[06:06] morning [06:55] o/ [06:57] good morning zyga-mbp [06:57] hey mvo :) [06:57] hi zyga-mbp, mvo [06:58] good morning jamesh [06:58] how have you been? [06:58] good. It mostly didn't rain on the weekend [06:59] * _moep_ waves… [06:59] we didn't have any rain last week but it's finally going to bring some light rain this week [06:59] hey _moep_ [07:00] mvo: I wrote some squashfs go wrapper recently, just wanted to share in case it might make sense to use in snapd [07:00] https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/OHOS/components/sysota/-/merge_requests/151 [07:00] hey zyga-mbp, jamesh, mvo [07:00] I'm happy to spin up a new library or just a patch to snapd [07:05] hey jamesh and pstolowski ! [07:06] zyga-mbp: oh, interessting, looking [07:07] it's a thin wrapper, just typed [07:15] * zyga-mbp goes for a bike ride [07:15] ttyl! [08:02] the switch to go-1.13 has landed :) [08:12] mvo: \o/ [11:24] * pstolowski lunch [12:03] mvo nice:) [12:38] re [13:56] pedronis: can I merge 10467? it has two +1 and is no longer blocked afaict [13:59] mvo: let me ping some people, I will probably merge it myself tomorrow [14:03] ta