
lordievaderGood morning05:58
fooerr, odd issue. Just spun up a new instance with ssh. I can ssh into the system but I cannot scp or git push ... it says system isn't responding 07:11
fooNo firewall, I can scp in fine, just cannot scp in or push to a myhost:/some/git/repo.git07:19
fooSo. odd.07:19
lordievaderConfiguration to restrict certain types of activity?07:23
foolordievader: this is a brand new digital ocean droplet, I can't see any config to restrict certain activity07:24
fooI've done this process dozens of times07:24
fooso odd.07:24
* foo baffled.07:24
lordievaderWhat do you get when you make that `scp -v` instead?07:32
foolordievader: great question, I've tried it with -vvv ... nothing helpful.07:33
foowill paste output07:33
foothis is scp -vvv file.conf myhost:/home/path/here : https://bpa.st/HUFA07:37
fooin case anyone see's anything weird07:37
foojust tried with another host, scp worked fine... so it's not my network 07:44
foothis. is. so. odd.07:45
tuxickso nothing in ~/.ssh/config ?08:19
mwhudsonfoo: mtu issues?08:39
TJ-foo: X.Y.Z.Z not responding ... means you've no route, or firewall is blocking. try "ip route get X.Y.Z.Z"08:54
tuxickmust be a rather clever firewall to tell ssh from scp?08:59
TJ-tuxick: the problem is likely on the /client/ no the target 'server'09:00
tuxickyeah spose so09:00
TJ-tuxick: and my suspicion is there's a Host entry affecting it09:01
=== genii-core is now known as genii
fooback. 16:11
footuxick: well, I got the config for the host in .ssh/config16:11
fooTJ-: but if I can ssh into it, does that make sense? 16:12
footuxick: this is a brand new digital ocean droplet. I've got through this process dozens of times and I'm truly baffled.16:12
fooI checked in digital ocean and there's no firewall from what I can see there, how can I check on the server itself if there are any firewall rules16:12
foo? 16:12
fooI've also checked my network to make sure I have no outbound issues here and I can scp to another host fine16:13
fooiptables -L is showing nothing, so I doubt this is a firewall issue16:13
TJ-foo: it's certainly weird but the fact scp reports timeout server not responding suggests some kind of block - on the target have you monitored the sshd log for connection attempts?16:13
TJ-foo: and are you using hostnames or IP addresses, and if address, IPv4 or IPv6 ?16:14
fooTJ-: IPv416:14
sdezielfoo: when over SSH can you try calling `dmesg` and see if the long output hangs the session or not. This is what I use to rule out PMTU issues16:14
fooTJ-: dmesg looks like it works fine16:15
foomy latency is around 50-500ms but I can't imagine that's an issue, FWIW16:15
fooI have spent about 2 hours on this otherwise odd issue, I'm open to trying anything. 16:16
sdezielfoo: could you try scp'ing a tiny small file (like /etc/hostname)?16:18
tuxicktry different users on either end :)16:19
foosdeziel: the file I've been trying with is 4K... but I can try with a different one16:20
footuxick: I've tried to scp to another host it works fine16:20
fooI've tried to scp to another user on this specific host giving me issues, no go16:20
TJ-foo: "echo hello > /tmp/hello; scp -v /tmp/hello user@target"16:21
sdezielfoo: 4K is enough to trip on a PMTU blackhole16:21
foouh, wtf. 16:21
footouch testfile and tried to send testfile...16:21
fooit worked.16:21
fooI was trying to send conf.py before.16:21
sdezielfoo: try lowering the MTU of the sending machine as a potential workaround/confirmation16:22
TJ-foo: "tracepath host"16:22
foosdeziel: how do I do that? 16:23
sdezielfoo: `sudo ip link set eth0 mtu 1400` but replace eth0 with whatever NIC name you have16:24
foosdeziel: is there a way to see what it currently is? 16:24
* foo is trying this with a few more files16:24
fooI'm still not convinced. This is too weird.16:24
sdezielfoo: you can check the current MTU with `ip link`16:24
foobah, this other file worked fine... ok, now let me try to push a git repo (which was the original problem I had16:25
TJ-foo: the problem happens if the Don't fragment bit is set on a packet that is larger than the PMTU16:25
fooTJ-: how can we be certain that is the issue? 16:25
TJ-packets above a certain size, with DF set, don't arrive16:26
TJ-is there any VPN involved in the path?16:27
TJ-if any tunneling is used that'll reduce the MTU/MSS 16:27
TJ-foo: as I said above: "tracepath host"16:28
TJ-that discovers, as best it can, the maxium MTU on each router along the path16:28
fooTJ-: no, all really basic16:29
sdezielTJ-: thanks for that, I always thought `mtr` was a better `traceroute` but the PMTU estimate the later gives is handy!16:30
foosdeziel: so it looks like mtu 1500 is what's set16:32
foosdeziel: so you're suggesting I set it to 1400? 16:33
fooI've been working in linux for 20 years and have done this process probably 50+ times and I've never had this issue. I'm open to having missed something, I'm just really confused right now.16:33
sdezielfoo: yeah, that's the default Ethernet MTU value. 1400 is a good starting point but you'll need to do a binary search to find the optimal value ;)16:33
TJ-foo: do a bisect to figure out the optimum - but if only the single target is affected this suggests the 'issue' is at the other end. Your altering the local setting affects everything leaving the local interface16:34
TJ-foo: if the route is passing through a tunnel at any point that'll reduce the max MTU16:34
TJ-foo: for TCP connections it is possible to set the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) rather than altering the interface MTU 16:36
TJ-foo: e.g. "ip route add dev enp2s0 advmss 140016:36
patdk-lapthat assumes everything you care about uses tcp16:39
TJ-we're just dealing with an scp session here16:43
fooTJ- / patdk-lap -thank you16:55
fooWhat's odd is I seem to just be having this issue with this one server. 16:55
patdk-lapthat isn't really *odd*16:56
patdk-lapnormal causes is a vpn connection, or someone blocking icmp16:56
patdk-lapor has a misconfigured mtu16:57
foopatdk-lap: I have 2 systems, both at digital ocean, both ubuntu, possibly same data center. One of them I can scp and git push to, the other one I cannot. 16:57
fooBoth relatively stock systems 16:57
foook, I just switched network...16:58
fooAnd it looks like this is working now. 16:58
fooSo maybe it is the network here.16:58
patdk-lapya, cell carriers are horrible about it16:59
patdk-lapbut they normally do pmtu correctly16:59
patdk-lapthey normally run on atm networks, and have smaller than 1500byte mtu on them16:59
patdk-lapif they where to do 1500mtu, they would have a half almost empty atm packet, causing a lot of waste on their cell network17:00
foook, update: I switched to my verizon hotspot, it works fine. I'm in an area with non-traditional internet, there is repeaters on homes and things are being bounced. So I wonder if the ISP here is doing something that is causing issues. Although I still find this odd because with 2 systems both MTU 1500... I can scp/git push to one but not the other.17:01
patdk-lapwell, did you use tracepath to fine out why?17:03
foopatdk-lap: is that an os x package? I'm not showing that's available. (I appreciate your help, thanks for sharing that earlier)17:03
patdk-lapoh well this is ubuntu17:04
patdk-lapit's a stock ubuntu package17:04
patdk-lapshould be any unix17:04
foopatdk-lap: ok, maybe I misunderstood - I assume you want me to run that command going from my client to the server, right?17:04
patdk-lapwell, it can be run either way17:04
patdk-lapreally it should be done in both directions17:05
patdk-lapbut one direction will get a resonable result17:05
patdk-lapbut it should show the paths each server is using and where it breaks 1500mtu17:05
patdk-lapthe thing is, the path from you to the server, and the server to you, don't have to be the same, why you have to do it both ways to be 100% accurate17:06
foopatdk-lap: ohh. 17:09
fooI see.17:09
foopatdk-lap: thank you, I am trying to get that installed here in OS X so I can see what the issue is and have some certainty here.17:11
patdk-lapI'm guessing an outgoing paths are different17:14
patdk-lapI have had this case before at isp's17:14
patdk-lapwhere they loadbalance two routers17:14
patdk-lapone router goes crazy, and suddently every Odd ip goes offline17:14
patdk-lapbut in your case, likely the mtu is messed up on that router17:15
foopatdk-lap: coincidentally, I'm on the phone with the WISP right now..17:15
foowho is seeing a broadcast storm17:15
fooon my network and they shut down my internet17:15
fooI don't understand the networking dynamics here... but does that make sense to you? 17:15
patdk-lapit makes sense, but I cannot say as to why17:16
patdk-lapnormally generated by a bad/improper route17:16
fooOk, let's recap - for anyone with WISP understanding/networking understanding: I deployed a new ubuntu server, I could ssh to it, but I could not scp files to it or git push a repo to it. It is an issue with my local network which is on a WISP. When I was doing scp or git push, they were seeing a spike in my network which they described as a "broadcast storm" which forced them to shut down the 17:23
foonetwork... they cannot explain what happened, and I don't know enough to understand this. Can anyone explain what might have happened here? (They're a small WISP, I'm remote)17:23
usrnamewastakentrying to get nextcloud (installed from initial installer) because its a snap doesnt appear to recognize smbclient being installed, anyone know how to fix this?17:45
patdk-lapsounds like their fault17:46
patdk-lapsomething wasn't halding the larger mtu right and looped it17:46
tomreynusrnamewastaken: doesn't seem to be supported https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap/issues/6017:52
ubottuIssue 60 in nextcloud/nextcloud-snap "Add samba (smb) support" [Open]17:52
usrnamewastakenwell thats.. fun17:53
foopatdk-lap: err, I wish I could get tracepath working18:09
* foo googles18:09
fooIt sounds like that would answer this 18:09
=== StarHeart is now known as Edgan
patdk-lapit's crazy those people are saying traceroute does everything and more than tracepath19:56
patdk-laptracepath and traceroute are the same in how they are talking, but tracepath deals with mtu sizes, where traceroute only deals with if you can talk from one side to the other19:56
Walexfoo: "brodcast storm" is silly. What probably is happening is that your wireless "modem" is sending packets faster than they can receive.20:38
fooWalex: thank you for circling back. I'm scp'ing a 4K file FWIW.20:39
fooIt says connection lost and connection timed out20:39
Walexfoo: your WISP probably are not entirely clueful20:39
fooWalex: I'm open to that, I finished that specific work I was doing and likely won't deal with it - and if I do I can switch to my verizon hotspot20:40
fooI might try to call them one more time20:40
Walexfoo: they probabkly misconfigured the upwards connection because most people just download from the net.20:40
Walexfoo: that used to happen in a different form also with ADSL ISPs.20:40
fooWalex: what is odd to me is I have another server I can scp data to just fine20:40
Walexfoo:  and especially with modem ISPs.20:40
Walexfoo:  the server that works is probably slower than the one does not work.20:41
Walexfoo: anyhow there is a simple but annoying fix.20:41
Walexfoo: which is to use a tool that uses "rate limiting".20:41
Walexfoo: I happen to have written one20:42
fooWalex: what was the value for you writing one within the context of wyoyour workflow?20:43
fooThis specific nuance I experienced was the first time I experienced that in 20 years20:43
Walexfoo: you can find others on the web, the key words are "rate limiter" or "traffic control".20:44
Walexfoo: the reason I wrote it and why most such scripts exist is called "buffer bloat"20:44
Walexfoo: which is sort of the opposite of what is happening to you20:45
Walexfoo: are you vaguely familiar with networking terms like "congestion control"?20:47
fooWalex: unfortunately, no20:48
Walexfoo: you can search the web for the keywords to get the details20:58
fooWalex: thank you20:59
Walexfoo: what is happening is that your radio transmitter is sending too many chunks of data too fast, and the their radio receiver cannot handle how closely spaced they are. So they need to be sent at a certain cadence/rate that does not overwhelm their receiver, to avoid the "spike".20:59
Walexthat's the big picture as simple as I can make it.21:00
fooWalex: and that makes sense even though it's a 4K file? 21:00
Walexfoo: when you open a connection there is whole flow of other "packets" underneath.21:00
Walexfoo: typically also the radio communicates in burst 250-500 bytes long.21:01
Walexbut yes with 4KiB it is a bit extreme.21:01
fooWalex: ok, I might be seeing this issue with a regular git push... in which case, this is an issue. If I was going to attempt to help the WISP see this so they can fix it, how might I communicate this to them?21:03
Walexfoo: part of the problem is that ISP, both wired and wireless, configure links so that the upward direction has a lot less capacity than the downwards, because most customers fetch stuff from the Internet, they don't send to it.21:03
patdk-lapwhat wisp is using 250-500byte packets? normal is 24xx bytes21:03
patdk-lapbut we do know the issue is with mtu21:04
patdk-lapand his ssh login works cause a single packet doesn't go over 1000bytes or so21:04
patdk-lapbut the scp will fill that 1500bytes easily21:04
patdk-lapI have had that issue before21:04
Walexfoo: try first the reate limited tool to see if by cutting down on the upload rate things get better.21:05
foopatdk-lap: I don't think I asked you, if I want to communicate this with the WSIP - do I simply ask about their upstream and what their limts ar? 21:05
fooWISP* 21:05
fooare * 21:05
Walexpatdk-lap: MTU is another possibilty, but seems quite unlikely because it works with the other server.21:05
Walexpatdk-lap: but it could well be.21:05
Walexfoo: did you actually do the 'tracepath' test?21:06
patdk-lapmac seems not to have tracepath or any reasonable way to install it :(21:06
patdk-laponly thing you can really to is ask the wisp what mtu setting you need to use to talk to their equipment21:06
Walexwhat is this guy doing in #Ubuntu-server then?21:06
patdk-lapother than that you cannot really do anything, except set an mss clamp21:07
Walexpatdk-lap: even on MacOS X he can send PING packets of various sizes...21:07
patdk-lapyes, but he did that and I was sure it showed the mtu issue21:07
patdk-lapbut dunno *where* the mtu issue is21:07
Walexpatdk-lap: if it is MTU it is likely at the "modem" exit, but then the WISP have configured a max MTU on their client side "modem" that is not compatible with their service side stuff.21:08
foothanks patdk-lap for chiming in21:08
fooWalex: I'm in ubuntu server because I had issues scp'ing a file to my ubuntu server...21:09
foofrom os x21:09
fooand I didn't realize this was a network issue.21:09
Walexfoo: foo: ahhhhhhh21:09
foo(I haven't seen this issue in ~25 years)21:09
patdk-lapI would say login to the ubuntu server, and tracepath from there21:09
patdk-lapit would show as nicely, but will tell us whatside the issue is on21:09
foopatdk-lap: err, duh, of course. I didn't think to do it that way despite you sharing21:09
foopatdk-lap: I think I simply want to traceath my public IP21:10
patdk-lapit might not even show anything though :(21:10
patdk-lapdepends on how uniform the issue is21:10
Walexpatdk-lap: yes I was thinking that too, worth a try.21:10
Walexfoo: on MacOS X you can set the origin MTU to a small value, something like 'ifconfig eth0 mtu 576' (not sure that is the right syntax.21:11
fooWalex: https://bpa.st/4Q7Q21:11
foopatdk-lap: ^21:11
foofrom server to my IP 21:11
foo(not actual IP21:12
Walexfoo:  it can go smaller. If it works with a small MTU it is likely MTU,21:12
patdk-lapya, that says the path the server took to you is clean21:14
* foo set mtu and can see 576 took effect21:14
Walexfoo: actually you can usde the GUI21:14
* foo tries to scp a 4K py file 21:14
patdk-lapno way to install a linux docker in your mac or something?21:14
fooit does seem to work21:14
foopatdk-lap: can you stop being so smart.21:14
foopatdk-lap: ... yes, I have docker right here. 21:14
Walexfoo: try with 100621:14
* foo tries with 100621:15
fooWalex: worked21:15
Walexfoo: note that the issue could still be sending too fast.21:15
Walexfoo:  try 128021:15
fooWalex: worked21:16
Walexfoo: which reminds me: is your service IPv6 by any chance (but it should not be because IPv6 in theory haas a minimum mTU of 1280).21:16
Walexfoo: try 140021:16
fooWalex: what's an easy way to tell if I'm ipv6? 21:16
Walexfoo: huge numerical addresses with colons instsad of dots21:17
Walexfoo: but from your paste I can see it…21:17
fooWalex: I really really appreciate this, this issue baffled me for 3 hours. While I am curious, I don't have a ton of time to figure this out so I appreciate the help21:17
fooWalex: 1400 worked21:17
fooWalex: my paste would indicate I'm ipv4?21:17
Walexfoo:  yes, because the 'tracepath' reports IPv4 addresses.21:18
fooWalex: should I try 1500 to make sure it errors out?21:18
fooor something between 1400 and 1500?21:18
Walexfoo: I if it is MTU, I think I know what your WISP have done, let' get closer to 150021:18
Walexfoo: try 146021:18
foook, what next after 1400? 21:18
patdk-lap1440, 147221:19
Walexpatdk-lap: yes....21:19
patdk-lap1496 is dsl issue (what I was saying about atm earilier)21:19
Walexpatdk-lap: I think it is going to be 1472. I can't believe it is 1496.21:19
* foo waits for 146021:19
fooso MTU is how big a packet can be. The Internet runs at 1500, LAN usually runs around 1500. 21:20
patdk-lapya, I sometimes hit 1472-1476, but kindof rare21:20
foook, 1460 failed21:20
patdk-lapwell, the internet runs at random21:20
foo1400 worked21:20
patdk-lapethernet runs at 150021:20
Walexfoo: 1440?21:20
patdk-lapamazon runs at what 900121:20
* foo tries 144021:20
Walexpatdk-lap: yes, 9,000 is typical of "better" NICs.21:21
patdk-lapya, all my servers are using 900021:21
fooAt this point, I'm doing this to A) satiat my curiosity and learn and B) to tell the WISP, as specifically as I can, WTF happened since they didn't seem to know21:21
Walexpatdk-lap: I once had a cheap NIC that had different MTU limits on send and receive...21:21
patdk-lapI'm sure someone at the wisp knows, just not the support guys21:21
patdk-lapya, older nics had a 7000 limit21:22
Walexmy current WiFi has 2304. Just because.21:22
patdk-lapintel mostly has a 16k limit, but not normally work going over 9000, since most switchs cannot21:22
fooI won't be surprised if they call me and shut me down again... like they did last time21:22
foook, 1440 failed21:22
Walexfoo: very odd.21:23
foopatdk-lap: yeah, I tried to get their most senior person. this is a small WSIP21:23
fooWISP* 21:23
Walexfoo: 1420? 21:23
Walexfoo:  I am curious because this is "encapsulation overhead" and that big is strange.21:23
foo1420 failed21:24
foooh the suspense. 21:24
patdk-lapI find it odd the full size made it in, but it's so much smaller going out21:25
foo1410 worked21:25
Walexpatdk-lap: my laptop's wires NIC max MTU is 919421:25
Walexfoo: just for curiosity try some values 1411-142921:26
fooso, the MTU of anything above 1410 is too large for this network upstream - is it that simple?21:26
Walexfoo: halving21:26
fooWalex: ok, will do21:26
foopatdk-lap: was that "yep" for me? 21:26
patdk-lapbut if that was your issue, you likely would have noticed this sooner21:26
fooWalex: wait, halving, what do you mean?21:26
Walexfoo: first the middle of the range, then the middle of the new range, binary search, triangulation21:27
patdk-laptry 1415, then 1412 or 141721:27
foois it possible this issue only occurs with latency above 500ms+ or such? 21:27
patdk-lapfoo, doubtful21:27
Walexfoo: it is weird, hard to say21:27
patdk-lapthey would have had to get very fancy to do something like that21:28
Walexit could still be a rate issue, as they say "spiked", and a smaller MTU makes the sending just a bit slower.21:28
fooWhy would a WISP want to limit MTU like this?21:28
patdk-lapsome kind of strange bandwidth rate policy, that you recover fast enough for a smaller mtu packet21:28
patdk-lapbut it drops a large one cause of over limit21:28
Walexfoo: it is usually encapsulation overheads.21:28
patdk-lapwould be very fully21:28
patdk-lapnormally the wisp would run say 2k or 9k mtu21:29
patdk-lapthen they take your packet and wrap it in kindof like a vpn21:29
fooWalex: what does "encapsulation overheads" mean in lamen terms? :) 21:29
patdk-lapso they know it comes from you21:29
Walexpatdk-lap: but they seem to have configured their "modems" to be incomaptible with their POPs.21:29
patdk-lapya, issues with smaller wisps21:29
patdk-lappoint of presence21:29
patdk-lapbasically where hubs of their network21:29
Walexfoo: their "masts", wireless access points21:29
foo1412 works21:30
Walexfoo: network data is encapsulated with "headers", so an ethernet frame has a header, then there is an IP header, then there is a TCP header21:30
foo1415 fails21:30
fooWalex: I see21:30
patdk-lapthe point of encapsilation for a wisp, is to make sure one customer doesn't spoof another customer and make get free service and the like21:31
Walexfoo: foo: for things like wireless there are can be another header21:31
patdk-lapI'm unable to process sentences today it seems21:31
foook, ok, I think I'm getting21:31
Walexand the difference between 1500 and what you can do is probably the size of the headers that put around the IP packet21:32
fooThere is an MTU limit of 1412 (we'll say) because they're adding onto the packet, eg. moving my traffic over the network via a VPN or such which uses the overhead or gap (1500-1412) 21:32
foofor security reasons and/or to privacy and/or to not allow someone to spoof someone else21:32
Walexfoo: yes, pretty much, that difference is the header/envelope of *their* potocol.21:32
patdk-lapthere are a lot of ones to pick from, the largest one I see is 50bytes21:33
Walexfoo: in theory MacOS X and/or ubuntu should be doing "adaptive" MTU checking.21:33
patdk-lapbut they could be using two stacked on each other, say one to the customer, and one between their routers21:33
Walexpatdk-lap: yes, an overhead that large is unusual.21:34
fooWalex: very interesting, is it possible scp/git does not do adaptive MTU checking?21:34
foobut say, uploading a video in safari does?21:34
patdk-lapthey wouldn't it would be done lower at the tcp level or ip level21:34
patdk-lapin linux it's called pmtu21:34
Walexfoo: 'scp' is way above that kind of stuff, same for safari.21:35
Walexfoo:  but some programs can disable it.21:35
Walexfoo: also in some case adaptive MTU can cause trouble, or at least it could 15-20 years ago.21:35
patdk-lapalso why most people don't notice these issues with tcp due to it checking21:35
patdk-lapit can become more of an issue for udp21:35
patdk-lapI have large blocks of verison dsl address space fixed at 1440 mss due to issues with pmtu21:36
Walexpatdk-lap: I do the same also to avoid IPv4 fragmentation.21:37
Walexpatdk-lap: also on WiFi smaller MTUs cause smaller losses on noisy channels.21:37
patdk-lapya, moving into a block home, wifi interference is a non-issue anymore21:37
Walexfoo: https://www.quora.com/Do-ISPs-regularly-use-MSS-clamping-to-prevent-MTU-black-holing-of-customer-traffic-If-so-does-this-break-any-RFCs-or-net-neutrality-legislation a bit technical21:37
patdk-lapgetting cellservice inside the home is also a not-working thing21:38
Walexfoo: have you tried a much larger file?21:38
Walexfoo: BTW if you remember the first we tried was 57621:39
Walexfoo: that was the "traditional" MTU many years go, and it is 576 because it is 512 bytes of data plus encapsulation overheads.21:39
patdk-lapthese days, ipv6 pretty much says min is 1280, so should be safe to use that at the smallest21:40
patdk-lapunless your doing something really strange21:40
Walexpatdk-lap: I am a traditionalist :-)21:40
Walexpatdk-lap: actually in IPv6 the min MTU is much smaller than 576, but 576 is traditional.21:41
patdk-lap1280 in the rfc21:41
patdk-lapunless one was released and update it lately21:41
Walexsorry I meant IPv4. 1280 is indeed the smallest with IPv6.21:41
Walex1006 was the MTU for SLiRP, I doubt anybody remembers that.21:42
patdk-lapya, ipv4 dunno what min was, but most people stuck with 512 as the smallest21:42
patdk-lapused it a lot, still use it21:42
Walexping -s 0 still works21:43
Walexfoo anyhow the "sabishape" and "wondershaper" tools and others may still help you21:44
fooWalex: haven't tried larger file, only tried 4K files21:45
Walexfoo: especially with a WISP and radio issues and a hugely different max upload and download capacities.21:45
fooWalex: I see21:45
fooThis is all very informative, I learned something new21:45
Walexfoo: those shapers are useful if downloading at full speed makes uploading very very slow.21:45
Walexfoo: like you download an ISO file and have an SSH session at the same time and the link is not well configured by the ISP.21:46
Walexfoo: it used to be terrible with modems and older ADSL lines.21:47
foois there any harm in leaving my en0 mtu 1412 while I'm on this network for the next week? 21:47
Walexyou can set always to 141221:48
foook, cool. I'll leave it at that while I'm here21:48
Walexfoo: for cases where it could be the full 1500 the different between 1412 and 1500 is really small in terms of speed etc.21:49
fooWalex: ok, so all this will do is very tiny limit my upload21:49
foopatdk-lap: now, about docker tracepath...21:50
* foo tries21:50
Walexfoo: tiny tiny limit both. The shaping/rate limiting tools instead mostly limit the dowload to prevent download flows to swamp the upload channel.21:50
fooWalex: is there a reason why my computer wasn't smart enough to figure this out? :) 21:52
patdk-lapmostly, it requires your wisp device or router connected to it to have a properly configured mtu21:53
patdk-lapthen it should have21:53
Walexfoo: we were mentioning that before with "adaptive mtu"21:53
Walexfoo: "patdk-lap" mentioned the Linux 'pmtu' setting, and IIRC MacOS X has got somethigng equivalent. But often they are disabled by default because with ISPs that configure routers not optimally it can cause "blackholing"21:54
fooWalex / patdk-lap  - is it possible the misconfiguration is in whatever is providing DHCP isn't telling my computer the correct mtu?21:54
patdk-lapit shouldn't be, cause that should be on your local network at 150021:55
Walexfoo: can't remember is there is an MTU option in DHCP, but if there is your WISP should have set it right.21:55
patdk-lapbut the other side of the router or wisp device should know it's not outputting a full 1500, so when it sees one come it, it will know it cannot send it, and tell your mac that21:55
patdk-lapthere is one for dhcp, but it *shouldn't* be needed21:56
Walexpatdk-lap: in an ideal world... :-)21:56
patdk-lapya, your trading one issue for another21:56
patdk-lapno idea how well it will work21:56
patdk-lapmany things *like printers* normally don't support changing the mtu21:57
Walexfoo: also in theory it is possible to set different MTUs for different routes, so one can set a lrge MTU for the local network and a smaller one for the Internet. But often it is not worth it.21:57
WalexBTW public service announcement: having a small MTU like 576 or smaller is a good idea if accessing the internet using a cellphone as a gateway. I think.21:59
foosaid differently, while I feel good in knowing we figured it out together - it's the MTU - I still wonder if there is something improperly configured with this WISP.21:59
fooWalex: I do that often, I camp off the grid with my hotspot hoisted in a tree... haha. Good to know.21:59
Walexfoo: most likels the WISP have not thought it through.21:59
Walexfoo: BTW there are ways to support 1500B MTUs on a links that can only do 1412B, but they are wasteful.22:00
foopatdk-lap: here ya go, this is way delayed - haha  https://bpa.st/FQ5A22:01
foopatdk-lap: anything in there that tells you my network only supports 1412 ?22:01
Walexfoo: it claims it is 1452 instead of 141222:01
Walexbut the 40 byte difference is likely the 40 bytes of header.22:02
Walexfoo: wait22:02
Walexfoo: to do a proper 'tracepath' you must raise the 'en022:03
Walexfoo: to do a proper 'tracepath' you must raise the 'en0' MTU22:03
fooWalex: beyond 1500?22:03
Walexfoo:  then 'tracepath' will do automatically what we did manually.22:03
fooWalex: ohhh, I see22:03
fooWalex: so according to this tracepath, theoretically, 1452 should work22:04
patdk-lapya, issue with the wisp22:04
patdk-lapthat is a total mess22:05
patdk-lapprivate ip to public ip to private ip back to public22:05
patdk-lap3 diferent private address ranges22:05
Walexfoo: had you alread set the 'en0' MTU to 1500 before the tracepath?22:05
patdk-lapjust all over the place22:05
fooWalex: negative, this was in docker 22:06
patdk-lapoh ya, forgot, docker would be the 172.18.x.x network22:06
patdk-lapreset to 1500 to test22:06
Walexfoo: then set it to something like 4000 both insider and outside docket if you can, or at least 150022:06
fooah yeah it was set to 1500 at start22:10
mwhudsonwait so it was mtu?22:26
patdk-lapwell, as soon as he said ssh was fine and scp wasn't, knew it was mtu, the question was why, and where22:27
=== StarHeart is now known as Edgan
Walexpatdk-lap: it could still have been rate: SSH sends usually a lot more slowly than 'scp'. But I think it it relatively likely it was MTU22:32
patdk-lapya, lots of esoteric things it could have been, just not nearly as likely22:33
WalexI was thinking that if the WISP said "spiked" they had alread seen a wireless frame flood sort of issue22:33
patdk-lapya, but that shouldn't mess with mtu sizes, and scp shouldn't have failed22:34
patdk-lapjust been *slower*22:34
patdk-lapor lots of dropped packets22:34
Walexmost wireless stuff does not do well with rapid back-to-back frame sending.22:34
Walexpatdk-lap: the claim from the WISP was that on seeing a flood their receiver reset the connection...22:35
patdk-lapyes, but that would cause any of the *mtu* issues22:36
patdk-lapscp would have instantly failed, not hung22:36
Walexmaybe they did see that in other cases so they assumed it was that case.22:36
=== Walex is now known as Walex_away
fooWalex_away / patdk-lap - it seems something else is going on 23:40
foothese guys are claiming that they've seen something saturate this network for the past week23:40
* foo on the phone with him now23:40
fooOnly change in network here is me, my laptop, and 3 alexa devices in the past week23:40
fooI have 10 down 5 up here, nothing fancy23:43
foowow, something on my phone is doing this23:59

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