
mwhudsonRAOF: did that change help mir?00:09
RAOFmwhudson: Still finishing it to test!00:34
RAOFTurns out there's quite a lot of places where we assumed the 3-parameter open(), and it's annoying to forward varargs calls.00:34
RAOFmwhudson: For more in the β€œhow did that ever work?” department - we were only ever implementing the 3-parameter open() call, but virtually all of the calls we were trying to intercept were of the 2-parameter open().01:44
RAOFSeriously, gcc? β€˜<anonymous>’ may be used unitialised?02:46
RAOFOn ppc64el, but not x86-64?02:46
RAOFC was a mistake πŸ”₯02:46
mwhudsonRAOF: yay C04:04
RAOFActually, this is on C++.04:04
mwhudson"it's annoying to forward varargs calls" i think it's impossible generically but i guess in this case it's not very generic04:04
RAOFYeah, impossible in the general case and merely annoying in this case. :)04:05
RAOFApparently gcc (just on ppc64el!) thinks the default constructor for a std::optional accesses an anonymous uninitialised variable.04:05
mwhudsonthat's... special04:05
mwhudsonand smells like a gcc bug tbh04:05
RAOFI think it must be.04:06
RAOFOh! It's going to be an interaction between the optimiser and the C++ frontend, isn't it. That's how it can be ppc64 specific.04:06
* mwhudson types things into gcc bugzilla04:12
RAOFHelpfully, the diagnostic identifies it in entirely the wrong function, too.04:13
mwhudsonRAOF: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8063504:13
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 80635 in gcc "[9/10 regression] std::optional and bogus -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning" [Normal, Assigned]04:13
mwhudsonalthough that's old04:14
mwhudsonlooks similar though04:15
RAOFIt does, yes.04:18
RAOFIt also suggests that we might have hit the problem on a !ppc64 architecture, essentially at random?04:19
RAOFπŸŽ‰ That fixes the stack smashing!05:09
RAOFLeaving only a bunch of failing tests 😬05:10
tobikochWe bootstrap a bunch of containers every night and this was working well until this morning, when I woke up to:06:25
tobikochSetting up ubuntu-advantage-tools (27.2.1~18.04.1) ...06:25
tobikochERROR: File not found '/run/cloud-init/instance-data.json'. Provide a path to instance data json file using --instance-data06:25
tobikochdpkg: error processing package ubuntu-advantage-tools (--configure):06:25
tobikoch installed ubuntu-advantage-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 106:25
tobikochWhich apparently gets pulled in by ubuntu-minimal. A bit annoying.06:27
* RAOF checks.06:40
RAOFHm. Is that a recent SRU?06:40
RAOFYup! Looks like that was published 14 hours ago.06:40
RAOFblackboxsw: Around? It looks like your recent ubuntu-advantage-tools upload introduced a regression ^^^06:40
RAOFtobikoch: Have you filed a bug about this yet?06:42
tobikochNo yet, but can do.06:43
RAOFIt's easier to link to :)06:44
tobikochRAOF: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-advantage/+bug/193812806:50
tobikochrcj: this might bite you, as well^06:50
RAOFtobikoch: Thanks. Did you deliberately mark that bug as proprietary? It means that I can't re-assign it to the correct place :)07:04
RAOFIf it is meant to be proprietary I can work around that.07:04
RAOFI need to head off now, so I hand this over to…07:04
RAOFOh, no ubotu in here? Have I forgotten that?07:04
tobikochRAOF: I thought I had changed it, but maybe it is private because UA is proprietary?07:04
RAOFMaybe. I can just copy the information out into the non-proprietary place and subscribe you to the new bug if that's ok.07:05
tobikochSure, sorry for the hassle :|07:06
RAOFNo problem!07:07
RAOFrbasak, you should be on soon. If you're back before I am back from collecting my daughter, please see above!07:08
GunnarHjvorlon: Thanks for fixing gtk4 on i386!09:48
mwhudsonhuh i fixed that bug in git10:15
mwhudsonthe ubuntu-advantage-tools one10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1936833 in ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu) "package ubuntu-advantage-tools 27.2.1~21.10.1 failed to install/upgrade: installed ubuntu-advantage-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Medium, Fix Committed]10:16
rbasakWhich series are affected?10:20
rbasaksil2100: could you halt phasing of ubuntu-advantage-tools please? Bug 1936833 and the discussion above.10:26
ubottuBug 1936833 in ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu) "postinst fails when cloud-init is installed but never ran" [Medium, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193683310:26
rbasakWhat version of apt started doing phasing again?10:26
rbasakBut still, desktops may be affected too.10:26
sil2100rbasak: trying o/10:42
mwhudsonrbasak: all of them, i think10:48
mwhudsoni thought the SRU just landed but it looks like it was a week ago?10:48
mwhudsonah no was about 16 hours ago10:49
sil2100Ok, overrode the phasing, but that's only for update manager10:50
mwhudsonapt started phasing in hirsute but image builds generally ignore that anyway10:50
laneyany reason not to roll it back?10:52
rbasakI had thought it had been released for a while, but perhaps not.10:58
rbasakAh that's what Michael said :)10:59
mwhudsonthe date on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-advantage-tools is confusing11:03
mwhudsonoh is it showing the date it was published in proposed?11:03
sil2100I don't have much context re: this upload, but we can indeed pull it from -updates if needed11:03
laneyI would11:04
rbasaksil2100: OK. Please pull it from -updates.11:06
rbasaksergiodj: ^11:10
sil2100Will take a moment11:23
sil2100Since I need to remove the current package and reinstate the previous version in -updates11:24
sil2100rbasak: can you mention on the regression bug that we're pulling this update back to -proposed?11:24
laneyyou'll want to un-fixed-released the original SRU bugs too I guess11:25
rbasaksil2100: done11:43
rbasakun-fixed-released the original SRU bugs too> also done11:50
rbasakotp now for the next hour11:55
dbungertIf anyone is interested in reviewing some update-notifier, I'm working on an interesting issue where a crash happens, you get the dialog to report or not, click the report button, and nothing happens.  https://code.launchpad.net/~dbungert/update-notifier/+git/update-notifier/+merge/40562813:08
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