by a different package in 20.04, though16:06
locsmifalfagulf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems16:06
locsmifjust fyi16:06
tomreynnuala: you can also do a search for the file name on "bionic" (18.04 LTS) https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=pygimp.interp&mode=filename&suite=bionic&arch=any  nad on "focal" (20.04 LTS): https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=pygimp.interp&mode=filename&suite=focal&arch=any16:07
tomreynnuala: so there's no such file in 20.04 LTS.16:08
tomreynnuala: bug 1881684 seems related16:08
ubottuBug 1881684 in gimp (Ubuntu) "GIMP Python Plugins Won't Run in Ubuntu 20.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188168416:08
locsmifalfagulf: also this might be relevant - quite a lot of information in there. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=71251216:08
ubottuDebian bug 712512 in src:cups "Brother HL-1250 needs usb quirks fix" [Important, Open]16:08
nualatomreyn: thx for clearifying and the launchpad link! :)16:10
tomreynnuala: i would not recommend the 'solution' provided in this bug report, though16:10
tomreynnot without understanding the implaications of downloading 'random' .deb files off some servers and installing them on a possibly incompatible ubuntu release, anyways16:11
nualayusss, i was just reading the same thing and frowned. but i had a nudge it would be a python2->3 thing, which i take from it.16:12
tomreynnuala: maybe try this PPA (unsupported, like any PPA): https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuhandbook1/+archive/ubuntu/gimp?field.series_filter=focal16:16
tomreynnuala: actually, this won't provide python scripting either16:19
tomreyn* python2 scripting16:21
nuala^ but still thanks a lot for suggesting! (I put all my trust in a tahr right now and hope ESM comes to rescue)16:35
leftyfbnuala: tahr? You're still running Ubuntu 14.04? The one that was EOL'd 3 years ago?16:46
webchat10I need some guidance as 1st time user of ubuntu16:47
webchat10Is anyone here?16:48
Mekaneck!ask | webchat1016:48
ubottuwebchat10: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:48
leftyfbwebchat10: it's best if you just ask your support question and wait16:49
webchat10!can anyone decrypt .moqs . I am switching to ubuntu for the recent Ransomware attack on my pc16:50
ubottuwebchat10: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:50
leftyfbwebchat10: We can help you install ubuntu. Decrypting .moqs isn't supported here. It looks like there's several youtube videos showing you how to though.16:52
leftyfbwebchat10: it might be quicker to just install ubuntu and restore your files from backup16:52
webchat10i have followed the mentioned steps in the FAQ. i have a bootable pendrive with ISO . Is there need of antivirus here too in Ubuntu?16:53
leftyfbwebchat10: no16:54
webchat10Can I decrypt my files that are infected , family pics videos etc . in UBUNTU?16:54
webchat10The Irony of the situation is that my external HDD was connected during the attack hoping that Switching to UBUNTU will help avoid further inconvenience16:57
leftyfbwebchat10: I don't think anyone has written anything to decrypt ransomware files in ubuntu. It's certainly nothing officially supported16:57
TJ-you'd need the decryption key surely?16:58
webchat10I read something about Kali, allows to decrypt it . Do people get attacked by ransomware in UBUNTU.(last question)16:59
nualaleftyfb: not exactly, i try to find some pre python3 version to circumvent https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=712512. So to get to they X->Y issue: I'd like tp export 'layers as png' from GIMP. I was aware of [1] but previous conversation and [2] just really tied it all together for me17:00
ubottuDebian bug 712512 in src:cups "Brother HL-1250 needs usb quirks fix" [Important, Open]17:00
leftyfbwebchat10: not likely17:00
nuala[1] https://askubuntu.com/questions/485917/gimp-export-every-layer-as-a-separate-png-image , [2] https://blenderartists.org/t/gimp-2-10-14-ora-file-support/1228369/6, also i meant bug #1881684 , sry for the noise ><17:01
ubottuBug 1881684 in gimp (Ubuntu) "GIMP Python Plugins Won't Run in Ubuntu 20.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188168417:01
DynamiteDanHello. I need to do a installer that runs on Linux Distributions. Does anyone has a sugestion what framework to use?18:46
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
MekaneckDynamiteDan: this is a Ubuntu support channel not a feneral support channel. So you're question is offtopic. Maybe ask in #linux18:56
DynamiteDanah okay. SOrry18:56
tomreynDynamiteDan: try #linux18:59
rbasakDynamiteDan: it's generally inappropriate to provide users in this ecosystem with an "installer" at all. Instead, please ship a package they can install - for example a snap (https://snapcraft.io/)19:03
dman777_alterhttps://dpaste.org/JsaB I am using wpa_sup for all my wifi needs. How can I get wlp58s0 to come up in netplan without trying to connect?19:42
lgomezHi there!19:49
hellbitchis this the interzone? lol20:11
hellbitchsince I tattoed my face I can't get anyone in the RV park to talk to me20:12
Mekaneckhellbitch: i'd change the nick into something appropriate and 2nd this is the Ubuntu support channel. If you don't have a support question move over to #ubuntu-offtopic for casual talk.20:14
hellbitchvery well20:14
dman777_alteranyone know how to set the timeout limit in netplan?20:18
alzghwhen running `apt list --upgradable` I'd like to know from which repository each upgradable package is. How can I do that with this command? I know I can use `apt show <package_name>` for individual package but I'd like to have it with the first command as a summary.20:23
oerheksalzgh, use -s simulate ? i am not aware of any extention that shows all package info.. maybe the gui updater will20:28
alzghoerheks the information I'm seeking is the `APT-SOURCE` line in `apt show <package_anme>`s output20:34
alzghI guess I have to cut the package names from `apt list --upgradable` and feed them one by one to `apt show` and get that line from it?20:34
tomreyndo you mean "APT-Sources:"?20:35
alzghtomreyn yes, sorry for the confusion20:36
tomreyni assume the information you actually want is provided by   apt policy <packagename>20:38
alzghFrom apt policy is much more convenient. Previously I planed to grab some info from apt list --upgradable and some from apt show. With apt policy I can feed package names from apt list --upgradable to apt policy and cut all the information I want from there.20:44
alzghI remember having to read something about some equivalent to for loops in bash. Maybe it was a command? I don't remember correctly if it was bash or some other programming language.20:50
alzghIf anyone can jog my memory, much appreciate it.20:50
tomreynsomething equvalent to for loops in bash are for loops in bash20:54
tomreynthere is also while20:54
hggdhand until20:57
morgansI removed the login password file rm login.keyring but now I dont know how to set a password. (Yes looked it up and the directions didnt work.) focal.21:00
jmurielAnyone know why st (suckless simple terminal) does weird things with the scrollwheel? Like inputs "^E" in the shell?21:13
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lantech19446You should be zlined for that nick22:14
niggersis it possible to install the ubuntu on an iphone?22:15
niggersor it must be the robot phone of the poor people?22:17
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