
RAOFOk, I need some help for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/umockdev/+bug/193499502:33
RAOFWho's good for ppc64 toolchain-esque bugs?02:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1934995 in umockdev (Ubuntu) "Broken on ppc64el (toolchain bug?)" [Undecided, New]02:33
mwhudsonRAOF: probably me or doko these days02:48
mwhudsonRAOF: "A umockdev build with the versions that hirsute's 0.15.4-1 built with." seems incomplete, i assume that should end "still crashes"?02:51
* RAOF checks.02:52
RAOFHm, yes.02:52
RAOFI built a umockdev package using the versions of binutils, gcc, and vala found in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/515322542/buildlog_ubuntu-hirsute-ppc64el.umockdev_0.15.4-1_BUILDING.txt.gz02:53
RAOFThe umockdev from that package also crashes.02:54
mwhudsonRAOF: i don't suppose you have a command line to invoke that crashes?02:54
mwhudsonas in, some way of starting in with gdb?02:54
mwhudsoni'm running a build in canonistack02:54
RAOFI can02:54
mwhudsonbut that will take a while02:54
RAOFI wonder if I can share my canonistack instance with you?02:54
mwhudsonyeah just ssh-import-id i think02:55
mwhudsoni don't think we have any fancy per-user security groups02:55
RAOFumockdev-run bin/mir_umock_unit_tests will hit it.02:56
RAOFYour launchpad SSH key should have access to ubuntu@ now.02:57
mwhudsoni am in02:57
RAOFThere's a byobu session with a built Mir tree and umockdev build.02:58
RAOF(In a hirsute schroot)02:58
mwhudsoner how do i join a byobu session? i only know screen02:58
RAOFJust run byobu02:59
mwhudsonah got it02:59
mwhudsonRAOF: ah heh so need to get an old gdb deb from somewhere?03:02
RAOFCould also just upgrade everything and fix the brokenness.03:03
RAOFOh, huh. This is an impish chroot.03:03
RAOFForgot what I was doing last :)03:04
mwhudsonRAOF: yeah maybe just upgrading everything makes sense03:04
mwhudsonRAOF: if that's not going to lose state that would be annoying to recover?03:05
RAOFThe built-with-the-working-build's-umockdev .debs are still in there for testing, as are all the relevant gcc, binutils, and vala debs :)03:06
mwhudsonRAOF: meep03:09
mwhudsonRAOF: have you tried using liblttng-ust0 from the last passing test?03:16
RAOFPresumably something has been corrupted before we hit this point, but valgrind doesn't complain about any out-of-bounds writes until the stack smashing.03:16
RAOFI think this is the liblttng-ust0 from the last passing test?03:17
* RAOF double-checks.03:17
RAOFOh, yeah, it definitely is. LTTNG hasn't been rebuilt in impish, and mir 2.4.0-0ubuntu2 built and ran its tests fine in impish.03:18
mwhudsonRAOF: so what has changed since things worked? glibc?03:21
mwhudsonbut only in minor ways03:22
RAOFumockdev got rebuilt.03:22
RAOF(Or, rather, umockdev 0.16.something was built in impish)03:22
mwhudsonthere's always the LTO bogeyman03:22
RAOFIf you install umockdev 0.15.4-1 from the hirsute archives, it works.03:22
mwhudsonhave you tried a build of umockdev without lto yet?03:23
RAOFI have not, no.03:23
mwhudson... i wonder when that became the default03:23
RAOFThat seems a sensible next step!03:23
RAOFIf it was about half-way through the hirsute cycle that would be an excellent candidate.03:23
mwhudsonseems it was just before release03:24
mwhudsonwhich seems a bit crazy so maybe it was earlier03:25
RAOFOdd time to turn it on, but sure.03:25
RAOFThat tracks; as I say, rebuilding umockdev in hirsute release results in a umockdev that crashes in this way.03:25
mwhudsonyeah definitely worth a try03:26
mwhudsoni wouldn't mind keeping the schroot i'm currently poking around in though03:26
RAOFIf you can walk me through adding storage to a canonistack instance I can make that happen :)03:46
RAOFBut I'm not sure the disc is big enough to handle a second schroot.03:46
RAOFHm. Yes. The working version of umockdev was built prior to LTO by-default.03:46
RAOF(Or, at least, the 0.15.4-1 buildlog does not contain any references to lto, and the 0.16.1-1 buildlog does)03:46
mwhudsongrr why can i only run the failing command once in each gdb session?03:48
RAOFBecause it's a wrapper that tests some environment variables and then exec()s the real thing.03:51
RAOFmwhudson: As that's getting annoying for you, you can export the relevant environment variables (I *think* LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the only one relevant for this test?) and then run bin/mir_umock_unit_tests.bin03:51
RAOFmwhudson: You're after `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/mir-2.4.1/build-ppc64el/bin/../lib`, I believe.03:52
mwhudsonRAOF: ah yes03:53
RAOFIt's a bit of a panda's thumb.03:58
mwhudsonso i don't remember the ppc64el abi inside and out but it sure looks like the open in libumockdev-preload is doing very bad things04:03
mwhudsonlike saving non-volatile registers way outside its stack frame04:03
RAOFI wonder why valgrind didn't pick that up?04:04
* mwhudson drowns in preprocessor04:05
mwhudsonno wait what is this doing04:09
mwhudsonit's writing r5 to r10 to crazy locations but they're not non-volatile registers04:09
mwhudsonah no that's the parameter save area04:10
mwhudsonRAOF: i think it's because mir's declaration for real_open does not match that of umockdev04:11
mwhudson    int (*real_open)(char const *path, int flags, mode_t mode);04:11
mwhudsonvs (const char *path, int flags, ...) for umockdev04:12
RAOFOh, no! va_args!04:12
mwhudsoni'm not completely sure that's the problem04:13
mwhudsonyeah i bet it is04:14
RAOFWell, this should be quick to test!04:15
RAOFmwhudson: Can I quit your gdb session to test that change?04:17
mwhudsonRAOF: i think i just quit the schroot in fact but yes04:18
mwhudsonah i'll stop typing :)04:18
mwhudsonhow do i disconnect?04:18
RAOFF12 d04:19
RAOFBy default.04:19
mwhudsoni'm out04:19
mwhudsonRAOF: btw i have no idea how this ever worked :-)04:19
RAOFThe best sort of bugs!04:19
mwhudsona schrödinbug04:20
RAOFIt's been perfectly happy with this code for the last 3 years :)04:21
mwhudsonhow does open(2) manage to have an optional argument anyway??04:22
mwhudsonoh the protoype has va_args04:26
mwhudsonso yeah mir's needs to too04:27
mwhudsonRAOF: you'll need to fix the open64 wrapper too, not sure about the others04:29
mwhudsonanyway i must vanish in a puff of childcare obligations04:29
RAOFThanks very much.04:29
egorenarHi all, i'm working on a new stand-alone dump concept for IBM z Architecture on Ubuntu (and other distros) and my idea is to use the dracut package to build an initramfs image for the dumper. This is similar to how kdump tooling works. That would make the package s390-tools (in particular the zipl tool) depend on the dracut package. I was told to ask on this channel whether you see any problem with that. Furthermore, i would like to07:39
egorenarknow whether the dracut package will continue to be supported on Ubuntu in the future ? Thank you very much.07:39
ricotzjuliank, hi :), fwupd-signed did not bump its build-dep as mentioned in the changelog and therefore is not installable -- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fwupd-signed/1.27.1ubuntu407:48
juliankricotz: yes, I know07:48
ricotzalrighty :)07:49
schopinbdmurray: re openssl, I was pinging the uploader to hirsute-proposed to understand what was going on with the previous upload and how to... coordinate, I guess? In any case, we're good, but I'm still in need of a sponsor :)07:56
rbasakegorenar: in Ubuntu we wouldn't be able to carry a dracut dependency on s390-tools without further work, since s390-tools is in main but dracut is in universe. I'm fairly sure we don't use dracut for initramfs images on Ubuntu.08:44
mwhudsonwe do not use dracut by default for sure09:34
egorenarrbasak: dracut would be just a soft dependency for s390-tools, we would have a helper script in s390-tools that calls dracut, and if it's not installed then you can't use the new stand-alone dump, that's all. but there would be no hard dependency on dracut. I know that Ubuntu uses initramfs-tools for building initramfs images.09:51
egorenarThe reason we are trying to go with dracut because it is supported on all distros that Linux Z targets.09:52
egorenarOther alternatives we considered would mean a lot more effort to maintain custom initramfs scripts and tools to build the required images for the dumper.09:58
egorenarWith dracut, we just need to provide a small custom module, uniform for all distros.09:59
rbasakegorenar: I don't see an issue there then, but wouldn't it be difficult for Ubuntu users to switch to dracut to make use of this feature?10:04
egorenarmaybe we misunderstand each other :) Ubuntu users don't have use dracut to build *regular* initramfs, to use the new dump feature, Ubuntu users just need to install dracut, that's all. we don't want to change any initramfs tooling Ubuntu already using.10:07
rbasakSounds fine to me :)10:08
egorenargreat :) and dracut will be supported for a long time ? no plans to remove it ?10:08
rbasakWhat do you mean by "supported"?10:11
rbasakdracut is in universe so relies entirely on community support. It is autosynced from Debian.10:11
rbasakIn general packages aren't removed from Ubuntu as long as they exist in Debian, unless they cause problems.10:11
egorenarok, thanks for clarifying10:15
GunnarHjHi vorlon! Can you please take a look at bug #1937922. Should gtk4 be added to the list of packages which are built on i386?11:21
ubottuBug 1937922 in ibus (Ubuntu) "gtk4 not built for i386" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193792211:21
laneyautopkgtest [12:36:34]: ERROR: "dpkg --unpack /tmp/autopkgtest.N3wyHj/2-autopkgtest-satdep.deb" failed with stderr "dpkg-deb: error: archive '/tmp/autopkgtest.N3wyHj/2-autopkgtest-satdep.deb' uses unknown compression for member 'control.tar.zst', giving up11:37
laneydid we break running debian autopkgtests from ubuntu11:37
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vorlonGunnarHj: what will reference gtk4 that is currently in the i386 set?15:24
vorlon(or, will anything)15:24
GunnarHjvorlon: Don't know. It's rather about build-deps in ibus. Or do you indicate that we should skip the build of ibus-gtk4 when building for i386? Can that be done without creating a permanent Ubuntu/Debian delta?16:03
schopinAnyone willing to sponsor an openssl upload to impish? THis is bug #1931994 which will be SRUed if all goes well, but first Impish :).16:08
bdmurraydbungert, jawn-smith: here is an example of hint MP https://code.launchpad.net/~ginggs/britney/+git/britney/+merge/40591223:03
jawn-smiththanks bdmurray23:04
bdmurraythere are also branches for stable releases23:08
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