
lotuspsychjegood morning01:52
lordievaderGood morning05:58
ducassegood morning06:14
=== PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga
lotuspsychjeoerheks: News from handbook: Audacity 3.0.3 Released, Official Appimage for Linux /Auto Checking Updates <https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2021/07/audacity-3-0-3-official-appimage-linux/>16:12
lotuspsychjehey jason1234 16:45
jason1234which FPS game is cool on ubuntu?16:45
leftyfbjason1234: feel free to ask about gaming opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic. This is a support channel16:48
leftyfboh, oops16:48
jason1234come on16:48
leftyfbwrong channel ;)16:48
leftyfbno, sorry, I forgot I was in -discuss16:48
leftyfbmy apologies 16:48
lotuspsychjejason1234: try the ubuntu store, and type shooter16:48
lotuspsychjethere's a few cool ones out there16:48
lotuspsychjejason1234: there's also a !steam community and a #gamingonlinux channel16:50
lotuspsychjejason1234: a lot of snap games these days aswell16:50
daftykinswell, there's no accounting for taste (:16:52
sarnoldI've heard good things about https://xonotic.org/17:35
jason1234steam is indeed a very good thing for lniux18:07
WalexSteam worksd indeed quite well for me on 20.04 and a Ryzen laptop and a desktop with an AMD card19:22
=== Walex is now known as Walex_away

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