
mvogood morning zyga-mbp 06:57
zyga-mbphey mvo :)06:57
jameshhi zyga-mbp, mvo 06:57
zyga-mbpgood morning jamesh 06:58
zyga-mbphow have you been?06:58
jameshgood. It mostly didn't rain on the weekend06:58
* _moep_ waves…06:59
zyga-mbpwe didn't have any rain last week but it's finally going to bring some light rain this week06:59
zyga-mbphey _moep_ 06:59
zyga-mbpmvo: I wrote some squashfs go wrapper recently, just wanted to share in case it might make sense to use in snapd07:00
pstolowskihey zyga-mbp, jamesh, mvo 07:00
zyga-mbpI'm happy to spin up a new library or just a patch to snapd07:00
mvohey jamesh and pstolowski !07:05
mvozyga-mbp: oh, interessting, looking07:06
zyga-mbpit's a thin wrapper, just typed 07:07
* zyga-mbp goes for a bike ride07:15
mvothe switch to go-1.13 has landed :)08:02
pstolowskimvo: \o/08:12
* pstolowski lunch11:24
zyga-mbpmvo nice:)12:03
mvopedronis: can I merge 10467? it has two +1 and is no longer blocked afaict13:56
pedronismvo: let me ping some people, I will probably merge it myself tomorrow13:59

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