
mvogood morning mborzecki 06:39
pstolowskihey mvo07:17
mvohey pstolowski 07:18
zygagood morning07:30
mborzeckihmmm ` 2021-07-29 08:31:10 Cannot allocate google:arch-linux-64: google: error getting credentials using well-known file (/home/ubuntu/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json): open /home/ubuntu/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json: permission denied`09:13
mvomborzecki: I pinged cacio about this, looks like our vms are unhappy09:32
zygahey mvo09:35
zyganot a happy day09:35
mvozyga: indee09:41
ackhi, I'm hitting this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1938321. could anyone confirm if this is a change in snapd logic?09:49
mvoack: could you please add the snapd version to this report?09:50
mvoack: that triggred this issue? we had a regression in edge that looks similar but we reverted this I think (but not fully on top of this)09:51
ackmvo, done. it happens with latest/stable too09:54
mvoack: uh, ok. that is disturbing09:54
ackmvo I guess my first question is, is it correct to expect that the service is "enabled inactive" during the upgrade unless the user has previously run "snap stop --disable maas" ?09:55
zygapstolowski, ^ 09:55
ackwe're currently checking for "disabled" because we don't want to start the service (which we need to to be able to upgrade) if the user explicitly disabled it09:55
mvoack: we did some changes in this area indeed, mostly lead by mardy but he is off today but pawel should also have some insights here09:55
ackok, thanks09:55
pstolowskiack: during refresh we stop all services but do not disable them, then start them again for the new revision of the snap  - except for those that were explicitly disabled by the user; this logic shouldn't have changed and been like that for a very long time. but i need to check what snapctl reports per your bug report10:10
ackpstolowski, so I don't understand how snapd reports the service as disabled. we don't disable it either10:50
pstolowskiack: yes, i'm looking at it; do you still have this affected system around?10:53
ackpstolowski, yes11:01
ackit's very easy to reproduce11:01
pstolowskiack: great, could you please attach systemctl status output for the respective service(s), before running refresh?11:02
pstolowskiack: can i reproduce it by using maas from different channels?11:03
ackpstolowski, yes11:03
pstolowskiok trying11:03
ackpstolowski, "snap install maas --channel=2.7; maas init --mode all; snap refresh maas --channel=2.8" basically11:03
ackpstolowski, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VFDn3rw8JV/11:04
ackroot@f:~# snap services maas11:04
ackService          Startup  Current  Notes11:04
ackmaas.supervisor  enabled  active   -11:04
ackbut it's "disabled" during the refresh hook11:05
pstolowskiack: yes, i can see that, reproduced, i'm investigating, unclear yet why11:23
ackpstolowski, great, thanks11:24
ackpstolowski, please feel free to comment on that bug if you find more info11:37
pstolowskiack: sure11:44
pstolowskiack: btw did you have this hook logic always like this?11:44
ackpstolowski, yeah, since a long time11:44
pstolowskiack: just confused about what, if anything changed/regressed on our side11:46
ackwe haven't touched that stuff in a long time, 2.8 has been around for over a year11:46
ackpstolowski, I have similar logic in a snap of mine, fwiw https://github.com/albertodonato/h2static/blob/main/snap/hooks/configure#L311:48
pstolowskiack: got it11:52
pstolowskiack: ok i think i know what's going on and why it's like that but again, it's been working like this for ages; i'll explain in the bug report in a moment. is it possible you've never hit "all" case before in your hook during the refresh? I see the logic is shared with install hook, but in install hook it's not possible to hit this case afaict12:13
pstolowskiack: as for your private snap, configure hook is a different case12:14
ackyeah it's only on refresh12:14
ackbut I'm quite sure we tested it back then. maybe it's been broken for a while and no one noticed but it was working at the time we implemented/tested it?12:14
ackis it something you can fix, or should we find a workaround?12:15
ackI guess we could drop that check in the hook if needed12:15
pstolowskiack: i'll describe it in the bug report and then we will say, maybe others have opinion12:15
pstolowski*we will see12:15
ackpstolowski, ok, thanks for investigating12:16
pstolowskiack: updated the bug report12:42
ackpstolowski, thanks12:43
pstolowskiack: i wonder if you could do your check in pre-refresh hook (but it runs against the current revision of the snap you're updating from); pre-refresh runs befre stopping the services13:18
* pstolowski lunch13:33
dusthttps://snapcraft.io/tiled dosnt work on ubuntu 21.0413:41
ackpstolowski, yeah maybe we could, but we'd have to do something like touch a file for the post-refresh one to check. it's actually easier to remove that check, since it should be pretty rare to be in that case where you have "all" mode and disabled the service 13:46
ijohnson[m]dust: the tiled snap seems to launch fine on my 21.04 machine16:47
zygastgraber, hi, is it a known issue that focal containerrs on fedora 34 workstation hosts do not get ipv4 network at all (only link-local ipv6)16:55
stgraberzyga: hmm, no, is it systemd being sad? (`systemctl --failed` in the container)16:56
zygastgraber, I will check and get back to you16:57
zygastgraber, I suspected cgroupv2 to play a factor but I could not pinpoint any real failure16:57
dustijohnson[m], snap.tiled.tiled.773a1c95-e5f3-4652-bf0b-02bda9c62027.scope: Succeeded. 17:21
dustThe unit UNIT has successfully entered the 'dead' state.17:21

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