
mwhudsonyay systemd migrated05:02
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
xnoxfixing 6 digit bug report is nice10:11
xnoxmy irc is broken.10:11
xnoxmaybe not.10:11
xnoxfixing 6 digit bug report is nice =) in my dput upload.10:11
ginggsxnox: good job!10:22
=== genii-core is now known as genii
TJ-Is it known that phased updates and by-hash/...SHA256/$hash  can break fetching Package.{xz,gz} - are hashes really file-system symlinks?16:05
cjwatsonThey are not symlinks16:07
cjwatsonPrecisely because that would break16:07
TJ-cjwatson: got a user in #ubuntu curl-ing a focal-updates Package.xz by hash and it's not matching the hash he expects; difference is the Phasing percentage. I presume they are linked and the user has got hashes from a different phase?16:11
cjwatsonTJ-: Can we get more exact details?16:13
cjwatsonTJ-: Could be a busted mirror or overly-smart proxy or ...16:13
TJ-I'll copy the relevant comments:16:15
TJ-16:50 <Rogach> curl -s --resolve archive.ubuntu.com:80: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal-updates/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/125d5d9e5514f816011b6ba86ea5574caa09f2587502618e763e3ffcfac77a9f | sha256sum16:15
TJ-16:50 <Rogach> 79d6950134a801405612775563ad754367e4b94366d6f9de2e92d6bf2c6cef80  -16:15
cjwatsonTJ-: sha256sum matches for me16:15
TJ-cjwatson: me too!16:15
cjwatsonTJ-: so to me that implies a proxy in the way16:15
cjwatsonTJ-: may be explicit (http_proxy) or "transparent"16:16
TJ-they report no problems on other hosts, we suggested a proxy - only difference is the Phasing value16:16
cjwatsonTJ-: curl -v may give some clues16:16
TJ-cjwatson: I suspect the transparent but wanted to be sure I correctly understood the Phasing operations16:16
cjwatsonTJ-: phasing is unlikely to be very directly relevant - that probably just means that a proxy has cached something recent, and the most recent change to that Packages file happened to involve phasing16:16
cjwatsonTJ-: if adding -H 'Pragma: no-cache' fixes it, then it's a buggy proxy16:17
TJ-cjwatson: right... thanks for the confirmation :)16:17
cjwatsonTJ-: by-hash uses different URLs for each hash partly to minimize the chance of caching problems, but if a proxy is egregiously violating the spec and caching results from some different URL, there's not much we can do16:18
TJ-cjwatson: thanks ... that must be it. It's affecting apt as well as curl. Role on HTTPS :)16:19
jawn-smithIs any core dev available to retry https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=ppc64el&package=cwltool&trigger=curl/7.74.0-1.2ubuntu421:35
bdmurrayoooh ooh me!21:43
jawn-smiththanks bdmurray! It's always you haha21:58
bdmurraymaybe nobody else trusts you?21:59
jawn-smithwell the test passed, so did I earn +1 trust unit?22:09
mwhudsonhey can someone review https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs/+merge/406272 pls23:43
mwhudson(it's pretty simple)23:44
sarnoldshell quoting .. simple .. dunno :)23:45
sarnoldis that outer layer of quotes useful? helpful?23:45
mwhudsonyeah i guess the results of command substitution don't get split do they?23:46
sarnoldI don't *think* so but .. shell :)23:46
mwhudsonIf the substitution appears within double quotes, word splitting and pathname expansion are not performed on the results.23:46
mwhudsonfrom man bash23:46
mwhudsonso maybe they do?23:46
mwhudsonplease doctor it hurts https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ypJDvh58jF/23:48
mwhudsonoh ok so the rhs of an assignment is not split23:49
mwhudson(obviously it can only contain spaces to split on after some kind of expansion)23:50
mwhudsonso the outer quotes are not needed but i'm inclined to leave them in anyway23:52
sarnoldalright, cool, thanks for indulging my curiosity/concern :)23:52
cjwatsonThey're not needed, but they're harmless and IMO often best left in for pedagogical purposes (i.e. to reinforce the notion that you should have one layer of "" per variable expansion unless you have a damn good reason not to)23:53
cjwatsonLGTM for whatever my out-of-date livecd-rootfs brain is worth23:53
mwhudsoncjwatson: thanks23:53
sarnoldcjwatson: ah that's a solid reason :) thanks23:54

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