[07:13] morning everyone [08:44] it has a wikipedia footnote [08:44] Scambaiter (someone who rings and messes with scam call centers) [08:44] Worked with the BBC on a programme a while back i think [08:44] i think that's him [08:44] aww [08:44] o/ [12:33] ooh my i neglected a morning greeting, 1 hour on from my second vaccination now! getting things done [12:38] good luck on your stabbing [12:38] thanks :D [12:38] stabby stabbington! [12:39] go go team pfizer \o/ [12:39] \o/ [12:39] something is different up at the leisure centre, but i can't think what... https://i.imgur.com/yv0NDo8.jpg [12:40] looks like a dance hall [12:40] they're gonna fill it with custard and allow people to walk on a non newtonian liquid?! :-P [12:43] that'd be mighty advanced for this humble rock [12:44] i'd pay45quid to do that than walk over a mound of earth in london :-P [12:44] that london sod is a bit silly [12:46] could fill it with baked beans and get all the comic relief challenges done in one place :-P [12:47] or could put in some obstacles and have drone races in it [12:47] ... and a couple Darwin Awards? [12:47] but hilarious money raising darwin awards [12:48] ...your 5 pounds can be used to teach a lifeguard how to suck beans out before performing cpr... :-P [12:49] ... with a straw... one at a time? [12:50] a sink plunger for instant unblock AND hillarity [12:54] what's some Londoner up to? [12:54] putting a pile of dirt in the middle and expecting people to pay £4.50 to walk on it [12:55] https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/london-mound-marble-arch/index.html [12:57] wow that looks really sad [12:57] bit daft going on day 1 [12:57] brexit AND covid, innit. you just can't get the parts [12:58] daftykins: watch out for that second dose.. had mine friday and it knocked me out for 3 days [12:58] alright mr. pub goer ;) [12:58] what did you encounter? [12:58] i felt worse after 1st pfizer, no reaction to 2nd [12:59] mostly fatigue and mild headache/nausea [12:59] and yes.. going to the pub was probably a bad idea [13:02] i got a tonne of domestic chores out of the way yesterday, got a food shop in on the walk back so i have stock of lazy options... and so now i'm feeling well prepared \o/ [13:03] one of my friends had to go to the hospital following the 2nd.. had a bad reaction to it [13:03] ooh dear [13:04] a guy who streams on twitch somehow ended up with Bell's Palsy, so half his face is a bit droopy and affecting his speech [13:06] oof [13:09] no idea of pre-existing conditions though, think he does have active cancer trouble [13:17] Besides xwd, is there a neat way to take a screenshot in Ubuntu? [13:17] pressing the key on the keyboard should auto run a program these days, no? [13:21] Oh, PrtScr? Let me try that. [13:22] shutter? [13:23] Hmm... well it made a simlated SLR noise but I've no idea where the image went. It's not in the clipboard. [13:23] I use shift+prtsc for a region selection and alt+prtsc for a window selection [13:23] or i think i set a hotkey in gnome to be the same i used to use in windows [13:28] At work I used Windows and hitting PrtScr put a screenshot into the clipboard, which was handy. The IT manager complained that I didn't use the "snipping tool" [13:28] I told him that I didn't have time to learn that right now and PrtScr had worked at least since Windows 3. [13:35] did it automagically put it in picture dircectory? [13:37] now you just have to install wine and run ms word to embed the picture before you email it :-P [13:47] Windows 10, you use super+shift+S now to then click and drag a rectangle over the area you want to clip [13:47] muchly handy versus the old ways [13:48] ball: probably it dumped a PNG in your ~/Pictures/ [13:48] what taking your camera phone out of your pocket and taking a snap? has worked since my nokia n70 :-D [13:49] hehe [13:50] i did try take pics of screens with my palm pix but the res was just too low to be readable. 2mp on a good camera worked just about [13:51] they tend to focus on the individual sub pixels all too easily now [13:51] and now the japanese government recommends to it's citizens not to give the peace sign in pics because it's reaching the point we can lift a finger print from a pic [13:51] have to go back a mile, then crop [13:53] mmm discount Dairy Milk ice cream... [13:54] emergency backup ice cream [19:49] I need some Ben & Jerries [19:49] Jerry's [19:55] i almost picked some but they're full price right now [20:42] nn! [21:29] omg, perforce errors are meaningless.. some guy was trying to move files in a depot.. it said "files already deleted/moved" .. files were not opened, moved or deleted. nothing in the changelist, no files opened in the branch.. like wtf?! turned out didn't have latest revision. thanks perforce, give me a more meaningful message like .. "hey, i see you're trying to do x, you need to do y first!" ... fml