
tomreyn!ot | chicken_m00:44
ubottuchicken_m: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:44
chicken_m!ot | chicken_m00:47
ubottuchicken_m: Please see my private message00:47
leftyfbchicken_m: please stop posting that everywhere. It's inappropriate in support channels00:51
GSMarquisWill todays pulseaudio update make it ubuntu repos soon?01:20
leftyfb!latest | GSMarquis01:21
ubottuGSMarquis: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.01:21
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jpmhI have a server that has been running for years.  As far as I know I have made no changes although we did re-boot yesterday because of an update that required it,  Mid-day today dns lookups are now failing on that server.  Where do I start to look?02:04
sarnoldcheck /etc/resolv.conf to find out where your dns queries are going, then start troubleshooting that02:05
jpmhsarnold: ty  - but sadly a collegue decided to reboot and now it is fixed.  In many ways that is worse, since now I am worried as to when it will happen again02:06
sarnoldjpmh: hah, I hate not knowing what caused problems02:07
jpmhsarnold: absolutely - because we know it will almost cetainly happen again02:07
sarnoldjpmh: you might get lucky and find something in the logs or journalctl around the time of th eproblem02:07
jpmhsarnold: GREAT idea - will step over there - TY02:07
jpmhsarnold: BETTER news - it was up for a few mins after the boot and DNS is dead again02:10
sarnoldjpmh: oh 'yay' :)02:10
sarnoldjpmh: so... /etc/resolv.conf, see where it's trying to get dns, and see if you can ping it, see if you dig @ it, etc02:10
jpmhsarnold: resolve.conf has nameserver - which is not a great suprise - really the question now is, what is killing that.  Where do I look now02:11
sarnoldjpmh: well, the good news is it logs a *lot* to the journal, journalctl -u systemd-resolved   ... but the downside is that it's new enough that it's not super-well documented on the internet etc :(02:12
jpmhwhere is the pastebin we use in this chat?02:15
sarnoldjpmh: usually https://paste.ubuntu.com/02:16
jpmhso, https://pastebin.com/BxYAj8vs - good news is there are so few entries since the boot, bad news, I see notig wrong02:17
sarnoldheh you're not kidding..02:18
sarnoldhow about a resolvectl?02:18
jpmhI had done a status, and got: https://pastebin.com/RZv9T5j002:20
Bashing-omjpmh: -server is expected to use systemd-networkd, and it's configured via netplan - make sure that /etc/netplan/config.yaml exists [renderer: networkd].02:20
jpmhsarnold: what is resolvectl02:21
sarnoldjpmh: oh interesting, what's in that /etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service.d/override.conf file?02:21
jpmhBashing-om: I changed nothing on that server and remember that it was working till mid-day today and works for a few mins after a boot - but where should I be looking?02:22
jpmhsarnold: the file exists but is ONE blank line02:23
jpmhsarnold: the file date is 20 april02:24
sarnoldjpmh: heh, that's not as helpful as I hoped :) so.. how about the output of resolvectl?02:25
jpmhsarnold: sudo: resolvectl: command not found02:25
sarnoldsystemd: /usr/bin/resolvectl02:26
sarnoldvery curious02:26
sarnolddoes your sudo muck with your path or something?02:26
jpmhsarnold: /usr/bin is in my path and even when I do the full path there is no such file02:27
jpmhsudo: /usr/bin/resolvectl: command not found02:27
sarnoldjpmh: try debsums -sa systemd  ?02:28
jpmhsudo: debsums: command not found02:28
jpmhI can install debsums if you want02:29
sarnoldyeah, it's probably worth a shot02:30
jpmhI should point out that this system is running 18.4 - which is supposed to still be OK02:30
jpmhHA - of course I can't install it since name resolution fails.  :(02:31
sarnoldoh, of course :) heh02:32
sarnoldjpmh: alright, I'm out for the night, good luck02:36
jpmhty for your attempts02:37
AroIs there an on-screen keyboard available during the installation process? I'm trying to (re)install Ubuntu 21.04 desktop (again).04:02
AroI don't see any accessibility menus or buttons. :(04:03
oerhekssystemsettings > universal access > screen keyboard04:08
punkgeekI want to protect my grub2 from console editing. without required password for booting the default os. Is there any document?04:12
AroI don't have access to system settings during the installation.04:15
oerhekspunkgeek, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Passwords04:15
oerheksAro, boot in live mode first?04:15
Aro(I don't get live mode either, cause I'm installing on a Raspberry Pi. 🙃)04:17
oerheksrecent; https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-password-protect-the-grub-boot-loader-in-ubuntu/04:17
oerheksoh, rasp pi without keyboard ?04:18
punkgeekoerheks: That article lock the system from booting. I want to boot the system without password. Actulally I want protect only accesseing to the grub setting04:18
oerhekspunkgeek, i do not know if there is such solution04:20
Arooerheks, yeah. I have to go take out my broken keyboard with a USB adapter whenever I reinstall a fresh OS.04:21
AroIs the ubuntu-wallpapers-hardy package available? It doesn't seem to be listed. The other day, when I installed ubuntu-wallpapers-*, I got the classic heron wallpaper.05:12
oerhekssudo apt-get install bzr # bzr branch lp:ubuntu-wallpapers # The newly created ubuntu-wallpapers directory should have them all. https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/hardy/ubuntu-wallpapers/hardy/files05:28
AroThanks! I'll try that. :o05:33
punkgeek Hello, I want to hide the network configuration in initramfs: https://pasteboard.co/KdmSNnf.png    I've tried to use GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet console=tty3" but it causes LUKS password entry message didn't show up.05:35
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l_I want to add my project to the official releases of Debin or Ubuntu. What do I? eg: https://github.com/KangLin/RabbitRemoteControl05:59
Guest96is there a way to specify multiple components while creating local debian repo using aptly?09:04
oerheksGuest96, you are welcome in #debian with that question?09:05
Guest96oerheks: Okay I need to create the local repo in Ubuntu only09:06
oerheksi think it only gives the full mirror, https://ahelpme.com/software/aptly/mirror-the-official-ubuntu-repositories-using-aptly/09:06
TJ-Anyone noticed Firefox v90's search bar at the bottom of the window, when executing a search, has lost the buttons like Highlight All, Next, Previous, Match case etc. ?09:55
TJ-if there's a match it'll display the text "1 of X highlighted"09:56
sixwheeledbeastpfft... I am forever fighting FF changes.09:56
olspookishmagusis there a boot option that will SKIP that "integrity check"?09:58
TJ-olspookishmagus: for the LiveISO images? no09:58
TJ-olspookishmagus: its there because those failures caused far too many false bug reports due to bad media09:59
olspookishmagusand I guess a lot of noise in here as well ^^10:00
olspookishmagusok, it's good to know - because when something's unavoidable it magically STOPs pestering you... or not?10:00
olspookishmagusI guess you can select systemd.unit and/or splash there could've been an boot option to skip that integrity check, this would make media boot times a lot faster10:01
olspookishmagusbut then again maybe it's just me10:01
TJ-olspookishmagus: there may be one but I've not looked deeply and not heard anyone else, support or developers, mention it10:02
olspookishmagusmaybe I'll hang on to reading a computer magazine that passes secret/cheat codes ^^10:07
punkgeekleftyfb: I've succeeded by using sleep 10 on the initramfs script :D , Thank you so much10:08
punkgeekHow can I give access to user to restart netplan without sudo?11:05
geirhawhy not sudo?11:18
BluesKajHi all11:19
tuxickpunkgeek: xy problem?11:23
punkgeekgeirha: Because I don't want to give sudo to the user11:23
tuxickyou can limit to one command11:23
punkgeeki've tried but didn't work https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v87gvgh7SV/11:24
tuxickin fact that'd be the normal way11:24
tuxickright, xy problem :)11:24
tuxickcheck the paths11:25
tuxickfree hint :)11:25
punkgeekPardon me?11:25
punkgeekaha I found the problem11:27
geirhaalso %account gives the *group* named account the access. If you just want to give a single user access, remove the %11:28
punkgeekThank you how can I change the command to netplan apply, not using systemctrl restart netplan11:29
geirhatype -P netplan  to find the path11:30
punkgeekthank you11:31
MadLambEverytime any software (including the os settings app for example) tries to detect my resolution, the screen turns black for a while. What can I do to prevent that?11:31
entulandare you positive it is on detection and not on alteration? how long is that "while"?11:33
punkgeekHow can I give write access to file to specific user?11:46
punkgeekchown user: file  didn't work11:46
lotuspsychje!chmod | punkgeek11:47
ubottupunkgeek: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:47
tuxickis it 'normal' systemd-resolved blows up every now and then?11:53
tuxickmight well be part of systemd design ;p11:53
MadLambentuland, takes 5s or something11:59
MadLambentuland, im not sure if it is detection or alteration but i would assume detection because usually the resolution doesnt change12:00
tuxickbut why is this detection a problem?12:00
tuxicki see that once, when i install a system12:00
MadLambentuland, I remember few cases where this went somehow wrong and the resolution was also modified12:00
entuland5s is quite a bit indeed12:01
entulandjust opening the os settings without touching anything at all causes that black screen?12:02
MadLambentuland, when looking at syslog I get a bunch of gdm-x-session logs with resolutions12:02
MadLambentuland, exactly12:02
MadLambentuland, not even in the display tab12:02
MadLambentuland, and the same happens with other software. Like pdf viewers, games, etc..12:03
entulandodd, definitely looks wrong12:03
MadLambentuland, any time any software seems to try to detect the current resolution12:03
MadLambentuland, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/W9jjJ3K3n3/12:05
entulandare you running at some "uncommon" resolution or using any kind of accessibility scaling?12:05
tuxickor uncommon hardware like nvidia?12:05
MadLambentuland, its a razer blade stealth 201812:06
MadLambno video card12:06
tuxicknvidia :)12:07
MadLambMesa Intel® UHD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2)12:07
entulandthere seem to be somewhat related hits googling for "ubuntu razer black screen" - some are unrelated though12:10
tuxicksometimes ~/.xsession-errors is actually useful12:13
tuxickrare, but who knows12:13
MadLambtuxick, I tailed that file but no log gets appended when I open the settings app12:16
MadLamband the screen went dark as always12:17
tuxicktry switching gdm for sddm or something?12:25
tuxickit's so weird maybe weird ideas work12:25
entulandthe gut feeling is that the detection of the _current_ mode isn't behaving properly so everything just tries and re-set the mode, or something12:28
entulandin theory trying to set the mode should be some kind of no-op if the mode is the desired one already, but the 5 seconds to actually do that may also mean something is broken in the driver or in the hardware itself12:29
MadLambthis issue could be somehow related to main/secondary display12:30
MadLambbecause I am using an external monitor connected to a usb-c dock12:31
MadLambmaybe every time I open one of those softwares it needs to realize it needs to put the window in the right screen12:31
MadLambbut atm I am actually using this external monitor as the primary display and the settings are on "single display"12:32
entulandswitching to only the real primary and unplugging the secondary would be a good test to narrow down where the problem may lie12:33
entulandalso altering the way the desktop is extended may be a good way to narrow down the issue12:34
tuxicksome dockers tend to cause trouble anyway12:36
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MadLambentuland, with the real primary display it doesnt happen12:46
entulandokay, that's a thing12:46
MadLambentuland, when opening the settings app it also displays the gdm detection on journalctl, but its a lot shorter12:46
entulandtry plugging it back and keep the physical primary as logical primary, see if you still trigger the issue12:47
MadLambonly shows one modeline12:47
MadLamb (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3200x1800"x0.0  373.25  3200 3248 3280 3360  1800 1803 1808 1852 -hsync -vsync (111.1 kHz eP)12:47
entulandwith "single display" above you mean that you had the secondary plugged in, set as primary, and only using this one completely ignoring the main screen?12:49
entulandalso, did you check whether there is any more recent driver available for your GPU / whether your system is fully updated and the alike?12:50
MadLambentuland, correct. with the notebook closed12:50
MadLambentuland, and the primary display off12:51
leftyfbMadLamb: did you try my suggestion from yesterday?12:51
MadLambleftyfb, what was it?12:51
MadLambit seems to be related to the external display only because when I have it on mirror mode, only the external shuts down12:52
leftyfbMadLamb: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wh6P7HkPmD/12:52
MadLambleftyfb, no12:52
tomreynso you probably need to update the firmware of this usb-c dock12:55
MadLambthe external is a samsung U28E59013:01
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tomreyndid you update the firmware of the usb-c dock, yet, though?13:02
leftyfbMadLamb: that is probably an issue with the usb-c adapter or your display and not ubuntu13:03
MadLambtomreyn, nope. no idea how to do that :D13:03
MadLambthe usb-c dock is an "aukey"13:04
leftyfbMadLamb: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999913:07
tomreynMadLamb: ah, so not actually a classic docking station. i'm also wondering which ubuntu release and kernel version you have running there.13:08
tomreyn(can't seem to find this info on the chat log)13:09
MadLambleftyfb, https://termbin.com/56a913:09
leftyfbMadLamb: try: sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04   # then reboot and see there's any improvement13:10
MadLambleftyfb, Couldn't find any package by glob 'linux-image-generic-hwe-20.0'13:11
leftyfbtry copy and pasting the entire command and try again13:11
entulandaye, missing a "4" there at the end as it seems13:12
MadLambmy bad13:12
MadLambleftyfb, no difference13:15
MadLambleftyfb, https://termbin.com/htv0313:16
leftyfbMadLamb: you could try installing linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04-edge , if there's no improvement you might want to remove it after testing13:18
tomreynmaybe try the oem kernel as well, just to rule our some i915 bug which no proper (mainline suitable) fix exists for, yet.13:22
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tuxicki heard about issues with i915 driver before13:46
huria4Why does ubuntu studio use a low latency kernel by default and the other spins don't?13:47
leftyfbhuria4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel    this is the first result on google for "ubuntu studio low latency kernel"13:49
leftyfbhuria4: looks like it's not needed anymore. Not sure why it would still be included13:50
leftyfbhuria4: you could ask in #ubuntustudio13:51
akikleftyfb: it says the realtime kernel is not neeeded but the low-latency kernel is beneficial13:51
MadLambleftyfb, that also didnt work.14:02
MadLamb I'm wondering if it isnt the screen14:02
leftyfbMadLamb: it's probably the dock. I can almost guarantee it14:03
MadLambleftyfb, its weird that it only happens when resolution is detected :/14:05
MadLambleftyfb, the manufacturer website doesnt seem to have any firmware upgrade for this model14:06
tuxickyou're probably supposed to buy next model14:07
tuxickwhich is same with new firmware ;p14:07
MadLambI was able to find this https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ErfFJWtz-08xkdtd3Oy5cKJ5JiId93UP/edit#slide=id.p114:08
MadLambbut as with anything firmware related... windows14:09
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tuxickbut it exists14:12
MadLambtuxick, hidden somewhere in a forum, yes it does :D14:13
krytarikleftyfb: What makes you think the low-latency kernel is redundant by now?14:20
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VIAdoes anyone have an idea to get varying DPI on different monitors for 20.04 ?14:29
GSMarquisThe 5.11 kernel seems to have issues with bluetooth and audio.14:50
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leftyfb!bug | GSMarquis15:40
ubottuGSMarquis: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:40
admin0is there any precise mirror anywhere ?15:45
admin0for apt-get15:45
admin0or any ideas on how i can host an old mirror for this particular release15:46
TJ-admin0: old-releases.ubuntu.com15:46
leftyfbadmin0: while there is one available, you REALLY should update(well, at this point reinstall and restore from backup). It's a lot less work than you think.15:46
TJ-sometimes its required to support older binaries15:48
RogachHi! I stumbled upon an issue with package index downloaded from archive.ubuntu.com15:49
RogachIn not too many words:15:49
Rogachcurl -s --resolve archive.ubuntu.com:80: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal-updates/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/125d5d9e5514f816011b6ba86ea5574caa09f2587502618e763e3ffcfac77a9f | sha256sum15:50
admin0yeah . just got enrolled into a project to upgrade a few of the boxes still in this release15:50
Rogach79d6950134a801405612775563ad754367e4b94366d6f9de2e92d6bf2c6cef80  -15:50
admin0never knew these still exited out there15:50
admin0i mean the bxoes15:50
RogachThis happens only from one machine I found so far - on all others the downloaded package is correct.15:50
admin0and needed the repos to re-create the boxes to test update/upgrade15:50
RogachI looked inside the package indexes, and it seems that the only difference is in Phased-Update-Percentage fields.15:51
TJ-Rogach: is that a Package file? I was doing extensive testing of focal-updates by-hash yesterday15:51
RogachTJ-: Yes, that's a Package file.15:52
TJ-Rogach: plaintext, .xz, or .gz ?15:52
RogachTJ-: xz15:52
RogachTJ-: Here's a link to the original file: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz15:53
TJ-Rogach: have you checked the lengths match? it could be a locally cached partial. /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/15:53
RogachTJ-: Yes, they match. I'm testing this with curl directly - this should bypass the apt completely?15:54
TJ-Rogach: I discovered a bug in debootstrap yesterday whereby it was told to fetch suites focal,focal-updates but after fetching focal-updates InRelease, it managed to fetch the Package.xz from focal ... and the hash's therefore didn't match!15:54
RogachTJ-: Ouch.15:54
TJ-Rogach: aha, that's true! how about a transparent proxy in the router since it's HTTP not HTTPS15:54
RogachTJ-: Probably not in the router (it's fully under my control), but maybe somewhere upstream.15:55
TJ-does curl report a response proxy: header ?15:55
tomreynRogach: http proxy?15:55
RogachTJ-: No additional HTTP fields - response headers match exactly on both cases (good and bad).15:57
TJ-Rogach: file size is identical? 112813215:58
Rogachtomreyn: I thought so, but how could http proxy cache the wrong by-hash file? The wrong file shouldn't have been under that URL anyway (because it's hash would have been different)15:58
RogachTJ-: Yes, file size is identical.15:58
RogachTJ-: I already diffed the files - the "bad" file differs only in Phased-Update-Percentage fields.15:58
RogachAdding -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' to the curl command doesn't help, still the same response.16:00
TJ-Rogach: I only have IPv6 here so can't test your exact target but that makes sense - Phasing is applied based on client ID so presumably that PC is in a different set https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhasedUpdates16:01
RogachTJ-: Well, I don't have IPv6 on the machine with the issue, so can't check that.16:03
RogachBut it seems like it's a bug?16:03
RogachPhased updates are a nice idea, but the by-hash path shouldn't be wrong?16:03
RogachOtherwise the phased update just doesn't work - it fails with checksum mismatch when I do apt update.16:03
TJ-Rogach: I agree, but internally the hashes may well be symlinks to filenames!16:04
RogachTJ-: Of course, they very probably are. But it seems that currently some of the link magic is broken - link from the older hash shouldn't be pointing to the newer file.16:05
TJ-Rogach: did you obtain the hash from the same server?16:06
RogachTJ-: I'm not sure. How does apt actually get the hash? By downloading Release file from the /ubuntu/dists/focal-updates?16:08
TJ-Rogach: the hash you've got from the InRelease file is likely from a different 'phase'16:10
donofriowhat do I use to graph a pid out of an *.nmon file, I tried pyNmonAnalyzer but getting ModuleNotFound: No module named 'numpy' when I followed the steps at https://github.com/madmaze/pynmonanalyzer16:10
TJ-Rogach: I'd expect if you fetch the InRelease file from the same server/IPnow using the same client the hash will match16:10
RogachTJ-: Tried that, the hash in InRelease is different (good). Tried both servers (,, InRelease files both return the new hash. But running `apt update` results in an error again.16:13
Rogach(the error is as it should - InRelease points to a newer hash, but the file from by-hash link is different)16:14
dman777with Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and apt-get update, it shows bash 4.4 the latest version. Why is this? that is old16:15
TJ-Rogach: archive admins think it's due to a transparent proxy, if curl -v doesn't reveal any proxy headers16:16
Rogachdman777: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bash&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all16:17
Rogachdman777: Ubuntu 18.04 is also not very fresh.16:17
tomreynespecially 18.04.3 isn't16:17
tomreynwe're at .516:18
tomreynbut bash would remain at 4.4 either way.16:18
tomreyn!latest | dman77716:18
ubottudman777: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:18
dman777Rogach: since it's lts... wouldn't it have the most recent prod release of bash?16:18
TJ-Rogach: did you try curl -H 'Pragma: no-cache' ?16:18
RogachTJ-: Ok, makes sense. But to be cached by a proxy, at some point in time the link should have been pointing to incorrect file, right?16:18
TJ-Rogach: it probably means the proxy cached the older file but ended up with an updated InRelease, or visa-versa16:19
RogachTJ-: I tried Cache-Control. Now tried Pragma, same result.16:19
dman777ubottu: latest stable version of bash looks to be 516:19
TJ-Rogach: bad proxy then; use a different protocol!16:19
tomreyndman777: please re-read ubottus message16:20
RogachTJ-: My understanding is that /by-hash/125d... was nonexistent before the new file was released, so there was nothing to be cached. Then new version is released, and /by-hash/125d... is created - but for some time it is returning incorrect file. Isn't it a bug?16:20
tomreyndman777: "release" in "Post-release updates" refers to when Ubuntu 18.04 LTS was (first) released, so, as the naem indicates, in april 201816:21
RogachTJ-: I'll be happy to, but seems archive.ubuntu.com doesn't support HTTPS. What other protocol can I use?16:21
TJ-Rogach: some mirrors do HTTPS ... what's your location?16:21
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Hirsute, and help keeping the servers' load low!16:21
tomreynlook for a location close to you, and a mirror listing "https" in the second columns at  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors16:22
tomreynRogach: ^16:23
RogachTJ-: tomreyn: Awesome!16:23
RogachHTTPS is great =)16:23
jason1234which FPS game is cool on ubuntu?16:42
lotuspsychje!discuss | jason123416:44
ubottujason1234: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:44
nemojason1234: maybe ask #libregamenight  they like discussing FOSS16:50
nemojason1234: but naturally these days Steam means there's a huge selection if you don't want to restrict yourself to FOSS16:50
nemowonder how long before someone installs a standard distro like ubuntu on their steamdeck16:50
elgemeow there)  I've got some troubles with update-initramfs.  for some reason it fails at every hook call and looks for executables in /sbin instead of /usr/sbin17:09
elgeI made a few symlinks but in the end, although it could build a ramfs without the complains, it ends up spitting some grep and awk not found at bootup17:10
elgehow come update-initramfs started failing out of nowhere?17:10
elgehow to make it look for binaries in the right place again?17:10
leftyfbelge: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999917:11
leftyfbelge: why are you running the 5.11 kernel and how did you install it?17:13
elgeleftyfb, since the system is out-of-order, I booted up with the latest install media (release 21) and mounted the whole thing (and chrooted in it)17:14
leftyfbelge: can you look in /boot/ and see what kernels are installed on it? What happened to it that it's out of order?17:16
elgethe ramfs I am trying to build against vmlinuz-5.10.0-1013-oem and vmlinuz-5.13.0-1009-oem, those are from ubuntu/focal packages I chose (I need those ones for some weird graphic card I have17:17
elgethe initrd.img-* files are there also, since I made a few symlinks for update-initramfs to stop complaining, but that's probably not the best way to fix it17:18
elgeyeah same with stock 5.4.0-80-generic, hooks are looking for /sbin/... for some reason17:25
lotuspsychjeelge: perhaps you can pastebin your apt errors, so volunteers can think along better to debug your issue17:28
elgelotuspsychje, sure but in the meanwhile here's an update:17:32
elgethe issue is even more system-wide, when I do `ldconfig` I get17:32
elge/usr/sbin/ldconfig: 16: exec: /sbin/ldconfig.real: not found17:32
elgeldconfig and ldconfig.real are in /usr/sbin not /sbin17:33
elgemy path includes both /usr/sbin and /sbin so I don't get it...17:33
elgethe ldconfig wrapper points to /sbin/ldconfig.real though, and it's hard-coded.17:35
VIAhow would i go about only updating one specific application, in this case firefox?17:48
elgeok I got it.  I most probably messed-up my ubuntu system while boostraping a slackware on it, by mistake.  it was supposed to be against a virtual disk, but hey, it looks like those pathes are valid for slackware... (((17:48
VIAthere seems to be some issue when playback of DRM .. i allowed all the crap but nothing is working17:48
leftyfbVIA: sudo apt install firefox17:48
VIAit is install im thinking an update might help ..17:49
VIAsudo apt update firefox?17:49
leftyfbVIA: the command will update it to the latest available in ubuntu17:49
leftyfbVIA: sudo apt install firefox17:49
TJ-VIA: no, "install" -- it'll fetch the latest version available17:49
elgemay I restore a working system by doing something like `apt reinstall ubuntu-desktop` or something?17:49
VIAthanks alot leftyfb !!!17:49
TJ-VIA "update" only fetches the latest package lists ... "upgrade" is probably what you were intending, but "install" is the way17:50
VIAic that now yea. havent done too often understand it now makes sense17:50
VIAupgrade command as i recall, did usually upgrad(update) everything17:50
VIAi dont like that much17:50
TJ-elge: not so easy, you'd need "install --reinstall" and that would usually only affect the named package, not the entire dependency chain17:50
VIA can i also use it ina command for only one specific app ?17:51
leftyfbVIA: any particular reason you don't want to upgrade all the packages that need it?17:51
VIAendless reasons17:51
elgetj-, thanks, maybe there's a way for group of packages to do that?17:51
VIAstuff breaks whenever you start upgrading17:51
TJ-VIA: upgraded packages contain bug and security fixes17:51
VIAi hate security fixes17:51
VIAi want to bew wide open :p17:51
TJ-elge: not unless you name them on the command line17:51
VIAsee, i managed to set this machien up with working amdgpu and lvm qemu17:52
VIAnot shit doesnt work anymore. i didnt break it it bricked itself17:52
elgeok thanks I will get rid of this system and start from scratch17:52
VIAthanks,  but no thanks i will keep hating updates till i die17:52
leftyfbVIA: I've been running Ubuntu since 2007. During that time I think I've run into an update breaking something once or twice. I've always been able to fix it. If you stick with LTS releases you're a lot less likely to run into issues with updates. Refusing to do any updates "just cuz" is a very poor decision. Especially when you're looking for support.17:54
leftyfbVIA: case in point, you are trying to update firefox to fix a bug, hence the reason for updates17:55
leftyfbVIA: future reference, a lot of support solutions are going to highly suggest updating all your packages, at the very least the kernel.17:57
=== PonyBlocks-_- is now known as PonyBlocks
elgehmm I did a brutal for f in /usr/sbin/*; do ln -s... into /sbin and everything is back to normal.  Hmm what a strange system I have now.o0O18:00
tomreynapparently you already had a strange system before.18:01
elgeapparently it was just ONE package or so that was installed outside the chroot18:01
elgeor not, but I woudlnt expect the system to work if it was truly an ubuntu-slackware mixup18:02
leftyfbelge: what have you done with this machine exactly? Something isn't right about it and it's certainly not an issue with the default install. I feel like critical information is being left out18:03
elgeyes, what happened was probably some slackware package install on ubuntu, causing this /sbin vs /usr/sbin messup18:03
leftyfbelge: how could you possible install a slackware package ubuntu and why would you want to?18:03
elgeI mentioned it above (playing with vdisks, boostrapping VMs...)18:04
leftyfbelge: ok, let us know if you need any help after you reinstall the machine18:05
rfmelge, on ubuntu since focal /sbin is a symlink to /usr/sbin.  (and /bin is a link to /usr/bin.)  I'd reset the system to do that rather than individual symlinks which might need to be redone after updates.18:06
leftyfbrfm: the system is likely fubar'd and will need to be reinstalled from scratch18:07
elgerfm, thanks!  right!  that was it18:09
elgeI only installed ONE package indeed, which is pkgtools, to actually proceed with the bootstrap.  and THIS ONE did create /sbin...18:09
leftyfbelge: you installed(I assume compiled) a package management application from a completely different and incompatible linux distribution in an out of band way and you wonder why things broke?18:15
MrPocketzWould you call me crazy if I said I felt like if I run a Ubuntu install for years and just continuously upgrade it as new releases come out, it eventually gets kinda buggy and unstable and a time eventually comes where I need to backup and reinstall?18:41
leftyfbMrPocketz: I always install from scratch for that very reason18:42
leftyfbMrPocketz: I created an ansible playbook that will reinstall every application and setting on my machine to about 95% of the state I had previously.18:43
MrPocketzThats pretty dope.18:43
* MrPocketz google ansible. 18:44
=== h1pot is now known as BeneditoSalvador
WalexMrPocketz: unless you do terrible things that works.19:11
WalexMrPocketz: some people have been upgrading for over 10 years.19:11
WalexMrPocketz: checking things are fine with 'debsums' every now and them will help know that the system is good19:13
MrPocketzI've been experiencing this lovely issue where the system'll just freeze19:23
MrPocketznot all at once. Kinda seems memory related. Open a demanding page in a browser, or Cura or something, and that application'll freeze, then other thigns will freeze over the course of the next 2-3 minutes, at which point the entire system is locked up. Older i7, 16GB DDR3, SSD, all hardware checks out and passes diags.19:24
BeneditoSalvadorhow do I manage the wireless connection of my hp printer using hplip? i don't want to reconfigure it again, only connect it to another ssid19:28
leftyfbBeneditoSalvador: I don't think you can19:37
AavarIs there a simple way to run a snap as a normal user (thelounge)?19:55
leftyfbAavar: Running an application installed via snap will run it as the user that opened the application20:00
leftyfbAavar: though, something like "thelounge" which is a hosted service, something like that typically runs with administrative privileges due to hosting a service like a web server20:01
Aavarleftyfb: ok, so I should look into the configuration for thelounge then? Since it's a service.20:01
leftyfbAavar: can I ask why you want to run the web service as a regular user?20:01
Aavarleftyfb: Because when I connect to a network it wont let me because my ident is root.20:02
leftyfbAavar: ok, then that would certainly be a configuration issue specific to the application. You should read through the documentation20:02
leftyfbAavar: https://thelounge.chat/docs/guides/identd-and-oidentd20:03
Aavarleftyfb: Thank you :)20:03
RaqbitHi! I'm getting frequent crashes in the thunderbolt kernel module with my XPS 15 (9500) and my Dell WD19TB Thunderbolt Dock, and I'd like to get to the bottom of this as it is getting quite annoying and will also hang my laptop. I got some dmesg logs from the past couple of times it has happened. Where would be the best place to send these crash20:03
leftyfb!bug | Raqbit20:03
ubottuRaqbit: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:03
Aavarleftyfb: I am running oident, so i'll be looking into that. One last question. As I am running a snap. Where is the files actually located? configuration that is.20:04
RaqbitOkay, thank you!20:04
leftyfbAavar: it looks like thelounge has one built in that it uses20:05
leftyfbAavar: usually ~/snap/<application> or /snap/<application>/20:05
leftyfbAavar: this being a service, it's probably the latter20:05
Eickmeyerleftyfb: the lowlatency kernel has higher power requirements for PREEMPT_RT being activated (along with threadirqs), so if you're on a laptop, that's why. Also, it increases latency in some areas, believe it or not.20:07
tomreynRaqbit: feel free to report back here once it's filed, maybe we can come up with a workaround.20:08
leftyfbEickmeyer: that's the answer as to why it's still included in Ubuntu Studio? Sounds like answers as to why it should be removed :)20:08
Eickmeyerleftyfb: Because it lowers latency to audio devices, which is imperitive in live audio production.20:11
leftyfbEickmeyer: "However, since Linux 2.6, the real-time stack has been part of the Linux kernel, having a kernel patched with a real-time stack is no longer necessary."20:12
leftyfbEickmeyer: from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel20:12
Eickmeyerleftyfb: I wrote that page.20:13
Eickmeyerleftyfb: realtime != lowlatency20:14
leftyfbah, right20:14
leftyfbthank you for clearing that up20:15
krytarikRegardless, I think you are confusing have code in the kernel base with it actually being enabled.20:19
Aavarleftyfb: Fyi. Oident has a simple spoofing function that hides root. Not the most elegant of solutions, but as I am the only user on this machine it it ok :) Thank you again.20:28
jabberwockHi all. I'm having issues when I connect an external monitor to this Dell XPS 7590 - both the laptop display and external display go black. I see there is a "fixed" evdi kernel module, so I installed it... but not seeing any results.20:51
jabberwockI saw the mention of "this happened after upgrading fro 18.04 to 20.04" and I'm wondering if I should instead install 18.0420:52
jabberwockso I went to the kubuntu website and 18.04 isn't obviously available. I'm wondering which direction to take20:53
tuxickgot 21.04?20:54
jabberwockDoes 21.04 include a fix for this evdi bug?20:54
jabberwockwhy should I go 21.04?20:55
tuxickbut worth a shot i suppose?20:55
tuxickbeaths downgrading20:55
jabberwockmaybe :)20:55
tomreynis there any bug report on the issue you described?20:56
tuxickbut it's a kernel module thing, no?20:56
jabberwocktuxick: it's tough to say. I'm pasting the only fishy looking thing from dmesg into dr. google20:56
tuxickdr google tends to be good at finding people who also have a problem but no solution20:57
jabberwocktomreyn: https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi/issues/27520:57
ubottuIssue 275 in DisplayLink/evdi "EVDI kernel 5.11/5.12 support" [Closed]20:57
jabberwocktuxick: ok20:58
jabberwocktomreyn: I found that by searching for "(dev=0) poll connector state: disconnected"20:58
jabberwock(actually using brave search fwiw, but "dr. google" is more fun)20:58
tuxickah just found that same site :)20:58
tuxickreinstalled my laptop last week, so i'll be facing same thing20:59
jabberwockI was attempting to get my external GPU working and then thought "well does this work via direct HDMI?" and... nope20:59
jabberwocktuxick: GL! It can be fun when not pressed for time20:59
tuxickno rush indeed, it's on desk at work21:00
jabberwockI think I'm going to try 21.04. At this point I've installed so much crap trying to get this thing in a "windows replacement" mode that i lost track21:00
tomreynjabberwock: oh you're using DisplayLink, i hadn't realized that. i guess that means you depend on synaptics, and should seek support from them.21:01
jabberwockwith autocad fusion 360 stlil being the red-headed step-child21:01
tuxicki went for 21.04 hoping for better isntaller21:01
jabberwocktomreyn: I don't really know what or who I need :-/21:01
tuxickbut ended up setting up partitioning/lvm outside of installer anyway21:01
jabberwockI'm grasping at straws. Tons of moving parts and no direct "aha!"21:01
jabberwocktuxick: may as well make it interesting: https://web.archive.org/web/20200621204740/https://www.coolgeeks101.com/howto/infrastructure/full-disk-encryption-ubuntu-usb-detached-luks-header/21:02
jabberwockI say that having just disabled practically every security measure in the BIOS so I could mount a bitlocker partition21:03
tuxickno, i felt no need for full disk encryption21:04
tomreynjabberwock: well if you're using proprietary drivers such as DisplayLink's then that's alsways a good candidate to look into.21:04
tuxickno idea about performance penalty but don't like the idea21:04
jabberwocktomreyn: I'm only using them because it seemed like one of many things to loko at21:05
jabberwockI can't say that I need DisplayLink since it hasn't fixed anything with getting an external display to work21:05
jabberwockNor did the latest nvidia drivers21:05
jabberwockand evidently display features in linux are a huge macine that I'm simply not familiar with21:07
tomreyndisplaylink is a technology to spread a screen across multiple monitors. if you don't need this, don't do it.21:07
=== gnomesort_ is now known as gnomesort
jabberwockI don't. I just need an an external monitor. Thank you for that clarity!21:09
tomreynwhich connector is this external monitor using?21:10
jabberwockbuilt in HDMI21:11
jabberwockthis all began as a hunt to get fusion 360 working lol21:12
jabberwockmaybe I'll just use a mac for that21:12
tomreynyou first need to simplify the setup to get things working properly again, then, if you need to, expand again from there.21:13
* jabberwock nods21:13
jabberwockgood call21:13
tuxickusually simply hooking up second monitor should be no problem at all?21:20
tuxickkde even has some nice config tool for that21:20
jabberwockI don't see it. The display configuration app doesn't show anything about a second display21:20
jabberwockand re: "simply" - I remember worse times getting a sound card to work so I'm not going to complain too much21:21
jabberwockyes I'd expect it to, with the advent of systemd and udev etc... first time trying it sense then I suppose21:21
tuxickhaha yeah well, sound has been a massive pain for ages21:21
jabberwocklol yep21:21
tuxickso, is there a /var/log/Xorg.1.log?21:25
tomreynjabberwock: if you're using nvidia graphics with their proprietary driver ("nvidia") - and that is properly loaded and X is configured to use it (and iut's actually X and not XWayland) - you'll be managing the displays attached to this card using the "nvidia-settings" application21:44
Guest84Hi. I have a Ubuntu Server 20.04, with unattended upgrades enabled. "apt list --upgradable" shows 95 upgradable packages. I notice all the upgradable packages are in focal-updates, then I saw in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades that the only allowed origins are focal and focal-security. (focal-updates commented out). Is this how I should21:46
Guest84keep my server configured, or do I enable focal-updates?21:46
Guest84This is a my personal VPS on the Internet. No production, but not hidden by a NAT either.21:47
Guest84Basically I'm wondering how other people configure their servers21:47
Guest84Question 2: I see in apt installation log, eg /var/log/dpkg.log, that it installed "2021-07-21 06:49:47 install linux-image-5.4.0-80-generic:amd64 <none> 5.4.0-80.90". But "uname -a" shows I'm still on 5.4.0-72-generic. Do I need to reboot for these updates to apply?21:49
tomreynGuest84: some prefer having no automated updates at all, many prefer automated security updates only (that's what you have now, and the default), and some are fine with automated security and bug fix updates.21:49
tomreynand some would even agree with automatic reboots21:49
tomreynyes, you would usually reboot to apply a kernel upgrade21:50
Guest84Is there a way I can make it reboot automatically for kernel upgrades?21:50
tomreynyes, just properly read the file you already looked at21:51
Guest84oops, yeah21:51
Guest84thanks for the info, saved for posterity21:51
tomreyngood luck :)21:55
user01hi is there a channel for pulseaudio issues?22:01
user01im looking for a substitute to pavucontrol which hasnt been maintained in 2 years22:02
sarnolduser01: there's a #lau channel, or at least there was in the before times22:06
user01before libera chat times?22:07
sarnoldthe channel moves over, but it's quite a bit smaller than I remember it being, heh22:08
sarnoldI wonder if most of their channel was matrix zombies back then or if I'm misremembering, hehe22:08
user01sarnold, i went to #pulseaudio and not allowed to post there i guess22:09
sarnolduser01: their /topic says they moved to OFTC22:11
user01sarnold, oh yeah thanks22:14
=== Walex is now known as Walex_away
V|Ahow do i run the filemanager as root?23:57
kpcyrdV|A: you shouldn't do this23:58
V|Aare you serious?23:58
V|Awhy not type not23:58
oerheksthere is a nautilus plugin to open a file as administrator, and more23:59
V|Ai donmt have nautilus.23:59

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