
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-desktop-installer16:50
ubottuPackage ubuntu-desktop-installer does not exist in hirsute16:50
lotuspsychjebot needs a point to impish prob?16:54
oerheks!info ubuntu-desktop16:54
ubottuubuntu-desktop (1.469, hirsute): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Built by ubuntu-meta. Size 3 kB / 52 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el.)16:54
oerheks!info ubuntu-desktop impish16:54
ubottuubuntu-desktop (1.471, impish): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Built by ubuntu-meta. Size 3 kB / 52 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el.)16:54
lotuspsychjeoerheks: its the new flutter installer package im after16:55
tomreynto be fair, it's still pretty early17:19
lotuspsychjeyeah we gonna have to patient a bit more17:19
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy

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