
IrcsomeBot_<.> 9asv04:42
IrcsomeBot_<.> 94SV04:42
Unit193ᗣ ᗣ ᗣ   ᗧ * * * * * *04:51
IrcsomeBot_<ri5h46h> pacman? (re @IrcsomeBot: <Unit193> ᗣ ᗣ ᗣ   ᗧ * * * * * *)05:02
lordievaderGood morning06:02
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== admin is now known as Junior
beunI'm looking for the Ubuntu DDE chanal12:12
BluesKajHi all12:46
beun__I'm looking for some help with Ubuntu DDE12:51
beunI'm looking for some help with Ubuntu DDE12:52
BluesKajbeun, ask in #ubuntu chat ...this is Kubuntu support chat12:59
IrcsomeBot_<michellabrie> Use a Bitlbee IRC gateway for connect to Telegram for read chat bridge to IRC13:02
IrcsomeBot_<michellabrie> Gateception13:02
=== genii-core is now known as genii
Mekaneckbeun: for help with ubuntu DDE look on their site where to find support14:59
IrcsomeBot_<AIMI> Kubuntu doesn't provide ARM64 based isos, right? any ETA on that? some Qualcomm processors are being used for laptops and I assume this trend is going to steadily increase over time15:11
Mekaneck@AIMI there are no plans for arm based images i've been told15:13
memphistoi've set the formating to Serbian but i want kde in total to be in american english16:19
memphistohow do i get ti back , as currently i have all menus mix serbian and english16:19
user|25Hi I am trying to get remote access to Kubuntu 21.04 via rdp  in fact via anything. I think I have two major problems. Kubuntu 21.04 doesn't seem to have any vnc server packages available via apt, apt-get or dpkg and second when I do install something like I just did with Xfbv systemctl can't see it. So apologies for no formatting but here is an16:26
user|25example: mike@gamer:~$ sudo apt install Xvfb16:26
user|25Reading package lists... Done16:26
user|25Building dependency tree... Done16:26
user|25Reading state information... Done16:26
user|25E: Unable to locate package Xvfb16:26
Mekaneck!paste | user|2516:28
ubottuuser|25: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:28
user|25Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/04a26c2c7e4af4345bb1595b7c68da84/Xvfb.txt16:30
user|25Hi I am trying to get remote access to Kubuntu 21.04 via rdp  in fact via anything. I think I have two major problems. Kubuntu 21.04 doesn't seem to have any vnc server packages available via apt, apt-get or dpkg and second when I do install something like I just did with Xfbv systemctl can't see it. For example see uploaded file. Thanks in16:32
user|25advance. I'm desperate. I have work to do!16:32
user|25Reading package lists... Done16:32
user|25Building dependency tree... Done16:32
user|25Reading state information... Done16:32
user|25E: Unable to locate package Xvfb16:32
memphistosudo apt-get install -y xvfb16:34
user|25No difference. "Unit xvfb.service could not be found."16:37
memphistodo you really need xvfb16:40
memphistoi use x2go16:40
user|25I should hasten to point out that I wanted the 21.04 edition because of Wayland support but any connectivity at all would be very helpful at this point16:41
user|25I need *something* that is goinng to let me run Emacs and/or Neovim16:41
memphistodon't know about wayland16:42
memphistobut with X you could simply forward x and run which ever command16:42
user|25I've tried a bunch of "third party" options in the past. I just want whatever *should* work out of the box with Kubuntu.16:43
memphistossh -XC user@host command16:43
memphistodon't know about wayland16:43
user|25That sort of half worked. It launched emacs but it's just a blank window although it's alive. I'm doing this from Win 10 (don't ask). The real problem that needs to be solved is why systemctl isn't finding apps that Kubuntu itself has installed. Anything else is not really going to resolve the problem.17:00
lordievaderBoth emacs and neovim are cli applications. Why go through the trouble of forwarding graphical user interfaces?17:27
lordievaderNot sure if Wayland even supports those kind of things. X does, but is always a bit of hit or miss.17:28
alkisg`apt install xrdp` is enough for remote x11 sessions (if he reads the logs :))17:35
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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