
jrwrenwelp. i ran out of time. luckily only had a 11GB homedir and so it was minutes to backup, reinstall, and restore, but dammit I wish I knew what was going on.15:52
jrwrenlinux encrypted disk... never again.15:52
Scary_GuyI love it, I just also love backups.15:57
jrwrenever had to recover booting to luks with efi?16:53
jrwrenit would rebuild the initramfs, but never prompt for a password16:54
Scary_GuyEFI is a four letter initialism16:58
jrwrenin theory: i love it.16:59
jrwrenin practice... wtf.17:00
jrwreni just had to lookup "build-essentials"20:57
jrwrenI think I'm done for the day. brian not working.20:57
jrwrenor brain20:57
Scary_GuyIf your name was Brian it would be both.21:03

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