[04:39] hey guys [04:40] do you seek help regarding kubuntu on askubuntu? === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [07:22] Thenks :3 === [Pokey] is now known as Pokey [09:39] For general questions some use askubuntu, For kubuntu-specific kubuntuforums.net or the KDE Forums if it is KDE-related [10:49] Hi I'm looking for more help on a boot problem, Kubuntu, but today, my Mac is blocked from this chat...? DNS-sth..? I even registered at the. Forum and tried to login w a password w no luck.the recaprcha [10:50] Keeps getting be back to the login page.. I've tried two different browsers, getting Firefox now. Also I can't search on the forum even though I'm logged in - says I don't have administration rights or something like that?? [10:55] Not admin; do not have permission to access this page... Now also in Firefox. How are we supposed to avoid asking stupid questions if we can't search the forum. Please, help. What is wrong? [10:58] In Firefox I could finish the recaptcha, but got a message I also received in the beginning: closing link: 91.132.177. 138 (***Banned) . [11:05] The actual question: what can I do now? PC won't boot, did boot-repair w assistance here, sent the files to the Gmail provided, still won't boot. What's next for me? This morning instead of the 'hp' black screen, we got '[OK] Finished Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen' [11:06] MiSix, try boot MX-Linux and use boot repair. [12:23] Trying to do boot repair via MX-Linux. Did I pick the wrong version? MX-19.4_ahs(patito feo) [12:23] Boot rescue menue does not have boot repair [12:24] And otherwise I'm concerned it gives no option to just use live boot [12:25] why mx-linux... weird [12:26] It was suggested here. I did via Ubuntu live with no effect [12:26] MiSix, use the proper Kubuntu, boot in live mode, and install it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [12:28] sudo apt update && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair [12:28] Did it [12:29] Didn't help [12:32] So I asked what I can do next. And got the answer MX-Linux boot repair, live. [12:33] good luck with that [12:33] Ok but what do you suggest, then...? [12:34] i know the bootrepair method works, with kubuntu .. don't care about weird linux versions [12:34] I didn't hsll [12:34] and maybe it is a mac issue .. as you claimed it did work before [12:34] Help. It said failed to this or that and I still can't boot... [12:35] It's a pc that's on kubuntu [12:35] I'm trying to get instructions and using the Mac to do the flash. [12:35] It's so hard read on a mobile [12:36] *the Ubuntu boot repair didnt help* [12:36] Ups fat text... [12:40] Anyone...? [12:41] MiSix, can you upload a photo of the failure to boot? [12:43] I'm in the MX-Linux boot menu now. But it freezes in 'hp' black screen. And this morning said [OK] Finished Terminate Plymouth... [12:43] .. Boot Screen [12:45] You don't have kubuntu? [12:46] If kubuntu says "finished terminate plymouth", then it's not a grub/boot-repair issue [12:46] Yes, Kubuntu. Ran LIVE-USB Ubuntu boot repair [12:46] It could be a graphics issue, that's why I ask for a photo [12:47] Right now in MX-Linux to do a boot repair from there. Found pic try upload now [12:48] Upload a picture of the kubuntu boot failure, not from mx linux [12:48] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/f54756bf98069497b4c4c65ebf2c5ba2/IMG_20210731_114639.jpg [12:49] When it boots, do you see the grub menu? Can you press "e" there to edit entries? [12:50] If so, try to locate and remove the "quiet splash" words, so that you see more error and progress messages [12:50] Pic from after a night of rest. In the evening, after three live USB boot repairs all w a fail message the same old hp black screen as now [12:51] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/c790204c9c07e33710b9202aacf4ae30/16277358446993889637830078459725.jpg [12:52] So you don't see the grub menu anymore? E.g. you can't do this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu [12:52] I see nothing before the 'hp' [12:52] What about if you keep left shift pressed down? [12:53] Btw was it working in the past, or that's your first installation attempt? [12:53] Nothing. Same screen. F10gets me to bios [12:54] Was it working in the past? What happened that broke it? [12:55] It has been working for months. No updates or anything that my kid knows of. He shut it down correctly, in the morning it wouldn't start... [12:56] OK so I would guess that security updates were installed and then you had kernel/graphics issues and now after boot-repair you completely destroyed the boot entries :D [12:57] If you want help with screen sharing, boot with a live cd, and run: sudo apt install x11vnc; x11vnc -connect alkisg.ltsp.org [12:57] Otherwise I would suggest that you reinstall as it sounds too broken for your skill level [12:58] Order of things: HP screen freeze, boot repairs, hp screen freeze, night, Plymouth message screen. Now hp screen freeze again. [12:59] I would love help. He's got his favorite game on there with progress he'll lose [13:00] But I'll need to redo the live USB, cause it has MX on it now... [13:00] Doing that now [13:02] The live cd doesn't matter, it can be mx [13:02] What do I do now...? [13:03] Boot with any live cd and run: sudo apt install -y x11vnc; x11vnc -connect alkisg.ltsp.org [13:04] This shares your screen with me [13:04] Btw that's a mac? [13:04] Or a normal pc? [13:04] Pc [13:04] OK [13:06] Wait i also need to get internet hang on... [13:09] Struggling to find the Bluetooth right now... [13:10] Ok typing [13:13] Unable to locate package x11vnc [13:13] on a live iso; sudo apt update # to get lists [13:13] sudo add-apt-repository universe [13:13] Then try again [13:13] No internet... Wait [13:14] then the command... maybe this is the problem with your attempt with bootrepair too... [13:14] sudo apt update && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair [13:15] Yesterday I got internet connection via Bluetooth and could get the files etc. Now it just says error all the way.. [13:16] Try to use usb tethering [13:16] *from your phone [13:17] (if you don't have wired lan) [13:17] heh? Bluetooth doesn't provide a internet connection afaik or am i mistaken. [13:18] I got disconnected wanted to go to wifi on my phone to see if thar made any difference. The Ubuntu live does not have wifi and I don't have a la [13:18] Yes Bluetooth tethering... [13:18] ah, ok [13:18] I think, I only tried it yesterday and could get search results from the browser so yes Im sure it worked. [13:19] Can you help get the wifi up? [13:19] Try to connect your phone via usb to your pc, then enable usb tethering [13:22] https://support.google.com/android/answer/9059108?hl=en#zippy=%2Ctether-by-usb-cable [13:28] So usb tether ok. There is internet. I tried to connect to you. Error. Tried the Universe one all components already enabled [13:30] Do you have x11vnc installed now? [13:30] E: unable to locate package [13:30] What was the error that you saw? [13:31] Does this work? sudo apt update [13:32] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/52fa4a9261ee1f04c8fd70af3b5e080e/16277383185271891705486643652673.jpg [13:32] No. [13:33] That means your internet isn't working [13:35] Tethering stopper trying again now [13:37] X11vnc didn't work, but suxo apt update did [13:38] 332 packages [13:38] Now try: sudo add-apt-repository universe [13:38] Then: sudo apt install x11vnc [13:39] Processing 97% [13:40] Ok done [13:41] Then: x11vnc -connect alkisg.ltsp.org [13:46] I think that the initial reason for the black screen were the nvidia drivers and/or half updates [13:46] I'll update fully and reinstall grub properly [13:46] And we'll see how it goes [13:47] Ok [13:50] While running boot-repair, you had booted into BIOS mode instead of UEFI, so it also broke grub for you, it installed grub-pc [13:51] Should I remove the USB? [13:52] Rebooted, remove the usb stick and see how it goes [13:53] It started [13:53] !! [13:53] Problem solved? [13:53] Ok. Wow. Thanks. [13:53] Yes! [13:53] See, linux has free technicians :D [13:54] This is crazy I want to buy you a tree or something! [13:55] Haha, I would really prefer it from a beer :) [13:55] Are you Swedish? Your Nic... [13:56] Trees are the best. Except for Linux ppl:) [13:57] Nah, I'm Greek [13:57] In greek, alkis is related to strength; in german, it's related to drunk people. Not sure about swedish :) [13:58] Yes alkohol. Strength is clearly healthier... [13:59] Well. Thank you. SOOO much [14:01] I will plant a tree for you. Good deeds and good karma. [14:01] !cookie | alkisg [14:01] alkisg: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [14:02] oerheks: thanks! I got a melon instead, being summer and all... :D [14:02] (wow that was a big lag between matrix and irc, maybe 5 minutes...) [14:03] MiSix: that's the best reward, a tree planted for me! Cheers! [14:03] 🍀🙏 [15:17] Hi all [18:25] with the compositor, with using OGl 2 or 3, transparency doesn't work for certain things (krunner or widgets for example), but with xrender it does [18:26] but with xrender I get tearing === alban is now known as m3fisto