
huria4With regards to kdenlive, does ubuntu studio use the ones from the ubuntu repos or the kdenlive ppa?12:15
krytarikThe policy for official Ubuntu flavors is that no repos besides the official ones be used by default, so..12:22
huria4Very well then. I can always setup the PPA for kdenlive and get the latest version rather than use the ubuntu repos version.12:23
huria4Other than convenience of setup, what are other major perks of using ubuntu studio over vanilla ubuntu? Does the low latency kernel and JACK server setup really make a difference?12:23
krytarikI guess that depends on whether you plan on using it for audio production or not..12:27
huria4Well I want to make movies and stuff. So audio production for stuff like soundtrack would be a sure possibility.12:27
huria4Hi. I'm back. I was told to try asking here. Why does ubuntu studio use a low latency kernel by default when the other spins don't?13:52
merrickk[m]so.. newb here.. tried to add Ubuntu Studio onto my current vanilla Ubuntu installation, seemed to work, it loaded its new desktop.. went to "audio production" applications, but not much there.. what did I do wrong? or are the applications "hiding" somewhere that I am missing?16:13
merrickk[m]all I have are Audio Utilities, Mixer and Card Control, Studio Controls, Din is Noise (first program I compiled in Ubuntu), and QjackCtl.   All that is in Audio Utilities is QjackCtl.16:13
merrickk[m]anybody home?16:29
corrinado[m]This is a fairly slow-traffic room. The US devs do show up here though. But answers typically do not come instantly.16:31
merrickk[m]ah, thank you !16:32
corrinado[m]NP mate. Welcome.16:33
merrickk[m]seems that the studio didn't automatically install all the AV packages, my mistake!16:42
corrinado[m]IIRC, the full installer from ISO will ask what class of apps needed. Not sure about the install script. I've run it but my memory fails me. Not to mention, I only did it once16:45
merrickk[m]so by class you mean Audio/video/3d/compositing/etc.? 16:48
merrickk[m]that would have been nice, this seems to be working now (so far).16:51
corrinado[m]That's exactly what I meant by class16:56
merrickk[m]thanks again17:04
krytarikmerrickk[m]: Could you clarify what you really mean by "tried to add Ubuntu Studio"?18:12
Eickmeyerubuntustudio-installer | krytarik, I believe they're talking about this20:07
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-installer | krytarik, I believe they're talking about this20:08
ubottukrytarik, I believe they're talking about this: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, and/or add the !ubuntustudio-backports PPA. For more info, see https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/20:08
krytarikWell, either that or the improper way of just installing the desktop metapackage.. and then wondering why nothing more came with it..20:09
Eickmeyerkrytarik: Yeah, that was the old suggested way that we've been trying to steer people away from for the past couple years.20:13

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