[05:21] morning [06:05] morning [06:14] good morning [06:52] re [06:53] heh, looks like a major power outage here, fortunately power should be back around 11, so i'll switch places again [07:08] mborzecki: good luck [07:22] mvo: thanks for the review in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10547, do you think we need security to take a look too? [07:24] mvo: can you land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10510 ? [08:04] mborzecki: 10547 needs a second review, ideally from security but I'm not sure it's stricly needed [08:04] mborzecki: let me merge the other [08:04] mvo: thanks [08:04] mborzecki: done [08:05] mvo: yay, thank you [08:06] hey mborzecki, mvo :) [08:13] hey zyga [08:16] zyga: hey [08:16] mvo: i've updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10545 [08:16] pstolowski: can you take a look at that PR ^^^ ? [08:17] mborzecki: sure [08:17] thanks! [08:21] mvo: ta [08:23] anyone want to review some C code? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10547 very simple [08:28] power should be back, switching places [09:18] re [09:41] pedronis: hi, will you have time to talk about refresh control today? [09:42] anyone seen this? `Mount snap "core" (11447) (snap is unusable due to missing files; contact developer)` [09:43] hmmm maybe it's a change in squashfs-tools or sth [09:44] i see there was an update in arch from some git snapshot to 4.5 [09:54] mborzecki: have a moment for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10546 ? [09:56] sure [10:07] jamesh: hi, do you know what could be the problem here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1936962 ? it's clearly a problem with some snaps, not snapd, but maybe we can give an advice? [10:15] pstolowski: sounds like it is input method related. If the input method plugin is not available within the sandbox, then it likely won't function [10:19] pstolowski: things should mostly just work for snaps using the gnome or kde Snapcraft extensions, but it is possible some of these older snaps that bundle everything are missing the plugins. [10:25] jamesh: got it, thanks. would that be gnome-platform content slot? i installed one of those affected snaps (telegram) it it didn't have gnome-platform plug (at the same time it had gtk-themes and some other gtk-* plugs)? [10:30] pstolowski: I'm not sure what current best practice is for Electron apps (I think that's what Telegram is?) [10:30] probably use whatever the chromium snap is using [10:31] jamesh: ah, electron app, could be [10:31] jamesh: thanks, i think i know enough to steer this towards forum question if needed [11:39] hmm nothing wants to pass today [11:39] i see unit-tests (1.9) stuck on a few PRs [11:46] pstolowski: sorry, had a very slow morning, we can chat at 14:30 ? [11:46] pedronis: np. ok [12:12] meth, that squashfs tools update is annoying [12:13] i'll open a fix in a bit [12:33] mvo: pstolowski: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10567 ? [12:33] this shoud fix the problems in master with arch [12:34] and i need to cherry-pick that patch to the package [12:36] mborzecki: sure, looking [13:30] cachio: hey any idea what's up with core-initrd here and gce credentials? https://github.com/snapcore/core-initrd/pull/32/checks?check_run_id=3172125837 [13:30] did something change again ? [14:26] another simple PR: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10569 [16:47] ijohnson[m], hey [16:47] did you fork? [16:47] cachio: did I fork what ? [16:47] because core-initrd is prepared to run actions when you want to merge a branch [16:48] ijohnson[m], the core-initrd change [16:49] cachio: ah I see what you mean, yeah this branch is from alfonso's fork [16:49] that would explain it