[02:47] hi === [Pokey] is now known as Pokey [14:19] hi [14:20] Iam new to Lubuntu, looking for pitfalls ;) [14:23] ...nothing found atm :) [14:24] 21.04 feels very robust [16:27] metron: good. :) let us know if you run into something that doesn't seem to work. ;) [16:28] (and where you seek help with fixing it) [16:32] @tomreyn: there is no sound atm [16:33] @tomreyn: let me check yt [16:35] @tomreyn: audio works for browser [16:35] but i cant hear ogg files [16:35] well if it works there, then it seems to work generally [16:35] maybe you're lacking some software to handle ogg files [16:36] which player are you using? [16:37] I use qaussel irc and have no audio work support [16:37] what's "audio work support"? [16:38] is quassel supposedly playing ogg files? [16:38] @tomreyn: It seems that quassel irc support ogg files [16:38] @tomreyn: or somthng is missing [16:38] try playing those ogg files with an actual audio player first of all [16:40] @tomreyn: ok, let me look for some [16:40] libogg0 will need to be installed, but probably that's just part of what you're missing [16:43] likely also gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-base [16:44] and gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-libav [16:47] @tomreyn: ok, vlc player supports oga files hmm [16:55] @tomreyn: the problem I guess, is that quassel use message files that cannot be found atm [16:55] i see [16:56] @tomreyn: I've changed message signal to oga file at /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo [16:56] i'm not familiar enough with quassel that i'd know how to fix this, though [16:57] @tomreyn: no prob, can you send me plz a private message to check that konfig for quassel ? [17:24] why where can I find my vim default config after installation? [17:24] -why [17:26] [telegram] It should be ~/.vimrc (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) why where can I find my vim default config after installation?) [18:04] @lubot_: I wrote my own .vimrc but arrow-keys want work ... :( is there a vimrc in /etc ? [18:08] [telegram] There is but it should use the one in your $HOME directory. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) @lubot_: I wrote my own .vimrc but arrow-keys want work ... :( is there a vimrc in /etc ?) [18:16] @lubot_: I still can't use arrow-keys in Insert mode [18:17] @lubot_: I guess thats an old vi config in background [18:23] The reason for this beaviour: vim.basic was installed by default :( [18:23] vim.basic = no arrow-keys while Insert mode [18:24] [telegram] Hmm, my arrow keys work and I didn't do anything to enable it. [18:29] ok, get the solution: "set nocompatible" in my .vimrc will work. :) [18:44] have to leave, brb