
callmepkgood morning01:31
dufluHi callmepk 01:57
callmepkhi duflu 01:59
jpnurmigood morning. hi callmepk duflu06:43
dufluHi jpnurmi 06:43
didrocksgood morning07:09
callmepkhi jpnurmi didrocks 07:09
didrockshey callmepk 07:09
jpnurmihi didrocks07:09
didrockshey jpnurmi!07:13
dufluHi didrocks 07:24
didrockshey duflu 07:29
dufluHi laney 08:03
callmepkhi laney 08:09
laneyhey duflu callmepk 08:15
laneyhow's it going?08:15
dufluPretty good. You, laney?08:16
laneyyeah alright08:17
laneyI had my second vax the other day. They warned me the side effects would be worse than the first one but actually they were better08:17
duflulaney, yeah everyone's different. I was surprised I had almost no reaction the first time and the second time was horrific08:20
laneythat's true: there was someone in the post vaccine waiting area who was definitely not loving it08:22
didrockshey hey laney 08:27
laneywhat's up didrocks 08:27
didrocksnothing special, more than 2 weeks after my second shot, no effect, lucky :)08:28
laney2 weeks is time for FULL POWER!08:29
didrocksisn’t it? :)08:30
GunnarHjHi laney, can you please approve ibus in the NEW queue. (Steve has fixed so gtk4 build on i386.)09:56
laneyGunnarHj: I'll take a look in a bit, cheers10:01
GunnarHjlaney: TIA10:20
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:53
GunnarHjGood afternoon hellsworth! :)14:53
hellsworthwell hi there GunnarHj 14:55
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